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Quantum computing

Quantum computing is an impending technology that offers a huge potential for societal and business disruption. However, quantum computers work in a fundamentally different way than classical computers, and utilizing them requires a deep understanding of the underlying quantum-physical principles and how these can be used to rethink how algorithms are designed.

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What do we do?

Some years ago, our group started spearheading the industrial use of quantum computing.  Through the radical innovation project NeQst, we seek to develop quantum optimization methods for industry, and in the spin-off QC4DS project, we look at problems for the defence sector. We also participate in the NordIQuEst project, aiming to provide a quantum computing platform customised to the needs of the Nordic region. Last, but not least, we lead the Gemini Center on Quantum Computing, a national initiative to mobilize awareness and interest in Norway and start building the necessary expertise for the nation to be “quantum ready” when the technology becomes a commerical reality for widespread adoption.


Gemini Center on Quantum Computing
Preparing for the quantum revolution


Open Quantum Computing

Open Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that has a very disruptive power. The first generation of quantum computers that is expected within the next five years, will be so-called noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. Open Quantum...


Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing


At SINTEF we have a strategic project to investigate the possibilities and application areas of quantum computers to solve practically relevant problems.