Change2Twin is an EU-project which supports manufacturing SMEs in their digitalization process by providing Digital Twin solutions to manufacturing SMEs.
The research of the Geometry Group is focused on algorithms and workflows for creating shape descriptions for efficient design, simulation, analysis and visualization. The work includes applied algebraic geometry, approximation theory, spline technology, big data technology and Cloud computing.
Change2Twin is an EU-project which supports manufacturing SMEs in their digitalization process by providing Digital Twin solutions to manufacturing SMEs.
PULSATE will create a Pan-European DIH Network to boost the adoption of laser based and advanced additive manufacturing technologies in SMEs through the uptake of advanced digital tools.
GRAPES is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN/ETN that aims at considerably advancing the state of the art in Mathematics, Computer-Aided Design, and Machine Learning in order to promote game changing approaches for generating, optimising, and learning 3D...
The focus of ANALYST is the combination of LR B-spline methods and AI addressing big data sets with a mathematical structure.
The objectives of Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing (CAxMan) are to establish Cloud based Toolboxes, Workflows and a One Stop-Shop for CAx-technologies supporting the design, simulation and process planning for Additive...
The research project CPS Plant will develop a framework for the Norwegian approach for the digital manufacturing industry. The consortium consists of 3 Norwegian industry partners, Norsk Hydro, Benteler Automotive and Hycast, and SINTEF Digital and...
Qmulus integrates the latest research results in data processing and visualization into a Cloud-based platform for solving important real-life challenges in geospatial applications
The objective is to produce tangible evidence of the applicability of Isogeometric representation and analysis by addressing four industrial Use Cases
VELaSSCO is a EC funded Project dealing with end-user visualization of Big Data
SINTEF Digital is a full member through the NATMIG consortium together with 18 other partners/consortia, approximately 80 partners including third parties.
Terrain data can have a very compact representation using LR B-spline surfaces. Large point clouds are approximated using either least squares approximation of LR-MBA (multiresolution B-spline approximation applied to LR B-spline surface). New degrees of freedom are iteratively added to the surface description where the approximation error is too large until some accuracy criteria are met.
The theory of Locally Refined (LR) B-splines offers a framework for local refinements on spline meshes of dimension 2 or higher. LR B-splines have much to contribute for practical deployment of isogeometric analysis in science and industry. Locally Refinable Splines over Box-Partitions published in CAGD click here.
Isogeometric Analysis aims at an efficient integration of CAD and FEM and uses the spline basis both for geometry description and for finite element analysis. A trivariate block structured spline model is appropriate for representing the geometry corresponding to the analysis at hand.
With the need for high-quality representations for isogeometric analysis, there is a renewed interest in exact parametrization techniques. We apply results from Laguerre and Isotropic geometry to construct exact rational parametrizations of, in particular, blends between primitive surface elements in Computer Aided Design.
Our focus within the challenges of big data is to establish workflows for processing big point clouds into compact representations suited for advanced processing and visualization. Our approach is to provide hybrid representations that have compact representation of the smooth components of the information (e.g., by LR B-splines) combined with other representation for local features. See the IQmulus and VELaSSCo below for more details
Computational geometry is the research field that relates to the shape, description, and properties of physical objects. SINTEF Oslo has been a key player in this field for five decades.
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Development of floating point based algorithms for algebraic geometry challenges facilitate industrial use.
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We have extensive experience with Scientific Visualisation. Our focus is mainly on correct rendering of geometry from higher order representations, necessary for visualising results from scientific computations.
GoTools isa collection of C++ libraries related to geometry targeting Computer Aided Design (CAD), Isogeometric Analysis (IgA) and big data approximation and analysis.
Over many years, SINTEF has developed many software libraries for computational geometry as part of research and industrial projects. These libraries are available under the GPL license.
SISL is a comprehensive NURBS library for the modeling and interrogation of curves and surfaces. It is implemented in C and has been under continuous development over three decades.
The main idea behind Isogeoemtric Analysis (IGA) is to improve the interoperability between design, i.e., Computer Aided Design (CAD) and analysis, i.e., Finite Element Method (FEM). To achieve this IGA use CAD mathematical primitives, i.e., splines...
Computational geometry is the research field that relates to the shape, description, and properties of physical objects. SINTEF Oslo has been a key player in this field for five decades.