The Center for Railway Certification
SINTEF is accredited by Norsk Akkreditering (PROD 031) for Directive (EU) 2016/797 regarding certification of control-command and signalling (CCS) according to modules CB, CD, CF, CH1, SB, SD, SF, SG, and SH1 described in Commission Decision 2010/713/EU. SINTEF is, based on this accreditation, also appointed as Notified Body (NoBo) for subsystems control-command and signalling (trackside and onboard) according to the EU directive (EU) 2016/797. As a Notified Body, SINTEF verifies compliance with requirements applicable to these subsystems within the technical specification for interoperability related to control-command and signalling of the rail system in the European Union (TSI CCS).

SINTEF offers the following services within the field system safety:
• Independent Safety Assessor (ISA)
• Assessment Body (AsBo)
• Notified Body (NoBo)
• Designated Body (DeBo)
More information regarding ISA, AsBo, NoBo and DeBo can be found here.
The Group System Safety also works on: