Gemini Centre on Internet of Things

The purpose of the GEMINI Centre is to effectively build a large Norwegian academic environment for Internet of Things (IoT) research and research driven innovation to address the IoT challenges in society and to contribute to new solutions that can increase value-creation and profitability for partners in industry as well as the public sector. There is a growing professional activity within the IoT in all participating organizations, as well as in businesses and governments, both nationally and internationally. The center will address the growing IoT market in general, and will especially emphasize technology development in relation to the needs of demanding industrial applications. Timely and secure access to IoT Infrastructure and IoT based services and data, and their utilization, are of interest to both the private and public sectors, as well as individuals, to support increased value creation, improved services, and to promote new development opportunities.
The partners involved in the Gemini Centre on IoT are:
- SINTEF Digital's departments for Sustainable Communication Technologies and Smart Sensor Systems.
- UiO's Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- NTNU's Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering
List of associated projects:
- ART (AI/ML for the management of Autonomous Resource-Constrained Things) -- NTNU
- AutoActive (Tools and Methods for Autonomous Analysis of Human Activities from Wearable Device Sensor Data) -- SINTEF
- ENACT (Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems) -- SINTEF
- DILUTE (Fluid Service Abstraction for Large-Scale Cloud IoT Systems) -- UiO
- IoTSec (Security in IoT for Smart Grids) -- UiO
- Productive4.0 (Digitalizing the European industry) -- SINTEF
- SCOTT (Secure Connected Trustable Things) -- UiO
- SINet (IoT in the Arctic with Unmanned Vehicles and Satellite support) -- NTNU
- SmartNEM (Smart Neighborhood Energy Management) -- UiO
Asscociated PhD-students
Meetings and Events
- Seminar on "Kunstig intelligens og personvern – fra fem ulike synsvinkler", 17/02/2022
- Webinar on "Det grønne tingenes internett: Hva er egentlig det?", 02/09/2021
- Gemini IoT PhD Workshop, 19/05/2021
- Gemini IoT IKTPLUSS Workshop, 25/03/2021
- Webinar on "Industri 4.0 – Hva kan vil lære av europeisk forskning?", 10/12/2020
- Webinar on "Personvernforordningen og tingenes internett: Lar de seg forene?", 02/06/2020
- IoT PhD-Seminar, 28/05/2020
- IKT-PLUSS Workshop at UiO, 28/11/2019
- Seminar on "Kvantedatamaskiner og tingenes internett" at UiO, 26/09/2019
- IoT PhD-Seminar, 15/05/2019
- Workshop on IKTPLUSS proposals at NTNU, 28/11/2018
- Seminar on "Tingenes internett og utvikling av sikre og smarte systemer", 25/10/2018
- PhD Workshop at NTNU, 20/06/2018
- Spring meeting at UiO, 06/04/2018
- Kickoff at SINTEF Oslo, 28/08/2017, 27 participants from SINTEF, UiO and NTNU
Ketil Stølen
Research Manager / Chief Scientist
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