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Gemini centre - Resilient critical infrastructures and societies - CERCIS

The purpose of this collaboration is to develop an organic research network within “Resilience” as area of research and field of practice.

About the logo: The three symbolises knowledge that evolves. The colours in the leaves symbolise diverse expertise and experience to improve knowledge and practice. Thanks to Marie Nilsen at NTNU for preparing the logo.
About the logo: The three symbolises knowledge that evolves. The colours in the leaves symbolise diverse expertise and experience to improve knowledge and practice. Thanks to Marie Nilsen at NTNU for preparing the logo.


What is in it for you?

The centre offers research-based solutions to design, operate and manage complex sociotechnical systems and organisations. Our work deals with revealing and enhancing resilience performance at micro-level (complex socio technical systems), meso (organisations) and macro (society). CERCIS activities are implemented around three focus areas resilient societies, resilient infrastructures and resilient digital societies.

Why resilience?

The concept of “resilience” has gained extreme popularity in many scientific areas such as societal, organisational, urban, city, personal, human, socio-technical and disaster research. As a field of research, resilience addresses the ability of systems, organisations and society to continue operations both under expected and unexpected situations (adapted from Hollnagel). This is a response to the increased of complexity, interdependencies across critical infrastructures and uncertainty posed by the emergence of disruptive technological innovations, climate change and changes in geopolitical structures.

Our work is transdisciplinary ….

Resilience is a transdisciplinary area of research that integrates social (e.g. sociology, psychology), formal (e.g. computer sciences) and applied sciences (e.g. engineering and technology). The centre will work at the intersection of technology (critical infrastructures, tools, ICT systems), formal structures (governance, organisation, responsibilities) and informal structures (social capital, trust, collaboration, power alliances). It will conduct transdisciplinary research and it will not conduct research based on a single discipline.

The centre will coordinate two arenas of cooperation a generic arena concerning advances in theory (societal, organisational and systems) and application arena (aviation, maritime, oil and gas, communication, safety and cybersecurity, autonomy, digitalization, smart cities).

Management team 

Lead: Ivonne Herrera (NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS) 

Co-lead: Kay Fjørtoft (SINTEF Ocean) 

Co-lead: Martina Ragosta (SINTEF Digital) 

Co-lead: Ivan Depina (NTNU) 

Partners and contacts

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


Faculty of Economics and Management

Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering


NTNU Samfunssforskning AS (NTNU Social Research) 




SINTEF Digital


SINTEF Energy Research

SINTEF Community

A network of networks

We actively contribute to the following associations and communities:

The Centre actively supports: