BattMo is an open source simulation code for continuum modelling of electrochemical devices written in Matlab and Julia
BattMo is an open source simulation code for continuum modelling of electrochemical devices written in Matlab and Julia
Over many years, SINTEF has developed many software libraries for computational geometry as part of research and industrial projects. These libraries are available under the GPL license.
GoTools isa collection of C++ libraries related to geometry targeting Computer Aided Design (CAD), Isogeometric Analysis (IgA) and big data approximation and analysis.
A GPU-accelerated simulation framework for running large ensembles of simplified ocean models for real-world domains.
Bringing together international top-level expertise in artificial intelligence and operational experts, SINTEF has developed the Integrated Runway Sequence Manager (IRSM). This solution plans arrival and departure flows as synchronised, integrated...
Our Invent software automatically produces optimised plans for maritime transportation of bulk commodities, while keeping storage levels for production and consumption within limits. Typical application areas are transportation of Liquefied Natural...
Experimental Julia framework for fully differentiable multiphysics simulators based on implicit finite-volume methods with automatic differentiation.
A free open-source community code for rapid prototyping of new methods for modelling and simulation of flow in porous media. Has a large user community from all over the world.
MRST-co2lab offers a set of open-source simulators and workflow tools that have been specially designed for the study of long-term, large-scale storage of CO2.