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SoS-Agile - Security of Science for Agile Software Development

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How hot does a firefighter get?

How hot does a firefighter get?

Firefighters do hard physical work while being exposed to great heat strain. Now we know more about what happens to their body temperature during a smoke dive.

Our breath holds more secrets than we realize

Our breath holds more secrets than we realize

SINTEF experts on microchip technology are working on a method to detect biomarkers in our breath and to miniaturize a monitoring device. The project can help to discover symptoms of COPD earlier and change the lives of millions of people suffering...

Deepfake is threatening trust in society

Deepfake is threatening trust in society

Will we be able to trust text and images in the future? Deepfake is being used not just for innocent fun, but also to influence voters in the world’s most powerful countries.


About SoS-Agile

The SoS-Agile project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council's IKTPLUSS program.The project is run by the Information Security group at the Department of Software Engineering, Safety and Security, SINTEF ICT.