SoS-Agile Partners
Industrial Partners
The case studies will be performed in close collaboration with two of SINTEF’s long-term partners: Fara and Telenor.
FARA is a leading supplier of intelligent transportation systems to the public transport sector. FARA deliver solutions and products providing real-time information to efficiently solve the different needs of the stakeholders in the sector. FARA offering includes fare collection, travel information, infotainment, fleet management and traffic management. FARA's intelligent and easy-to-use systems contribute to a more efficient transit service, increased quality and better safety. FARA has assisted more than 100 public transport operators in Europe and Africa in offering their users the benefit of better travel experiences.
Telenor Digital
Telenor Digital is a community within Telenor that exists to shape the company’s digital future. Working towards transitioning the Telenor Group into a leading Internet Telco. As the home of Telenor’s high-tech development house, Telenor Digital creates globally scalable solutions within next-generation communication services. Telenor Digital also enables global distribution of its own and third-party services and support new ventures within digital entrepreneurship. Telenor Digital's offices are located in Norway (HQ in Oslo and a team office in Trondheim) and in the Netherlands (Amsterdam). We also have several brilliant teammates located in all of our 13 markets in the Nordics, CEE and Asia.
Other companies
We have also worked with Lånekassen, Kongsberg Digital, Buypass, Visma and more.
National Research Partners
NTNU, Department of Computer Science (IDI)
IDI have approximately 120 employees in their academic, technical, and administrative staff. IDI puts emphasis on the importance of teaching and learning. IDI will be a significant player in research and innovation for the project. Together with IDI we will:
- Emphasize quality of doctoral and master training
- Exercise strategic research of high international quality including basic research and IT enabling technology for strategic areas
- Publish research results in prestigious conferences, journals and textbooks
- Promote research of outstanding quality.
International Research Partners
SoS-Agile will actively collaborate with several top international researchers who have broad expe-rience with the research challenges and research methods of the project. A key component of our international research strategy is to establish a framework and provide support for international co-operation among researchers.
Prof. Laurie Williams (North Carolina State University - NCSU)
Prof. Laurie Williams have been very active in a number of research topics, which are relevant to the project Science of Security for Agile Software Development. She is a co-director of the NCSU Science of Security Lablet. Her research focuses on software security particularly in relation to healthcare IT; agile software development practices and processes; software reliability, software testing and analysis; and broadening participation and increasing retention in computer science. Prof. Laurie Williams has more than 180 refereed publications. At NCSU approach the study of software security from the perspective of software engineering: how do we build secure software from the start? Thus, the primary focus of our software security research is in the prevention (or pre-release detection) of security vulnerabilities in software systems. The primary method for studying software security is empirical analysis.
Andreas Poller (Fraunhoher SIT)
The Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT is a leading expert for IT Security. It employs over 163 highly qualified employees covering all areas of IT security; they constitute the competency foundation for cross-technological services at the highest level. Fraunhofer SIT is active in projects for companies from all kinds of industris. It develops solutions for immediate use, tailored to the customers needs. Numerous successful projects carried out with international partners are resounding proof for trustful and reliable cooperation.
Dr. Edgar Weippl (Secure Business Austria - SBA)
SBA Research was founded in 2006 as a joint project of the Vienna University of Technology, Graz University of Technology and the University of Vienna. In the last years, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Austrian Institute of Technology and the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten joined the center as academic partners. Today, SBA Research is the largest research center for IT security in Austria and employs approximately 100 researchers. The four research areas of SBA Research encompass: (1) Organization and business processes, (2) Data security, (3) Software security and (4) Hardware and network security. The center has initiated numerous national projects and participates in several EU projects. SBA Research cooperates closely with internationally renowned research institutes, the public as well as the private sector. Currently it has 25 company partners ranging from small-sized enterprises to large-scale companies.
Dra Sabrina Marczak (PUCRS - Brazil)
Dra Sabrina is the Coordinator of the Dell/PUCRS Research Agreement in which we currently have six research projects in diverse Computer Science areas (e.g., Cloud Computing, Software Engineering). She is also the Lead Researcher of a Large-Scale Agile Development project. This project aims to identifying practices and mechanisms to ease a large-scale transformation to agile. More specifically, where they are concerned about providing solutions to bringing together IT, business, and operations during such transformation process; identifying how non-functional requirements (mainly security and performance) are handled throughout the life cycle; how to perform testing of non-functional requirements, among other aspects. The research group follows an empirical approach in their investigation.
Dr. Michael Felderer (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Dr. Michael Felderer is a senior researcher at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He holds a PhD and habilitation degree in computer science. His research interests are in the areas of software and security engineering. His main areas of expertise are software and security testing, software processes, requirements engineering as well as empirical software and security engineering. In general, his research has a strong empirical focus also using methods of data science and is directed towards development and evaluation of efficient and effective methods to facilitate and measure quality of software systems and processes. Dr. Felderer works in close collaboration with industry and transfers his research results into practice as a consultant and speaker on industrial conferences.
SoS-Agile will incentivize mutual mobility of researchers between Austria, Germany, US, Brazil and Norway, promoting lasting relationships with these successful research institutions.