Special Issue On Secure Software Engineering in DevOps and Agile Development
Special Issue On Secure Software Engineering in DevOps and Agile Development
Learn to Play Protection Poker like a shark!
Protecting organizations assets from malicious attackers is critical in today’s highly threatened environment. The threats landscape is continuously changing. Unfortunately, many organizations still lack an overview regarding what there developers...
Non-functional requirements define the overall qualities or attributes of a system. Although important, they are often neglected for many reasons, such as pressure of time and budget...
JiraSecPlugin - JIRA plugin is a simple to use plugin for classifying recorded issues as security related or not. It is based on artificial intelligence algorithms. By default, the plugin comes with a trained model built on a comprehensive set of...
Continuous Deployment has many advantages and challenges, Laurie Williams an Associate Department Head of Computer Science and a Professor in the Computer Science Department at North Carolina State University (NCSU) visited us at SINTEF talked about...
Taking the time to think about security in an agile development process can be difficult - but perhaps playing a game can help?
Going back to the roots: Guiding Principles for Software Security
Security testing is a Challenge in agile Projects