Program and presentations
09:30 ‒ 10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00 ‒ 10:30 Welcome, HySafe,PRESLHY& SH2IFT(Project partners)
10:30 ‒ 11:05 Production, transport and handling of LH2: Safety issues and knowledge gaps (L. Bernard, Air Liquide)
11:05 ‒ 11:25 Refreshments
11:25 ‒ 11:45 SH2IFT ‒ Update on planned LH2BLEVE and LH2RPT experiments (K. v. Wingerden& M. N. Holme, Gexcon)
11:45 ‒ 12:05 SH2IFT ‒ Invitation to blind-prediction benchmark exercise on jet fires (R. Stølen, RISE Fire Research)
12:05 ‒ 12:25 Overview of results from PRESLHY (general, strategy, connected work) ‒ (T. Jordan KIT)
12:25 ‒ 13:00 Invited talk –Quantitative risk assessment of LH2 systems: data and model needs (E. Hecht, SANDIA)
13:00 ‒ 14:00 Lunch
14:00 ‒ 14:15 PRESLHY ‒ Release and distribution (A. Venetsanos, NCSRD)
14:15 ‒ 14:30 PRESLHY ‒ Ignition (S. Hawksworth or S. Coldrick, HSL -TBC)
14:30 ‒ 14:45 PRESLHY ‒ Combustion (M. Kuznetsov, KIT)
14:45 ‒ 15:00 PRESLHY ‒ Expected impact and dissemination routes of outcomes (D. Cirrone, UU )
15:00 ‒ 15:20 Refreshments
15:20 ‒ 15:40 Industry perspective ‒ Large scale LH2supply chain project & H2gas turbine demonstration (K. Morimoto, Kawasaki HI)
15:40 ‒ 16:00 Industry perspective ‒ MAN Cryomarine liquid hydrogen fuel gas system (K. Lorentsson, MAN Cryo)
16:00 ‒ 16:20 Industry perspective ‒ World's first hydrogen electric car ferry –driven by LH2 (I. Østvik, Norled)
16:20 ‒ 16:40 Industry perspective ‒ Liquid hydrogen bunker vessel (M. Bøhlerengen, Moss Maritime)
16:40 ‒ 17:00 Q&A and panel discussion -Safe introduction of LH2: Challenges, bottlenecks, regulations and public acceptance