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Webinar: Energy efficiency-ing - How an energy efficient world is produced through practices, objects, rhetoric, and politics

Welcome to this HighEFF webinar where Researcher Jens Petter Johansen will give a talk based on his PhD dissertation.


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Presenter: Jens Petter Johansen, NTNU Social Research

Being a sociologist in the energy efficiency domain has sometimes felt like the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – travelling an unfamiliar technical world on the search for questions as well as meanings. This presentation sums up the book (Jens Petter Johansen’s PhD project and defense). While the word energy efficiency-ing doesn’t roll of the tongue – it is a direct translation of the Norwegian word ‘energieffektivisering’ – where the ing-form points to a process rather than a measurement. The presentation discusses the implications of moving from a technical understanding of energy efficiency as a measurement or technical quality, to denoting the work of a multitude of actors in developing and implementing technologies, how efficiency becomes represented in numbers and models, and how these are applied rhetorically and politically in the policy domain. How can such an understanding aid us in moving towards a more energy efficient world, but also what questions relevant for sustainability transitions might fall out of the energy efficiency problem frame?

The webinars will be open to all HighEFF consortium members.

Presenter and title for each presentation will be updated in the calendar invitation prior to each webinar, and on this webpage.

We encourage you to make use of this opportunity to learn and discuss on energy efficiency related topics with colleagues across the Centre!

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