The workshops is by invitation only, and the target groups are academia and industry working in the following fields: composite production, application-oriented composites, glass fiber and fabric producers, wind blade, material manufacturers, interest in damage tolerance materials.
The DACOMAT consortium has through the last four years developed materials and methods to foster development and deployment of damage tolerant and damage controlled composite materials and structures. In this workshop the major developments in the DACOMAT project and their possible exploitation will be presented and discussed. We invite experts and stakeholders from the whole composite value chain (materials, design, production, operation, lifetime management) to join this workshop to learn about our work and discuss further developments and requirements, to enable full realization and deployment of damage tolerant composite materials and structures.
If you would like to join, please contact or Jens Kjær Jørgensen
Considering the corona situation, the workshop could be changed to a virtual workshop. In case of a change, the participants will be contacted.
Preliminary agenda
- Opportunities and challenges of damage tolerant composites - Jens Kjær Jørgensen – SINTEF
- Overall presentation of Demonstrators and their interest for the business - Jesús Sánchez de Ibargüen Mesa – Airtificial, Jeppe Jorgensen - LM Wind Power
- DACOMAT vs. reference material (differences in behavior) - Bent Sørensen - DTU
- Mechanisms leading to the DACOMAT material properties - Bent Sørensen - DTU
- Use of the material in the demonstrators - Reidar Kvale Joki - JOKI Engineering, Jeppe Jorgensen - LM Wind Power
- Guidelines and damage control - Philippe Noury – DNV, Bent Sørensen - DTU
- Detection of damage growth, repair damage - Alfredo Guemes – UPM, Callum Hill - JCH
- Potential other applications - Jens Kjær Jørgensen – SINTEF
- General Q&A session - Jens Kjær Jørgensen – SINTEF
For more information about the project, see the website