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Workshop on Thermal Energy Storage for industry, buildings and marine applications

SINTEF will arrange a TES workshop to gather researchers and stakeholders interested in the topic. Applications and opportunities for different TES technologies will be presented and discussed, from low to high temperatures and for applications in industry, buildings and marine sectors.


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The TES workshop will be organized as a hybrid event and is facilitated by the research projects FME HighEFF, KSP PCM-STORE, KSP CruiZE, KPN CoolFish & FME ZEN.

Welcome and check-in

Introduction to TES workshop 2022 –Alexis Sevault (SINTEF Energy Research)

09:00 Part 1: Low temperature TES

  • Intro: How TES could benefit cold industrial processes –Kristina Norne Widell (SINTEF Ocean)
  • Two concrete cases from KSP PCM-STORE: dairy and poultry processing –Håkon Selvnes (SINTEF Energy Research)
  • From thermosyphon TES to ultra-low TES: CO2as a TES enabler –Mahmood Joybari (NTNU)
  • From internal project to PCM-TES commercialisation: the CarTESianapproach –Alexis Sevault (SINTEF Energy Research)
  • Thermal storage for refrigeration applications: now or never –Denis Leducq(INRAE, France)

10:15 Coffee break

10:30 Part 2: Medium and high temperature TES

  • Intro: White paper on industrial TEShighlighting the new era for thermal storage–Hanne Kauko (SINTEF Energy Research)
  • Operational results and lesson learnt from the TES facilities at Yara Porsgrunn(Norway) –Christopher Greiner (EnergyNest)
  • Results from the demo 200-kWh heat storage using bio-based PCM in ZEB Lab –Jorge Salgado-Beceiro (SINTEF Energy Research)
  • ETES –Electro-Thermal Energy Storage by MAN Energy Solutions –Emmanuel Jacquemoud (MAN Energy Solutions, Switzerland)
  • Testing of an industrial PCM heat storage using adipic acid-graphite –Herbert Zondag (TNO, Netherlands)
  • A commercial PCM-based heat storage solution for domestic applications –Remo Waser (COWA Thermal Solutions)

12:00 Lunch (Hegstad& Blakstad, Nina-huset)

13:10 Part 3: TES in a broader perspective

  • Perspectives after a decade of R&D on TES in Switzerland –Jörg Worlitschek (Lucerne University of Applied Science, Switzerland)
  • Simulation of large-scale thermal storage in underground fractured open systems: an industrial real case –Odd Andersen(SINTEF Digital)
  • Bringing smart hot water tanks to Norwegian homes –Reidar Olsen (Høiax)
  • Maritime applications –examples from industry and research –Cecilia Gabrielii (SINTEF Energy Research)

14:20 Coffee break

14:40 Part 4: Tackling TES at lower TRL

  • Direct Contact Latent Heat Storage: Concept and Challenges–Halvard Thon (SINTEF Industry)
  • Model Predictive Control (MPC) for TES systems & EU project ComBioTES–Aneesh Chandra Nunna (DTU -Denmark)
  • Thermochemical storage: The next generation thermal batteries?–Ragnhild Sæterli (SINTEF Energy Research)
  • A window into the complex phase transitions of PCMs –in situ synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction–Julian Walker (NTNU)
  • Thermal transport & phase-change properties from first-principles -made feasible with machine learning –Kristian Berland(NMBU)

15:55 Wrap-up

16:00 End of TES Workshop 2022

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Strindvegen 4, Trondheim