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NCCS at Researcher’s Night 2023

SINTEF Research Scientist Ingrid Snustad will present at this year’s Researchers’ Night at NTNU.


Realfagbygget at Gløshaugen, NTNU
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Entitled Hvordan kan vi kutte CO₂-utslipp?  (“How can we cut CO₂ emissions?”), Ingrid’s presentation will focus on her work to develop technologies that can reduce the amount of CO₂ in our atmosphere.

CO₂ has many uses, and plants need CO₂ in order to grow. However, too much CO₂ in the atmosphere is the main driver of climate change. In Norway, a project is underway that aims to capture CO₂ from cement and rubbish to be stored under the North Sea – but will it work?

Researchers’ Night (“ungdommens forskernatt”) is an annual event for pupils and teachers at upper secondary schools and folk high schools in the Trønderlag region.

Ingrid Snustad at Energy Valley's Children's mini conference. Image: Linea Bancel, Energy Valley
Ingrid Snustad at Energy Valley's Children's mini conference. Image: Linea Bancel, Energy Valley

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