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The North Sea – a powerhouse for Offshore Wind

IEA Energy Outlook, REpower EU, and the Oostende-declaration all point to offshore wind when Europe and the world are looking for new renewable energy sources to deliver on the green energy transition.


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 Offshore wind is an opportunity to develop large renewable generation and it is an opportunity to develop a large supply industry with substantial global exports. In the Oostende-declaration, the North Sea Countries are stating a joint goal to install 300 GW of offshore wind by 2050. Offshore wind will then move from being a marginal part of the energy system, to becoming one of its pillars, supplying about one third of the electricity in Europe by 2050. To meet this target, cooperation is the only way forward.

Read the event's discussion paper


This event in Amsterdam is an invitation to collaborate to secure offshore wind development. The agenda before lunch is prepared by the Norwegian Embassies in Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, together with the Norwegian research institute, SINTEF. After lunch, the agenda is prepared jointly with the European wind energy research alliance (EERA JP wind) and the industry driven European Technology and Innovation forum on wind energy (ETIP wind).

The event will gather businesses, government, and research communities. The planned outcome of the event is to 1) strengthen the collaboration on offshore wind between Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway, 2) pinpoint key challenges and opportunities to reach their offshore wind targets, and 3) begin the groundwork to establish a European Centre of Excellence (ECoE) on research and innovation.

Exclusive pre-meeting

  • 0930: Welcome
    Bård Ivar Svendsen, Norway’s Ambassador to the Netherlands
    Nils Anders Røkke, Executive Vice President Sustainability, SINTEF
  • 0940: The Netherlands and North Sea Energy Cooperation
    Jim van Keulen, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, The Netherlands
  • 0950: Roundtable discussion: National ambitions, strengths, and contributions
    Moderator: Rene Peters, TNO
    • Jim van Keulen, Senior Advisor Offshore Wind, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, The Netherlands
    • William Christensen, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
    • Bertel Dons Christensen, Head of Department, Ministry of Climate-, Energy- and Utilities, Denmark
    • Lieve Jorens, Advisor on offshore wind, cabinet of Tinne Van der Straeten, Federal Minister of Energy, Belgium
    • Dr. Niels Anger, Head of Unit (acting), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany

Set-up: Short pitches (5 min each) followed by moderated discussion on how to increase collaboration on research and innovation, grid infrastructure, technology development, standardization, and regulation to succeed with the Offshore Wind development in the North Sea.

  • 1030: Status of implementation and the future of offshore wind, Tore Guldbrandsøy, Rystad Energy
  • 1040: Roundtable with industry: Challenges and opportunities
    Moderator: Jon Dugstad, Director Offshore Wind, Norwegian Energy Partners
    • Aart Schreij, Equinor
    • Joachim Lind Koefoed, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
    • Aidan Cronin, Siemens Energy
    • Margriet Rouhof, TenneT
    • Bas Nekman, DEME Offshore
    • Arya Fazilat, 50Hertz

Set-up: Short pitches (5 min each) followed by moderated discussion on challenges and opportunities on how to reach the ambitions for offshore wind development in the North Sea, addressing collaboration on research and innovation, grid infrastructure, technology development, standardization, and regulation.

  • 1130: Final remarks
    Jon Dugstad, NORWEP and Nils Røkke, SINTEF

1145-1230: Lunch

EERA JP Wind Innovation Forum

Open forum; full programme at

  • 1230: Opening
    JP Wind achievements and goals: Ignacio Marti Perez, DTU
    ETIPWind Chair: Adrian Timbus, Hitachi
    European Commission: Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director of Clean Planet, DG RTD
  • 1315: Sustainable development (moderated by Peter Eecen, TNO)
    • Jacob Edmonds, Ørsted
    • Vibeke Stærkebye Nørstebø, SINTEF Ocean
    • Panel discussion: Jacob Edmonds (Ørsted), Vibeke Nøstebø (SINTEF), Lena Kitzing (DTU) and Pål Coldevin (RWE)

1400: Break

  • 1430: The future offshore grid (moderated by Tuhfe Göçmen, DTU)
    • Alan Croes, TenneT
    • Jacob Østergaard, DTU
    • Panel discussion: Alan Croes (Tennet), Jacob Østergaard (DTU), Adrian Timbus (Hitachi), Nenad Keseric (Statnet) and Dirk van Hertem (KU Leuven)
  • 1515: Floating wind technology (moderated by Arno van Wingerde, Fraunhofer)
    • Hanne Wigum, Equinor
    • John Olav Tande, SINTEF
    • Panel discussion: Hanne Wigum (Equinor), John Olav Tande (SINTEF), Aidan Cronin (Siemens) and Paul McKeever (ORE Catapult)

1600: Break

  • 1630: European Centre of Excellence
    • Presentation of the concept
    • Signature of Memorandum of Understanding
  • 1700: Award ceremony for Peter Hauge Madsen, DTU
  • 1730: End of programme

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