The Gemini Center on TES, formed by SINTEF and NTNU, will arrange a TES Workshop to gather researchers and stakeholders interested in the technology. Applications and opportunities for different types of TES (from low to high TRL) will be presented and discussed by relevant speakers from both research and industry, ranging from low to high temperatures and applications at industry, building and marine sectors.
Thursday, 30 November
12:30 Coffee and registration
13:00 Welcome and introduction
- Welcome by Gemini Centre TES coordinator – Ragnhild Sæterli, SINTEF
- Whitepaper: Industrial TES by Hanne Kauko, SINTEF
13:30 TES Demo Cases
- Håkon Selvnes, SINTEF – NEIC TES-AC: Piloting cold TES for flexibility in supermarket refrigeration systems
- Nils Høivik, EnergyNest, and Michiel Carbo, YARA – Industrial experience with thermal battery
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Approaching higher TRL (part 1)
- Ashaleigh Robinson, Spirax Sarco – SteamBattery: decarbonisation in a flash
- Breogán Pato, CIIAE – The Iberian research centre focused on energy storage
- Silvia Trevisan, KTH – Heating the Way Forward: Empowering Net-Zero Heat Generation with TES
16:00 Welcome drink at Kjelhuset
17:00 Dinner at Kjelhuset
Friday, 1 December
08:30 Registration
08:45 Approaching higher TRL (part 2)
- Alexis Sevault, Cartesian – Cartesian: an innovative PCM-based TES tech for flexible buildings and industry processes
- Kristina Norne, SINTEF – TES in the food cold chain
- Herbert Zondag, TNO – An overview of TNO industrial heat storage research
- Andrea Gutiérrez, DLR – High temperature LH-TES for efficient integration of waste heat and RE in industrial processes
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Innovative TES materials
- Julian Walker, NTNU – Feasibility investigations of commercial solid state phase change material Pentaerythritol
- Martin Fossen, SINTEF – Why aren't gas hydrates used more? And what can we do about it?
- Helena Navarro, UiB – Thermochemical energy storage materials: current development, future trends, and opportunities
11:30 Lunch at Kjelhuset
12:45 Modelling and Predictive Control
- Laurent Georges, NTNU – Using the existing building thermal mass energy as energy storage using advanced predictive control
- Natasa Nord, NTNU – Predictive control for enhanced use of TES: examples and new projects
- Olav Galteland, SINTEF – Analysis of the energy efficiency of the ZEB-lab 200 kWh latent heat storage pilot
13:45 Conclusion – Ragnhild Sæterli
Register now
There are still some spots available for in-person participation – these will be filled on a first come first serve basis, so don't delay. It is also possible to register for online participation. Registration is free of charge.