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Webinar: Dynamic models, cost-effective installation, regulatory framework and impact assessments

Get up to date with the work of NorthWind’s PhD students’ work at this webinar.


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This time the presentations focus on Impact assessments, dynamic models for structural design, safe and costeffectiv installation and regulatory framwork for offshore grid.

This event is in Norwegian.


  • 09:00 Welcome – Inger Marie Malvik
  • 09:05 Impact assessments of wind power plants – Gullik-André Fjordbo, UiO
  • 09:20 Questions
  • 09:25 Multiscale/-fidelity wind turbine dynamics models for structural design and control – Veronica Liverud Krathe, NTNU
  • 09:40 Questions
  • 09:45 The regulatory framework for the development of offshore grid infrastructure in the North Sea, primarily focusing on Norway – Ingvild Ånestad, UiO
  • 10:00 Questions
  • 10:05 An approach for safe and cost-effective installation of offshore wind power cables – Torfinn Ottesen, NTNU
  • 10:20 Questions
  • 10:25 Summing up

See the eventpage at NorthWind for registration.


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