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ERF2024 workshop: Actionable data with AI-based analytics in I&M robotics – Success stories from the industry and future R&D challenges

At the European Robotics Forum 2024, this workshop aims to explore the success stories, challenges, and strategies for bridging the gap between current challenges and the future advancement of AI-based analysis of robot-enabled data in the I&M industry.


Rimini, Italy
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A summary of the workshop, as well as the available presentations can be download from the I&M topic group at the euRobotics Robotics Portal (log in / registration required). Please join the I&M group on the portal to stay updated on the latest news and new events. 

Robot manipulators and unmanned vehicles are continuing to make their way into more and more applications within inspection and maintenance. These robots are generating a vast amount of data from the assets they are being deployed on. And the data can be vital in identifying maintenance needs and fully understand the condition of the assets. But the amount of data makes it tiresome, if not practically impossible, to manually process all the data being collected.

The industry has already started to investigate and to some extent deploy tools such as AI-based methods for automatic analysis of robot-enabled inspection data, but still many open challenges remain. To this end, we target the above-mentioned three main questions to investigate throughout the presentations and subsequent plenary discussions during the workshop.

The output from the workshop will include concrete actions to follow-up on the workshop learnings; and will be shared via the I&M topic group, the new topic group portal currently being established by euRobotics, a workshop website and euRobotics.

We will present and discuss:

  1. What are the success stories in achieving actionable data from deploying AI-based automatic analysis of robot-enabled inspection data in the I&M industry today?
  2. What are the challenges with identifying possible maintenance needs from AI-based analytics? E.g., regulatory, technological, data quality, acceptance of new technologies, new work methods, etc.
  3. How can we bridge the gap from today’s challenges to further increase the uptake of AI-based analytics of robot-enabled data in the I&M industry?


  • Short introduction by the organizers (Aksel Transeth, SINTEF).
  • A line-up of short presentations by the confirmed speakers (SMEs, large industry, RTO, sector organization, asset owners, technology providers, service providers). The speakers’ organizations are selected for presentation as they are all key players relevant for AI-based analytics in I&M robotics. Moreover, the organizations are at different stages of taking AI-based analytics into use and/or delivering technology and services based on such technology.
    Plenary discussion and open brainstorming addressing the three main questions for the workshops. The session will be moderated by A. Transeth.
  • Short summary and how to get involved further by A. Transeth.

Short presentations will be given by the following speakers:

  • Pablo de Porcellinis Pascau, Regulation expert and technical project leader, FuVeX, Service provider / SME, Application area: Power lines and electrical masts.
  • Svein Ivar Sagatun, Head of Autonomy, interoperability and robotics, Equinor, End user / Large Industry, Application area: Oil and gas.
  • Péter Trampus, Member, EFNDT, Sectorial organization , Application area: Non-Destructive Testing.
  • Michael Suppa, CEO, RoboCeption, Technology / Service provider / SME, Application area: Quality control in agile/flexible manufacturing.
  • Øystein Skotheim, CSO, ScoutDI, Technology provider / SME, Application area: Confined areas in maritime, water and other sectors.
  • Asbjørn Berge, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF, R&D provider / RTO, Application area: From R&D to commercial deployments.

The list of speakers may be subject to change without notice. This workshop is being organized by the euRobotics topic group on inspection and maintenance robotics. If you wish to join the topic group, then please contact .

Note that to participate in the workshop you need to be registered for the European Robotics Forum (ERF). To register for the ERF, please visit this site:


What is the European Robotics Forum (ERF)?

  • A conference and exhibition gathering the industry, public sector and research working on robotics, unmanned systems and AI in Europe.
  • The conference is a series of parallel workshops on different application areas and technologies relevant for robotics (e.g., inspection and maintenance, safety, innovation, agile production, software systems, etc.).

The organizers of this workshop are Aksel A. Transeth, Asbjørn Berge and Mariann Merz at SINTEF, and Ekkehard Zwicker at Waygate Technologies. Aksel and Ekkehard are the coordinators of the euRobotics topic group on I&M robotics. The preparations of the workshop has been supported by RIMA Alliance, the ADRA topic group on I&M,  SPRINT Robotics, the RINVE network and the Naine network. JARVIS, a 2024-started EU-funded project (101135708), is also contributing to the organization of the workshop. RIMA and RINVE promote robotics in inspection and maintenance, while RINVE and NAINE mobilize Norwegian companies to participate in EU calls. RINVE and NAINE have received funding from the Research Council of Norway (project numbers 328799 and 328788, respectively).

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Via della Fiera 23 – 47923 Rimini, Italy