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IEA Wind in Norway: News and status

Once again this year, we are holding a webinar about Norway’s involvement in IEA Wind, together with Norway’s TCP representative Ann Myhrer Østenby, from NVE.


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  • 12:00 Welcome

  • 12:05 News from IEA Wind TCP – Ann Myhrer Østenby, NVE

    (New tasks, Upcoming Technical Expert Meetings)

Updates on research tasks (15 min presentations, 5 min Q&A)

  • 12:15 Task 30 OC7 – Tor Anders Nygaard, IFE

  • 12:35 Task 34 WREN – Roel May, NINA

  • 12:55 Task 49 Integrated Design of Floating Wind Arrays (IDeA) – Konstanze Kölle, SINTEF

  • 13:15 Break (10 min)

Updates on research tasks, cont. (15 min presentations, 5 min Q&A)

  • 13:25 Task 54 Cold Climate Wind Power – Rolv Bredesen, Norconsult

New tasks with Operating Agents from Norway (15 min presentations, 5 min Q&A)

  • 13:45 Task 58 Offshore Energy Hubs – Konstanze Kölle, SINTEF

  • 14:05 Task 60 Harmonised LCA for Wind Power (CYCLEWIND) – Cristina Maria Iordan, SINTEF

  • 14:25 Concluding remarks – Ann Myhrer Østenby, NVE

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