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AI, data and robotics in Energy and Inspection & Maintenance

What are the opportunities and challenges with AI, data and robotics in the Energy sector and Inspection and Maintenance sector?


Brussels, Belgium
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The workshop is held in connection with an Adra event titled Future-Ready: On-Demand Solutions with AI, Data, and Robotics (ADR) (website), and will be used to gather feedback from the European community in Energy and Inspection & Maintenance (I&M), and AI, data and robotics, and initiate an ADR roadmapping process within these two sectors. 

The event is still open for registration for online participation via this link.

Preliminary workshop program (90-minute duration)

  • Introduction 
  • Opportunities and challenges with AI, Data and Robotics
    • Energy (Ricardo Bessa, INESC TEC)
    • Inspection and Maintenance (Aksel Transeth, SINTEF)
  • Open discussion on defining a "big ticket" each for the I&M and Energy topic group. 

The workshop sets the starting point for  identifying a “big-ticket”  for each of the topic groups that sets a dot on the horizon as an objective for the topic groups, Adra and the European ADR ecosystem. Then, we should elaborate a roadmap (to be integrated into Adra’s SRIDA) that will identify short, medium, and long-term challenges necessary for implementing the big-tickets.

We will produce a summary of the workshop and distribute this to Adra and the topic groups, and the wider community,

The workshop program is organized by the Adra topics groups on I&M and Energy, in collaboration with the euRobotics I&M topic group, the RIMA Alliance, Nemonoor, the JARVIS project, the NAINE network, and the RINVE network. Workshop program committee: Ricardo Bessa, INESC TEC, Michael Belsnes, SINTEF, Thomas Vögele, DFKI, Ebert van Vonderen, TUKE, and Aksel A. Transeth, SINTEF. 

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Rue Ravenstein 60, Bruxelles, 1000 Belgium