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DREAM conference and celebration 2024

Welcome to the DREAM conference and celebration 2024.


Scandic Lerkendal, Trondheim
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NB! The programme may be subject to change

09:00–10:00: Registration, coffee, and mingling 

 10:00–10:15: Welcome and introduction 

 10:15–11:45: Part A – Building (the) DREAM 

  • Research history and motivation for DREAM and EIF – Ståle Johnsen 
  • DREAM experimental programme - Tone Karin Frost & NORCE (TBC) 
  • Body-burden based modelling and the EIF concept – Chris Karman (TBC) & Mathijs Smit 

 11:45–12:45: Lunch 

 12:45– 15:00: Part B – Living (the) DREAM 

  • Added new capabilities; EIF Drilling, DREAM EIF Coastal & DREAM Charter - Ute Brönner et al. 
  • DREAM Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment – Grethe K.-E. (TBC)
  • Application of DREAM under the OSPAR RBA program achievements and challenges, international activities - Ute Brönner, Mathijs Smit & Tone Karin Frost 

 15:00–15:30: Coffee break

 15:30 – 17:00: Part C – DREAM on 

  • Body-burden based modelling v2.0; DREAM Mer – Raymond Nepstad  
  • Applying DREAM to brines and CCS – Paul Page (TBC)
  • DREAM as a service – Jørgen Skancke (TBC)
  • DREAM in the age of AI and digital twins – Ute Brönner & Tor Nordam 

 16:50 – 17:15: Discussion & closure 

Ca. 19:00 DINNER (by invitation, location TBC) 

Sunset on a beach.
Photo: Valentin Valkov/Shutterstock

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Klæbuveien 127, Trondheim