SINTEF expert list
All our expertise and research areas have dedicated contact persons. Get in touch for more information about how our experts can contribute to your project. We can also help the media with analysis and knowledge - search the expert list below.
- Earth electrode systems
- Eco-design of PV components
- Eco-friendly Demolishing and Recycling of Building Materials
- Electric and hybrid marine power systems
- Electric transport
- Electrical charging infrastructure
- Electrical distribution generation and prosumers
- Electrical energy conversion
- Electrical insulation systems and materials
- Electrolysis
- Electrotechnical computation
- Emissions and Environment
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- Energy flexibility in Buildings
- Energy systems analysis
- Energy use in buildings
- Environment, quality and food safety
- Environmental acoustics
- Environmental and system analyses/LCA
- Environmental Biotechnology and Microbiology
- Environmental consequences of renewable energy production
- Environmentally Friendly Transport
- Experience data
- Explainable AI
- Exploitation of solar heat