SINTEF expert list
All our expertise and research areas have dedicated contact persons. Get in touch for more information about how our experts can contribute to your project. We can also help the media with analysis and knowledge - search the expert list below.
- Machine learning
- Machine learning in the loop
- Management of water and sewer infrastructure
- Marine biotechnology
- Marine Biotechnology and bioprospecting
- Marine ICT
- Marine modelling
- Marine Operations for Installation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines
- Marine operations in aquaculture
- Maritime Energy Systems
- Maritime Transportation Systems
- Market based handling of imbalances
- Mass spectrometry and separation science in Biotechnology
- Material technology
- Materials and drilling technology
- Materials characterization
- Materials for wind energy
- Materials integrity
- Mathematical optimization
- Measurement of voltages and currents
- Mechanics and structural engineering
- Medical Sensors and BioMEMS
- Medical Software Development
- Medical Technology
- Metal-air batteries
- Metallurgy
- Micro Optics
- Microalgae production
- Microdosimetry
- Microgrids
- Minerals and raw materials
- Modelling of sustainable energy systems
- Modelling, analysis and artificial intelligence
- Models and tools for rock behaviour
- Modern Data Acquisition
- Monitoring and Modelling
- Mooring, Dynamic Positioning and Operations
- Motion Planning
- Multi-actor analysis and co-production of knowledge
- Multi-level governance analysis
- Multi-market planning
- Multiphase flow
- Multiscale Electrochemical Modelling and Simulation
- Multiscale reservoir simulation