As the Internet-of-Things (IoT) emerges, the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has grown, facilitating direct interactions with the physical environment. This change underscores the need for robust, secure, and resilient ICT systems. Our work is dedicated to crafting innovative approaches and tools, aimed at helping stakeholders in the design, governance, evaluation, and upkeep of secure, top-tier IoT-based systems. This effort includes delving into sophisticated AI strategies for software engineering and customizing these practices to bolster AI applications, with the goal of achieving efficiency, reliability, and the highest standards of safety, security, and privacy in these technologies.

Trustworthy Green IoT Software
Contact person
Research Areas
Through applied research in Software Engineering, we create new tools and methodologies for software development and operation of intelligent and trustworthy systems spanning across the IoT, edge, and cloud continuum with a particular focus on sustainability. We theorize, develop and apply methods and tools addressing these aspects, contributing together with our partners to a safer and better digital society. Our main research interests are as follows:
- Software Engineering: Focusing on the development of robust methodologies and practices to enhance the creation and maintenance of high-quality software systems.
- Cybersecurity: Specializing in the implementation of advanced security protocols and strategies to protect software systems from cyber threats.
- Software for Self-Adaptive Systems: Exploring the design and implementation of software capable of autonomously adapting to changing environments and requirements.
- Secure IoT Data Exchange: Assuring security and fostering confidence for IoT data sharing (aligned with standards) will enable secure data exchange between various parties along the IoT devices-Edge-Cloud computing continuum, the larger societal benefits of the IoT can be achieved.
- Data Quality: Develop software engineering and AI tools for data quality monitoring, metrics, and repair.
- Data Sovereignty: Researching acceptable use policies for data assets, privacy management, data economics, and establishing data sovereignty through federated data spaces. Data sovereignty enables an individual or an organization to control how, when, and at what price its data is used across the value chain.
- Smart IoT Software: Developing intelligent software solutions for IoT devices, emphasizing seamless integration and operational efficiency.
- Edge Computing: Researching the optimization of software for edge computing environments to enhance data processing and reduce latency.
- Privacy: Implementing trustworthiness methods to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of data within software systems.
- Security Risk Management: Applying comprehensive risk management frameworks to identify, assess, and mitigate security risks in software development and deployment.
- AI Engineering: Advancing the field of AI through the development of reliable and efficient AI systems, with a focus on integrating AI methodologies into software engineering practices and enhancing the trustworthiness of AI applications in terms of safety, privacy and security.
CORAS is supported by a modelling tool that may be used in all steps of the method. The tool is available for free at
Erdre is an ML pipeline for creating supervised learning models. The tool is primarily developed for AI-enabled Industrial Internet of Things, but it is applicable for any regression or classification case on tabular data or time series. The tool is available for free at github.
HORM is a modelling tool for the Human and Organizational Risk Modelling framework that aims at providing a comprehensible and easy to use framework for capturing risks ordinary people may be exposed to. The framework aims specifically to help SMEs in this task. The tool is available for free at
UDAVA is a data validation tool for AI-enabled Industrial Internet of Things applications. The tool is available for free at github.
Ongoing Projects
- CINELDI - Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution (Research Council of Norway project, 2016-2024)
- DYNABIC - Dynamic Business Continuity of Critical Infrastructures on top of Adaptive Multi-Level Cybersecurity (EU project, 2022-2025)
- ENFIELD - European Lighthouse to Manifest Trustworthy and Green AI (EU project, 2023-2026)
- ENTRUST - Ensuring Secure and Safe CMD Design with Zero TRUST Principles (EU project, 2023-2026)
- ERATOSTHENES - Secure management of IoT devices lifecycle through identities, trust and distributed ledgers (EU project, 2021-2025)
- INTEND - Intent-Based Data Operation in the Computing Continuum (EU project, 2024-2026)
- NEMECYS - New Medical Cybersecurity Assessment and Design Solutions (EU project, 2023-2025)
- Privacy@Edge - Privacy-aware Edge and Data Subjects (Research Council of Norway project, 2023-2027)
- SEC-AIRSPACE - Cyber SECurity Risk Assessment in virtualized AIRSPACE scenarios and stakeholders’ awareness of building resilient Air Traffic Management (EU SESAR Joint Undertaking project, 2023-2026)
- SMARAGD - Smart Agriculture Data Fusion for Decision Support (Research Council of Norway project, 2022-2024)
- TechDebtOps - Data-driven continuous management of technical debts for sustainable software development (Research Council of Norway project, 2023-2026)
- WAge - Healthy Working environments for all Ages: An evidence-driven framework (EU project, 2023-2027)
Completed Projects
- AGRA - Aggregated risk assessment and management (Research Council of Norway project, 2014-2018)
- ASAM - Message Services for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) (Research Council of Norway project, 2019-2022)
- AutoActive - Tools and Methods for Autonomous Analysis of Human Activities from Wearable Device Sensor Data (Research Council of Norway project, 2018)
- BlueHealthPass - E-health platform for the healthcare needs of the maritime sector (Innovation Norway project, 2020-2022)
- Cirrus - Custom Code for Multi-tenant Cloud Computing (Research Council of Norway project, 2016-2020)
- COBRA - Component-based security assessment (Research Council of Norway project, 2002)
- COMA - Component-oriented model-based security analysis (Research Council of Norway project, 2004-2007)
- CONCERTO - Guaranteed Component Assembly with Round Trip Analysis for Energy Efficient High-integrity Multi-core Systems (ARTEMIS/Research Council of Norway project, 2013-2016)
- CORAS - A tool-supported methodology for model-based risk analysis of security critical systems (EU project, 2001-2003)
- CyberKit4SME - Democratizing a Cybersecurity Toolkit for SMEs & MEs (EU project, 2020-2023)
- CyberSec4Europe - Cybersecurity Competence Network (EU project, 2019-2022)
- CYBERWISER - Civil Cyber Range Platform for a Novel Approach to Cybersecurity Threats Simulation and Professional Training (EU project, 2018-2021)
- DAT4.Zero - Data Reliability and Digitally-enhanced Quality Management for Zero Defect Manufacturing in Smart Factories and Ecosystems (EU project, 2020-2024)
- DIAMONDS - Effort-dependent technologies for multi-domain risk-based security testing (Research Council of Norway project, 2010-2014)
- DIGIT - Digital interoperability with trust (Research Council of Norway project, 2007-2010)
- DIVERSIFY - Ecology-Inspired Software Diversification (EU project, 2013-2016)
- DiversIoT - Diversification for Resilient and Trustworthy IoT-systems (Research Council of Norway project, 2016-2018)
- DRA - Dynamic Risk Assistant (Research Council of Norway project, 2012-2014)
- EMERGENCY - Mobile decision support in emergency situations (Research Council of Norway project, 2008-2012)
- EMFASE - Empirical Framework for Security Design and Economic Trade-Off (SESAR WP-E project, 2013-2016)
- ENACT - Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems (EU project, 2018-2020)
- ENFORCE - Tool supported methodology for the formalization, analysis and enforcement of policies within trust management (Research Council of Norway project, 2005-2009)
- FLEET - Fleet-Oriented Intelligent Operation of Large Scale Edge System (Research Council of Norway project, 2020-2024)
- FRISK - Framework for Risk Management of Welfare Services (SINTEF ICT project, 2012)
- HEADS - Heterogeneous and Distributed Systems (EU project, 2013-2016)
- InSecurance - Project on cyber-insurance and the economics of cybersecurity (SINTEF ICT project, 2015-2016)
- InterQ - Interlinked Process, Product and Data Quality framework for Zero-Defects Manufacturing (EU project, 2020-2023)
- iTrust - Working group on trust management in dynamic open systems (EU project, 2002-2005)
- MAsens - Mobile and autonomous sensor systems (SINTEF ICT project, 2015-2017)
- MASTER - Managing Assurance, Security and Trust for sERvices (EU project, 2008-2011)
- MC-Suite - ICT Powered Machining Software Suite (EU project, 2015-2018)
- MODAClouds - MOdel-Driven Approach for design and execution of applications on multiple Clouds (EU project, 2013-2015)
- NESSoS - Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems (EU project, 2010-2014)
- OTD - Open Transport Data (Research Council of Norway project, 2016-2019)
- PaaSage - PaaSage: Model Based Cloud Platform Upperware (EU project, 2012-2016)
- PrivacyAssessment@SmartCity - Enabling Real-Time Privacy-Awareness of Smart City Providers and Users (SINTEF ICT project, 2016-2017)
- Productive 4.0 - Electronics and ICT as enabler for digital industry and optimized supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle (EU project, 2017-2020)
- RASEN - Compositional Risk Assessment and Security Testing of Networked Systems (EU project, 2012-2015)
- REMICS - Reuse and Migration of legacy applications to Interoperable Cloud Services (EU project, 2010-2013)
- S3MS - Security of Software and Service for Mobile Systems (EU project, 2006-2008)
- SARDAS - Securing availability by robust design, assessment and specification (Research Council of Norway project, 2003-2006)
- SecureChange - Security Engineering for Lifelong Evolvable Systems (EU project, 2009-2012)
- SecureGrid - Cybersecurity Roadmap for the Future Digitalized Grid (Industry Project, 2019-2020)
- SECURIS - Model-driven development and analysis of secure information systems (Research Council of Norway project, 2003-2006)
- STAMP - Software Testing AMPlification (EU project, 2016-2019)
- TrustCom - A trust and contract management framework enabling secure collaborative business processing in on-demand created, self-managed, scalable, and highly dynamic virtual organisations (EU project, 2004-2007)
- WISER - Wide-Impact Cyber Security Risk Framework (EU-project, 2015-2017)
Trustworthy Green IoT Software Team
Gemini IoT Centre
The Gemini IoT Centre links and harmonizes, with the best possible synergy effect, the activities within IoT at SINTEF, UiO and NTNU.
Seminars and Webinars
We have since more than 20 years organized a series of public seminars where research results and new technologies are presented and discussed. The seminars are held in Norwegian and attract people from industry, public sector and academia.
- The next seminar will be announced soon.
- Complete list of seminars (in Norwegian)
Social Media and Videos
You may find us at Twitter and LinkedIn, and you may also watch some of our presentations on our YouTube channel.
2024-03-15: Our paper "Adaptive Runtime Monitoring for Intermittent Systems” has been accepted at the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2024). Authors: Eren Yildiz, Khakim Akhunov, Lorenzo Antonio Riva, Arda Goknil, Ivan Kurtev, Kasim Sinan Yildirim
2024-03-14: We are co-organizing the SEA4DQ workshop co-located with FSE 2024 on July 15, 2024 at Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. Please submit your paper and see you in Brazil!
2024-03-02: Our paper “Drowsiness Detection Using Federated Learning: Lessons Learnt from Dealing with Non-IID Data” has been accepted at the 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2024). Authors: Rustem Dautov, Erik Johannes Husom
2024-02-19: We organized a hands-on workshop today on on fine-tuning code large language models beautifully designed and curated by Karthik Shivashankar from the University of Oslo.
2024-02-15: We organized a public seminar “Generativ KI: Utvikling og samfunnspåvirkning” with over 60 participants.
2024-01-27: Our research summary, "Towards Community-Driven Generative AI," has been published by the Montreal AI Ethics Institute. This work, authored by Rustem Dautov, Erik Johannes Husom, Sagar Sen, and Hui Song, researchers at SINTEF Digital (Norway), delves into the cutting-edge field of AI engineering within the IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum.
2024-01-24: Gencer and Shukun were thrilled to join the EU's WAge project launch in Lisbon, focusing on workplace health risks across ages, ensuring data privacy and sovereignty. The project is coordinated by Victor Gonzalez from SINTEF
2024-01-17: Invited talk by Fabian Tschopp David on “Mojo lightning talk, one language for all AI programming!”
2024-01-13: Our paper "Raft Protocol for Fault Tolerance and Self-Recovery in Federated Learning” has been accepted at the 19th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2024). Authors: Rustem Dautov, Erik Johannes Husom
2024-01-11: Our paper "Engineering Carbon Emission-aware Machine Learning Pipelines" has been accepted at the International Conference of AI Engineering 2024.
2024-01-02: Submit papers on SE and AI for Data Quality to our Special Issue at the Empirical Software Engineering Journal by Dec 1, 2024.
2023-12-05: Ophelia Prillard ; Costas Boletsis and Shukun Tokas got the paper “Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse” accepted in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy ICISSP - Volume 1, 333-341, 2024 , Rome, Italy.
2023-12-04: We co-organized SEA4DQ 2023 in San Francisco, USA.
2023-12-01: First TechDebtOps workshop along led by Phu Nguyen, SINTEF and attended by participants from UiO, VISMA, Akvagroup, and KNOW IT at Holmenfjord hotel.
2023-12-01: Shukun Tokas gave invited talk “Trustworthy Metaverse” at CONVERGENCE 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.
2023-11-17: Horizon Europe project InterQ completed with a successful final review in Bilbao, Spain.
2023-11-10: Our dynamic duo, Simeon Andersen Tverdal and Erik Johannes Husom, are making waves at the 13th International Conference of Internet of Things. They're showcasing our architectural concepts, as detailed in our article: "Edge-based Data Profiling and Repair as a Service for IoT" - a collaborative masterpiece by Simeon Andersen Tverdal, Arda Goknil, Phu Nguyen, Erik Johannes Husom, Sagar Sen (SINTEF), Jan Ruh, and Francesca Flamigni (TTTech Computertechnik AG).
But that's not all! They're also presenting live demos of our innovative time series labelling and continual learning tools: Automated Behavior Labeling for IIoT Data" - a joint effort by Erik Johannes Husom, Arda Goknil, Simeon Andersen Tverdal, Sagar Sen, and Phu Nguyen (SINTEF). REPTILE: a Tool for Replay-driven Continual Learning in IIoT" - another collaborative gem by Erik Johannes Husom, Arda Goknil, Simeon Andersen Tverdal, Sagar Sen, and Phu Nguyen (SINTEF). A big thank you to the EU projects Dat4.0 and ENFIELD for supporting this venture.
2023-10-17: Paper accepted: “Towards Community-Driven Generative AI" Authors: Rustem Dautov, Erik Johannes Husom, Sagar Sen, Hui Song Link:
2023-10-03: Horizon Europe project Enfield kicks off at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Gjøvik. SINTEF Digital will be leading the Green-AI pillar along with the KNOW Center in Austria. Arda Goknil, Erik Johannes Husom, Sagar Sen and Vilija Balionyte-Merle are invovled from our department.
2023-09-27: Sagar Sen gave an invited talk on data quality at the Gjensidige Analysis Summit held at Oslo Event Hub.
2023-09-21: We organized a public seminar “Bærekraft og maskinlæring – Lar det seg forene?” with over 40 participants.
2023-08-24: Our recent publication in IEEE Software, titled "Uncertainty-aware Virtual Sensors for Cyber-Physical Systems," introduces groundbreaking research on AI-based virtual sensors within Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). It focuses on maintaining trustworthiness amidst uncertainties, such as environmental changes and model inaccuracies. Kudos to our SINTEF, Oslo team: Sagar Sen, Erik Johannes Husom, Arda Goknil, Simeon Andersen Tverdal, and Phu Nguyen, and gratitude towards the EU's InterQ Project and Leonardo Sastoque Pinilla from CFAA for their support and collaboration
2023-07-19: SINTEF hosted a successful work package leaders meeting in Oslo for the InterQ factories of the future project.
2023-07-18: Our paper "AutoConf: Automated Configuration of Unsupervised Learning Systems using Metamorphic Testing and Bayesian Optimization," has been accepted for the Research Track of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023).
2023-07-12: Shukun gave a Webinar on “Data protection in Metaverse” at Trust in Digital Life, Germany.
2023-06-27: Simon Nielsen defends his masters thesis entitled “Enabling Continual Learning for the Industrial Internet of Things supervised by Erik Husom, Arda Goknil and Sagar Sen
2023-06-07: We organized the public seminar “Fra Internett av ting til Internett av kyborger: Er det den veien det går? “
2023-06-02 Sagar Sen gave an invited talk on erroneous data repair at the Digital Factory Alliance webinar as part of the InterQ project.
2023-03-23: We organized the public seminar “Hvilke effekter har maskinlæring på yrkene våre?”
2023-06-09: The webpage of our project TechDebtOps: Data-driven continuous management of technical debts for sustainable software development is now up and running.
2023-05-03: The paper "Migrating monoliths to cloud-native microservices for customizable SaaS" authored by Espen Tønnessen Nordli, Sindre Grønstøl Haugeland, Phu H. Nguyen, Hui Song, Franck Chauvel is published in Information and Software Technology.
2023-05-03: The paper "Virtual sensors for erroneous data repair in manufacturing a machine learning pipeline" authored by Sagar Sen, Erik Johannes Husom, Arda Goknil, Dimitra Politaki, Simeon Tverdal, Phu Nguyen, Nicolas Jourdan is published in Computers in Industry.
2023-04-03: The paper "A Systematic Review of Data Quality for CPS and IoT in Industry 4.0" authored by Arda Goknil, Phu Nguyen, Sagar Sen, Erik Husom, and Simeon Tverdal has been accepted for publication at the ACM Computing Surveys.
2023-04-03: The paper "Metamorphic Testing for Web System Security" authored by Arda Goknil et al. has been accepted to be published at IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
2023-03-31: The paper "Replay-Driven Continual Learning for the Industrial Internet of Things" authored by Sagar Sen, Erik Husom, Arda Goknil, and Simeon Tverdal has been accepted to be presented and published at Software Engineering for AI Conference (CAIN).
2023-02-15: The final review of the BlueHealthPass project on 8 February 2023 concluded our exciting collaboration with the Greek e-healthcare provider Gnomon Informatics. The G-IoT group contributed with Machine Learning and Data Science expertise to build better AI-driven healthcare services for the maritime sector and launch a new commercial product eHealthPass.Blue. The main contact point is Rustem Dautov.
2023-02-13: The paper "A blockchain-based framework for trusted quality data sharing towards zero-defect manufacturing" authored by Phu Nguyen, Arda Goknil, Sagar Sen, Erik Husom, Simeon Tverdal, et al. has been accepted for Computers in Industry Journal.
2023-02-13: The paper "Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things-SEA4DQ'22 Report" authored by Phu Nguyen and Sagar Sen has been published by ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes.