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Acoustics in buildings

An interdisciplinary approach is vital when planning for good building acoustics. SINTEF can help with all relevant sound and vibration aspects in building projects.

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We study and develop solutions where sound plays a vital role through acoustic studies, calculations, and advanced measurements - both in the laboratory and field.

We work within the following fields:

  • Research-based advice in the development of new building materials, building systems, and construction methods
  • Expert advice in sound insulation, room acoustics, and vibrations
  • Damage assessments 

Acoustic measurements
We have specialized equipment to perform both complex and straightforward measurement assignments. The equipment includes:

  • Several noise meters
  • 16 channel analyzer
  • A good collection of accelerometers to measure vibrations for various purposes, including miniature and highly sensitive accelerometers.

Calculations and numerical analysis
We can perform numerical calculations and analysis with specialized software, such as:

  • Bastian (Sound insulation)
  • Norflag (Sound absorption)
  • Abaqus or COMSOL (Sound and Vibration)

The building acoustics laboratory
The building acoustics laboratory is part of SINTEF's accredited laboratories and is used to develop and document sound properties. 

SINTEF also works with environmental acoustics

Why choose SINTEF?
Acoustics includes sound and vibration conditions in buildings and structures. Our core competence is sound insulation between rooms and units, sound regulation and room acoustics, vibrations, and noise from technical installations and vibrations in structures.

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