We perform condition analyses and damage assessments of various concrete structures, primarily as research projects or as specialist consultants in complex issues (often in collaboration with the consulting engineer the client has engaged). Our assignments cover all aspects of durability, maintenance, repair, and assessments of the product's residual capacity and residual life.
Alkali-silica reactions
SINTEF is an international leader in the field of alkali reactions. Research carried out at SINTEF in collaboration with NTNU, and other partners have, among other things, provided the professional basis for the development of more reliable test methods for this damage mechanism. These are now implemented in Norwegian regulations and internationally via RILEM recommendations.
Frost and ice scouring in Arctic climate
We have built up expertise in concrete structures in the Arctic climate and the degradation mechanisms caused by frost and ice scouring over many years.
Laboratories and field investigations
Our laboratories perform accelerated tests for most types of degradation mechanisms. We also have a field station in Trondheim to perform comparative testing between field and laboratory conditions. These tests provide a basis for improving and calibrating the methods and establishing acceptance criteria.