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Aquaculture in Asia

An improved aquaculture industry could help the people of Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Vietnam out of the poverty trap, so we have been helping Vietnam’s Research Institute for Aquaculture No. 1 improve its research and education capacity to meet the need for fish breeding and health programmes and the development of marine aquaculture.

We have also been involved in efforts in the general marine aquaculture of fish, shellfish, lobsters and algae, including hatching and ongrowing technology.

Vietnam needs inexpensive aquaculture facilities that can be produced locally themselves, so we have been developing low-cost facilities made of timber, bamboo,
tyres and plastic tanks.

A joint Norwegian-Vietnamese aquaculture development centre will make our know-how and services available for R & D and consulting in Vietnam. We are already involved in projects for Norad, the Norwegian Embassy, Danida (Danish International Development Assistance) and the Asian Development Bank.


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