A new selection of floating trawl scientific cruise gave as good results as last year. The cruise was carried out 20 - 31 October 2011 with the factory trawler "RAMOEN" on the fishing grounds in the Barents Sea.
The aim of the tests was to study the selective properties of three different selection schemes, with and without a sorting grid, while fishing with floating trawl with very high density of fish. The following selection devices were tested during the experiment:
- Bag with 130mm Exit Windows
- T90 bags
- 55mm grating section
Preliminary analysis of results shows very good selection properties with the EW and T90 bag, even in densities equivalent to catch rates up to 360 tons per towing hour. There were some catches of 30-34 tonnes in just 5-10 minutes towing time.
The cruise with "RAMOEN" was the fourth cruise of the project which is funded by industry through FHF.