Damaged metal surfaces repair themselves
A coating filled with tiny lubricant capsules could come to the rescue when metal surfaces dry out and friction builds up.
A coating filled with tiny lubricant capsules could come to the rescue when metal surfaces dry out and friction builds up.
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and the Norwegian research institute SINTEF have today signed an agreement concerning close collaboration between SP Fire Technology and SINTEF NBL AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of SINTEF.
SINTEF and the South Korean research institute Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) have signed a memorandum of understanding regarding collaboration. Multiphase transport of oil and gas is one of the areas of mutual interest.
What really happened when 25,000 people missed the Denmark vs. Norway game this autumn because Canal+ had problems with its servers?
The potential for increased value creation in Norwegian biomarine industry is huge. In a new analysis says a task force appointed by the two science academies NTVA and DKNVS that it is possible with a turnover of 550 billion in 2050, a sixfold...
Many Norwegian companies are considering developing their software in India or China in order to cut costs. However, researchers are critical.
Researchers are developing data systems which can adapt in the face of virus and hacker attacks. If software components are attacked they will be replaced automatically without any inconvenience to the user.
On Wednesday December 5, 2012, the report “Quality Assurance Phase 1 (KS1 – Choice of Concept) of the Ocean Space Centre was published. The report has been written by Metier og Møreforsking Molde, which were engaged as the external quality assurers...
Norwegian researchers have developed the world's first sensor capable of measuring individual particles in a blood sample. This new innovation could cause a sensation in the medical world.
This year’s Diversity Award has gone to SINTEF. The jury based its choice on the fact that we have managed to create an international environment of highly competent staff from many different cultures, who are represented at most levels of the...
The MiNaLab in SINTEF can boast of having a radiation […]
Researchers have recently succeeded in doubling survival rates among lobster larvae. This could boost populations of a species threatened in the wild.
Norske forskere har utviklet den første sensor i verden som kan finne enkeltpartikler i en blodprøve.
Researchers have recently succeeded in doubling survival rates among lobster larvae under farmed conditions. This could boost populations of a species threatened in the wild.
SINTEF scientists are helping to develop a tool for surgical operations that will allow tumours in internal moving organs to be eliminated with the aid of high-intensity focused ultrasound. The technique opens the way for a new type of treatment that...
SINTEF scientists are helping to develop a tool for surgical operations that will allow tumours in internal moving organs to be eliminated with the aid of high-intensity focused ultrasound. The technique opens the way for a new type of treatment that...
Would you like to create your own tourist guide? Or put together telecom services that give you better control of the everyday functions on your phone?
Smoke-divers are exposed to high temperatures, physical exhaustion and stress, and they can easily exceed the limits of what good health can tolerate. A new method based on measurements made by a wireless sensor system lets them know when the body...
The Norwegian company SpinChip aims to help doctors analyse patients’ blood samples on the spot and provide immediate results.
Researchers are working on monitoring vortices created by aircraft during take-off and landing. The objective is both to maintain the level of safety and to improve the capacity of airports.
Twenty per cent of hearing aid users in Norway use the equipment for only an hour each day. The reason is often poor fitting and inadequate support. Now all this could change.
Collision. Fire. Accidents. Chaos. In a rescue operation, it’s no use trying to communicate via a small mobile phone display. But a jacket - now you're talking!
In order to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, we need renewable feedstocks – seaweed represents one such alternative biomass source that could make a difference on a global scale. Norway and UK would like to take a lead and make the North Sea...
On behalf of European Space Agency (ESA), Thales Alenia Space, SINTEF and Terma are now completing a study identifying alternatives to the cameras currently deployed on spacecrafts and space rovers.
South Africa’s need to be able to detect explosive gases in mines before they explode has given SINTEF ICT its first footprint in that country.
This summer’s announcement of the discovery of the new Higgs boson particle came as a major milestone in particle physics. Now it seems that Norwegian radiation sensors played a part in the discovery.
Collision. Fire. Accidents. Chaos. In a rescue operation, it’s no use trying to communicate via a small mobile phone display. But a jacket – now you’re talking!
A ball bearing – or a slide bearing around an axle – needs lubricating at all times. If a leak causes the lubrication in the […]
Norwegian scientists are extracting rare earth metals from scrap. Their aim is to prevent scarcity of materials from holding back energy-conservation efforts.
Activity in the Arctic is on the increase, but how safe is it to operate there?
Millions of people suffer permanent disabilities simply because they are poor. Norwegian experts say they are overlooked in the fight against poverty.
A new app lets viewers report poor quality while they are watching Internet TV – and get a better picture.
Norwegian scientists are extracting rare earth metals from scrap. Their aim is to prevent scarcity of materials from holding back energy-conservation efforts.
Solbrække has been appointed new CEO for the research organization Instituto SINTEF do Brasil (SINTEF Brasil).
What happens if an oil installation experiences a process upset, a gas alarm and a vessel collision all at the same time? And what do you do if a platform originally designed for a lifetime of 20 years has to produce hydrocarbons for another 25?
SINTEF and the University of Oslo are joining forces to establish a strong, and highly visible, centre of expertise that will help to focus even more sharply on user experience as the ICT systems of the future emerge.
This week SINTEF ICT organised an international conference about timetabling – and football.
Andy Booth, a specialist in environmental technology and senior scientist at SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, has been appointed to the Norwegian Board of Technology.
Andy Booth, a specialist in environmental technology and senior scientist at SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, has been appointed to the Norwegian Board of Technology.
When the elderly suffer falls, many agencies should be alerted so that help can arrive as quickly as possible. So researchers, students and physiotherapists are trying to connect fall alarms to social media.
When hospitals group patient rooms into small clusters, nurses have more time for their patients. But the design of these ‘bed clusters’ is important.
“If we had been footballers, this would have been the equivalent of a Barcelona super-star joining our team,” says SINTEF research scientist Sigurd Sannan about a recent “transfer” in the world of energy research.
A delegation from the Peruvian industrial company TASA, visited SINTEF this week in order to get better acquainted with the group's broad marine expertise. The visit ended with a signing of Memorandum of Understanding for future cooperation between...
Underwater operations in aquaculture cages with a diameter of 157 meters, is time consuming and dangerous work. Now researchers from SINTEF is developing an underwater robot that can perform systematic and effective cleaning and inspection and also...
Iterative software development is highly suitable for the Scandinavian style of working, according to SINTEF researchers Tore Dybå and Torgeir Dingsøyr.
Who is successful in, and what is achieved by, step-by-step software development, the IT industry’s countermeasure against fiascos? A review article by two SINTEF researchers has become a “bible” in this field.
The design of “bed clusters” is important.
Monday morning and you’re in a hurry. On your way out, you check your pockets. Money. Mobile phone. Where are the car keys? A quick text message, and the keys let you know that they are under the papers on the dining table.
Research on management at Hydro has brought social anthropologist and SINTEF researcher Emil A. Røyrvik (39) SINTEF’s Award for Excellence in Research.
Research on management at Hydro has brought social anthropologist and SINTEF researcher Emil A. Røyrvik (39) SINTEF’s Award for Excellence in Research.
Fire tests on a simulated North Sea “problem platform” have left SINTEF NBL with a unique laboratory module, developed in-house, that will raise fire-protection standards at sea.
Instituto SINTEF do Brasil has been officially accredited by the ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíves) for receiving R&D funding through the Special Participation Fund.
During his visit to the CEDREN research centre, the Energy Minister also had the honour of inaugurating a mobile bird radar system.
A new “lab-flume” at the CEDREN research centre will help electricity generators to sell more hydropower when prices are highest – without negative environmental effects on rivers.
Mustad Longline has started a project to develop new mechanized solutions in the line fishing. SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, SINTEF Raufoss Manufacture , Plasto AS and CETPEC in Spain are partners. The project is funded by the BIA program in the...
SINTEF Materials & Chemistry and ECN signed an agreement to strengthen their long-standing collaboration in the field of crystalline silicon photovoltaics. With this agreement SINTEF and ECN combine the operation of pilot infrastructure for silicon...
Anita Fossdal and Fride Vullum-Bruer want the i-Phone’s battery to last longer – even when we are on Svalbard, and even when we have downloaded a whole load of apps.
Anita Fossdal and Fride Vullum-Bruer want the i-Phone’s battery to last longer – even when we are on Svalbard, and even when we have downloaded a whole load of apps.
SINTEF Materials & Chemistry and ECN signed an agreement to strengthen their long-standing collaboration in the field of crystalline silicon photovoltaics. With this agreement SINTEF and ECN combine the operation of pilot infrastructure for silicon...
Statkraft has assigned a new two-year project to SINTEF to carry out research into osmotic power generation. New membrane technology and long-term trials will bring this renewable energy source one step closer to viability.
In a 1996 Donald Duck comic, inventor Gyro Gearloose has invented a super-machine that sorts cheap scrap and metal poured into a tube, while out of another pipe emerge gold and shiny new coins. Now, SINTEF scientists are trying to do the same thing.
In a 1996 Donald Duck comic, inventor Gyro Gearloose has invented a super-machine that sorts cheap scrap and metal poured into a tube, while out of another pipe emerge gold and shiny new coins. Now, SINTEF scientists are trying to do the same thing.
Millions of mobile telephones, the world's first floating wind turbine and the landing system that brings natural gas up from Norway's first deepwater field have one thing in common; expertise from SINTEF is built into them.
A research project at SINTEF contributes to safer oil spill response equipment in the Arctic.
Lars Sørum appointed new head at SINTEF Petroleum Research
The next generation of industrial robots is just around the corner. They will be able to see, remember and make their own decisions.
Price pressure leads to “cowboy” contracts and poor working conditions in service jobs in the construction and cleaning industries.
You go to bed with white, freshly painted walls and wake the next morning to find the living room black with soot!
New trawling technology can reduce fuel use by 20% and save the environment from large amounts of emissions. But better equipment will also provide opportunities to increase the annual shrimp catch with a potential added value of 625 MNOK annually.
Just before Christmas, 80 workers on the oil drilling platforms in the North Sea started their shifts by putting an intelligent plug in their ears.
The project has developed a solution to log and accumulate operational data from vessels at sea. The solution is partly based on the CDP bus, developed by the Norwegian company ICD. The CDP bus is Ethernet based and able to communicate with a...
Gender balance in the labour market has improved little in Norway in the course of the past 20 years, according to a new survey. A growing proportion of female managers is one of the few bright spots in the picture.
Pink and insidious: a tiny animal has become an expensive neighbour for fish farmers. Now scientists intend to make it hot for the little pest, and without using toxic chemicals.
A wood fibre only 100 nanometres thick will help to give us tomorrow’s plastic food packaging, if SINTEF and its partners are successful.
A wood fibre only 100 nanometres thick will help to give us tomorrow’s plastic food packaging, if SINTEF and its partners are successful.
Six years ago, "Regatta Fisherman" - a oilskins with floating element - was developed. It has so far saved more than ten fishermen from dying.
A small creature from the animal kingdom has become an expensive neighbor for fish farmers. Now researchers will make it hot for the small - thing-without using toxic chemicals.
The Research Council of Norway has granted NOK 24 million to the four-year project NEXT-Drill, in which scientists and industry will develop the technology and tools needed to produce geothermal heat from the earth.
As part of the ImproVEDO project, SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture are developing software for the design of energy efficient ships.
The Research Council of Norway has granted NOK 24 million to the four-year project NEXT-Drill, in which scientists and industry will develop the technology and tools needed to produce geothermal heat from the earth.