Norway is Europe’s cheapest “battery”
Norwegian hydropower is the most cost-efficient source of energy that Germany could adopt as back-up for solar cells and wind-power, new calculations show.
Norwegian hydropower is the most cost-efficient source of energy that Germany could adopt as back-up for solar cells and wind-power, new calculations show.
Fish husbandry workers have played an active part in developing work clothing tailor-made for their wet, windy and messy working conditions.
Oil companies are having problems finding out how much each of their wells is producing. Researchers believe this can be solved by providing each well with its own frequency.
The solar cell industry is headed into clean-room labs to better understand and improve the materials that they are working with.
Can an industrial robot succeed both at removing the breast fillet from a chicken, and at the same time get more out of the raw materials? This is one of the questions to which researchers working on the CYCLE project now have the answer.
Recently SINTEF and UOP, a leading international supplier of catalysts, installed a test system for controlling the gas and liquid feed for in situ catalyst studies using high-energy synchrotron X-rays at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne...
The production of oil and gas at temperatures between 40 and 60 degrees below zero means that researchers must advance the development of materials that can withstand these harsh conditions.
Norwegian researchers and a small company in Tromsø are taking part in a project aimed at preventing between 30 and 50 per cent of Europe's drinking water being lost due to pipe leakages.
Embryonic faults in subsea high voltage installations are difficult to detect and very expensive to repair. Researchers believe that self-repairing materials could be the answer.
Norwegian researchers are developing electronics that disappear to order.
The robots of the future must be able to adapt to changes in their surroundings. Some of them will be in close contact with people. At the very least they must be able to see properly – in three dimensions, just like us.
Robots equipped with machine vision enable us to classify catches on board vessels with high levels of accuracy – saving fishing crews time and money.
The robots of the future must be able to adapt to changes in their surroundings. Some of them will be in close contact with people. At the very least they must be able to see properly – in three dimensions, just like us.
Researchers have been looking into how we can reduce the salt content in foods without compromising on taste.
The HSE award for 2014 has been presented to the Draupner lifeboat project carried out by Statoil and Gassco operations. MARINTEK has contributed in the project with forward distance (sail-away) analyses and full-scale field measurements for the free...
A Norwegian invention is reducing by a third the energy that foundries need to manufacture ship propeller blades.
After three years of development and testing, SINTEF, Siemens, and partners have produced a well-functioning oxyfuel gas turbine based power process.
Six norwegian office buildings were erected outside of Oslo around 1980. Two of these have now been rehabilitated and represent northern Europe’s first zero-emission buildings of their type.
We don’t just want the best. We want the very best.
If scientists get their way, we will soon be able to measure grandma’s acceleration. If she has a fall, that is.
SINTEF has, under contract for the Norwegian Agency for Public Sector Management and eGovernment (Difi), carried out a needs assessment within public sector administration looking into support for activities linked to information security.
If scientists get their way, we will soon be able to measure grandma's acceleration. If she has a fall, that is.
On Friday 19 September SINTEF and the University of Oslo (UiO) celebrated the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Microsystems and Nanotechnology Laboratory, known as 'MiNaLab', in Oslo Science Park.
The EU wants people to get more interested in their cultural heritage, and is starting pilot projects in England, Spain and Norway.
People of all ages get excited hearing stories about their home town's cultural heritage. And finding them on an app is just about as cool as it gets.
A new window on the world of atoms will make future vehicles safer in collisions.
Using nanocapsules containing cancer drugs, researchers have succeeded in attacking tumours with surgical precision. One of the ways to manufacture such capsules is with minute droplets of super glue.
The typical Norwegian owner of a solar heating system is a resourceful man in his mid-fifties. He is technically skilled, interested in energy systems, and wants to save money and protect the environment.
In the future, you may be able to buy solar cells for your roof from a roll, by the metre.
In the future, you may be able to buy solar cells for your roof from a roll, by the metre.
One hundred and ten guests, including leading experts from Canada, Japan, Germany, China, Australia and the UK. Top managers from Europe’s other leading ship model tanks. Directors, professors, ship-owners and politicians. All of them had gathered in...
A brand new survey has revealed that education is important for getting the visually impaired into work. This challenges the current situation in which partially sighted students are now exempt from several upper secondary school subjects.
A 400 metre long vessel moves slowly across the dark sea surface. There is no one at the wheel. It is quiet on the bridge. There are no signs of life in the engine room or on deck. A scene from a horror film or science fiction, perhaps? No. This is...
Ultra-efficient solar cells, based on cheap materials, could be here in a few years.
Ultra-efficient solar cells, based on cheap materials, could be here in a few years.
In an office in Forskningsveien 1, Oslo, a researcher is making gentle, gymnastic hand movements in front of his tablet computer.
In an office in Forskningsveien 1, Oslo, a researcher is making gentle, gymnastic hand movements in front of his tablet computer.
People can easily find their way around a room or in the outdoors – but a robot has no idea.
People can easily find their way around a room or in the outdoors – but a robot has no idea.
They damage our ability to reproduce, and they pollute the natural environment. Yet chemicals known as hormone mimics can be found in consumer goods. Eventually they end up in our water. But we now have a way of capturing them.
A Norwegian, satellite-based system aims to ensure that helicopters and light aircraft are prevented from colliding with power lines and other obstacles.
A Norwegian, satellite-based system aims to ensure that helicopters and light aircraft are prevented from colliding with power lines and other obstacles.
This research subject is being monitored by sensors both in and outside his body. The data will provide us with a new understanding of the physical challenges facing industrial workers in the Arctic.
Contract workers in Norway often face the worst and most unpredictable working conditions. But good management and support from colleagues makes these workers more robust.
SINTEF's Tor Haakon Bakken has won an award today that makes him NOK 50,000 richer – for an idea to exploit the energy in household waste hot water.
They damage our ability to reproduce, and they pollute the natural environment. Yet chemicals known as hormone mimics can be found in consumer goods. Eventually they end up in our water. But we now have a way of capturing them.
Norway is the most important country outside EU for supply of seafood to the consumer markets in Europe.
With more and more Norwegian households owning one or even two electric cars requiring charging overnight, how will we manage without sacrificing our hot morning shower and fresh bread for breakfast?
The start-feed for “baby” tuna now being produced in Trondheim has given a Norwegian aquaculture company complete faith in the possibility of mass-producing one of the world’s most valuable fish species.
According to a Norwegian study, 'likes' on Facebook are providing a new type of humanitarian support and social responsibility.
According to a Norwegian study, 'likes' on Facebook are providing a new type of humanitarian support and social responsibility.
Capturing green energy from deep in the Earth will bring competitive electricity and district heating – with help from Norway.
Oil and gas companies are worried about gas discharges at the sea bed. Recent field experiments can now quantify the volumes of gas reaching the sea surface and how they spread in the atmosphere.
A Trondheim supermarket gets by with just over two-thirds of the electricity used by similar stores.
A new window on the world of atoms will make future vehicles safer in collisions
A Trondheim supermarket gets by with just over two-thirds of the electricity used by similar stores.
Five salmon farming companies, in Los Lagos region, participated in a mutual cooperation project oriented to assess quality parameters in smolt production. The initiative started in 2012 and finished after a year of work and cooperation of the salmon...
Researchers in Trondheim have achieved surprising results by exploiting nature's own ability to clean up after oil spills.
We have tended to associate welfare technology with support for the elderly. Now researchers are looking at whether technology such as digital calendars and smartwatches can also provide support for children with autism and ADHD.
So now we have it in black and white – the emotional centre in young men's brains overrides the area controlling their ability to make rational decisions. This leads to accidents among risk-seeking motorists.
Norwegian researchers have installed a system that uses 3D ultrasound and image guidance in one of Africa's biggest children's hospitals. This could make it easier to treat brain diseases in children.
When the forestry machines have finished extracting timber, what is left are tops and branches – waste which cannot be used. However, according to researchers, it is possible to turn these heaps of lopwood into high-quality charcoal.
Norwegian researchers have installed a system that uses 3D ultrasound and image guidance in one of Africa's biggest children's hospitals. This could make it easier to treat brain diseases in children.
There is still hope for the climate, even if a world-wide climate accord proves to be unattainable. A new report shows that regional measures can hold the global rise in temperature within the two-degree limit.
Norwegian Accident and Emergency departments are not designed for elderly patients, and their staff often lack geriatric experience.
COPD mainly affects people in eastern and southern Norway and some municipalities in Finnmark. And smoking is not the only cause.
Microorganisms that live in the depths of an oil reservoir can withstand such extreme conditions they can be used in harsh chemical processes.
A Norwegian-Danish project aims to find better weapons against life-threating multi-resistant bacteria.
Drones and "flying eyes" are making a major advance into the aquaculture industry.
Many people are concerned that electric cars produce dangerous magnetic fields. New research shows that this is not the case.
Microorganisms that live in the depths of an oil reservoir can withstand such extreme conditions they can be used in harsh chemical processes.
A fire is raging in a large building and the fire leader is sending a message to all firefighters at the scene. But they don’t need a mobile phone – they simply check their jacket sleeves and read the message there.
The innumerable divisions of the bronchi often turn the hunt for tumours in the lungs into a game of chance. But soon, lung specialists will be able to navigate accurately inside the airways by “GPS”.
The research community in Trondheim has been asked to follow up the tragic events on Utøya in Norway. As part of a project called 'The Next Disaster', research data will be obtained addressing the lessons learned following major incidents of this...
Children with parents suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, or with mental health issues, are in danger of inheriting their parents' problems. But preventive benefits are obtained from a sense of coping and a clear understanding that it is not...
A fire is raging in a large building and the fire leader is sending a message to all firefighters at the scene. But they don't need a mobile phone – they simply check their jacket sleeves and read the message there.
Live start-feed, cultivated in Trondheim, has enabled large numbers of lobster and tuna fry to survive in tanks. Now, SINTEF is setting up a production plant that will supply the world market with the feed.
It isn't just car manufacturers that are looking into hybrid energy systems. A Norwegian boat builder is now aiming to become the world's first supplier of environmentally friendly fishing vessels.
A small pressure sensor can make the difference between life and death. The first tests on humans will be carried out in April on patients with spinal injuries at Sunnaas Hospital in Norway.
So now we have it in black and white – the emotional centre in young men's brains overrides the area controlling their ability to make rational decisions. This leads to accidents among risk-seeking motorists.
The time between the approval and completion of construction projects is too long. The Speed-Up project aims to address this issue.
International IT researchers have limited contact with the industry, and tend to stay in their offices, working on concepts and studies. Norwegian researchers work closely with companies – and win awards
International IT researchers have limited contact with the industry, and tend to stay in their offices, working on concepts and studies. Norwegian researchers work closely with companies – and win awards.
International IT researchers have limited contact with the industry, and tend to stay in their offices, working on concepts and studies. Norwegian researchers work closely with companies – and win awards.
The EU wants people to get more interested in their cultural heritage, and is starting pilot projects in England, Spain and Norway.
A small pressure sensor can make the difference between life and death. The first tests on humans will be carried out in April on patients with spinal injuries at Sunnaas Hospital.
Researchers in Trondheim have achieved surprising results by exploiting nature's own ability to clean up after oil spills.
Researchers in Trondheim have achieved surprising results by exploiting nature's own ability to clean up after oil spills.
If you choose the right equipment, drilling in concrete won’t bother people in neighbouring rooms. Nordland Hospital in Bodø plans to make the most of this discovery.
Using nanocapsules containing cancer drugs, researchers have succeeded in attacking tumours with surgical precision. One of the ways to manufacture such capsules is with minute droplets of super glue.
Using nanocapsules containing cancer drugs, researchers have succeeded in attacking tumours with surgical precision. One of the ways to manufacture such capsules is with minute droplets of super glue.
Fire researchers have shown that sparks from a burning house can be prevented from spreading if the loft is fitted with an extinguishing system based on water-mist, i.e. tiny water droplets that turn into steam
Fire researchers have shown that sparks from a burning house can be prevented from spreading if the loft is fitted with an extinguishing system based on water-mist, i.e. tiny water droplets that turn into steam.
We have tended to associate welfare technology with support for the elderly. Now researchers are looking at whether technology such as digital calendars and smartwatches can also provide support for children with autism and ADHD.
If you choose the right equipment, drilling in concrete won’t bother people in neighbouring rooms. Nordland Hospital in Bodø plans to make the most of this discovery.
Environmental information about CO2, airborne dust and pollen will no longer be collected only at isolated measuring stations. From now on, cyclists, bus drivers and the man in the street will be able to do their bit.
Could refrigeration technology – against all the odds – kick-start CO2 storage in the North Sea?
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recently appointed Norway's former Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg as one of two Special Envoys on Climate Change. The other one is Ghana's former Prime Minister John Kufuor. Mr. Stoltenberg combines this task with...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recently appointed Norway's former Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg as one of two Special Envoys on Climate Change. The other one is Ghana's former Prime Minister John Kufuor. Mr. Stoltenberg combines this task with...
The robot effortlessly picks up one castor after another from the pile in the box and puts them into the channel. No matter how the wheels are lying, the robot manages to get an exact grip.
France is going to test an artificial heart on patients. The heart will contain a Norwegian pressure sensor.
Thermal imaging cameras at airports could calculate queues and check-in times better than systems that make estimates using Bluetooth and WiFi on passengers' mobiles.
A newly developed white fish filleting machine could give this Norwegian industry a much-needed boost.
Rare earth metals are important components in green energy products such as wind turbines and eco-cars. But the scarcity of these metals is worrying the EU.
Could refrigeration technology – against all the odds – kick-start CO2 storage in the North Sea?
Could refrigeration technology – against all the odds – kick-start CO2 storage in the North Sea?
LEANWIND project to contribute to cost saving for the offshore wind industry.
Two full scale tests were carried out in spring and autum 2013 to assess the effect of sweep length on herding of fish during semi-pelagic trawling for cod and haddock. The results showed that sweep length can have a significant effect on the catches...
A newly developed white fish filleting machine could give this Norwegian industry a much-needed boost.
Rare earth metals are important components in green energy products such as wind turbines and eco-cars. But the scarcity of these metals is worrying the EU.
Sushi is more popular than ever. However, many of the ingredients are imported from Asia. But Norwegian researchers are now cultivating an alternative to the popular Wakame seaweed salad that doesn’t have to travel thousands of miles.
Rare earth metals are important components in green energy products such as wind turbines and eco-cars. But the scarcity of these metals is worrying the EU.
Sushi is more popular than ever. However, many of the ingredients are imported from Asia. But Norwegian researchers are now cultivating an alternative to the popular Wakame seaweed salad that doesn’t have to travel thousands of miles.
Researchers have now developed a detailed chart of marine currents along the coast of Nordland. This knowledge will help the industry to be better prepared to deal with fish diseases, shipwrecks, pollution and algal blooms.
A newly developed white fish filleting machine could give this Norwegian industry a much-needed boost.
The CREATIV project is investigating energy use in industry; focusing particularly on increased utilisation of surplus heat and the efficiency of heating and cooling systems in thefood industry, paper pulp and metallic industries
Thermal imaging cameras at airports could calculate queues and check-in times better than systems that make estimates using Bluetooth and WiFi on passengers' mobiles.
SINTEF has launched a new NOK 209m seed investment fund to enable the development of new, viable technology-driven SME. The fund is established with support from the European Investment Fund (EIF) and SpareBank1 SMN who both join SINTEF as investors...
Battlefield tourists are on the hunt for the beautiful in the ugly. Meaning in the meaningless. And sometime timeless in the past.
A Norwegian, satellite-based system aims to ensure that helicopters and light aircraft are prevented from colliding with power lines and other obstacles.