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Knowledge and innovation for circular transition

Sveinung Rotevatn, Minister of Climate and the Environment, was the first spaeker at the CEC2020 conference
SINTEF hosted a very successful Circular Economy conference, the fourth in a row, with over 1600 participants. The topic for this year's conference was to share new knowledge and create new opportunities in the transition to a circular economy. Norwegian and international companies, researchers, decision-makers and the Minister of Climate and Environment, Sveinung Rotevatn, were present.

Sveinung Rotevatn was the first speaker with a presentation called "Why, who and how". It is all about minimizing the use of resources and following a product's lifecycle and knowing what will happen to the product after its lifetime. Circular economy doesn't mean that we should have restrictions regarding new technology, but that the technology that is developed must give us better solutions, better products, and better services. The resources must be used in a sustainable way, and produce less emissions.

Here are links to the entire conference which took place in Oslo and was divided into the following topics:

A number of reports and knowledge bases were presented at the conference and links can be found here:

This year's conference was held with a limited number of participants physically present, and many participants digitally. The participents came from over 20 different countries.

Organizers were SINTEF, NTNU, Nord University, Innovation Norway and UN Global Compact Norway.