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LowEmission's first annual report: A message from the Acting Director

Foto: Equinor
The LowEmission research Centre is well underway and we are all working towards a common goal – zero emission oil and gas production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) by 2050.

Activities in LowEmission so far have focused on initiating work in the various technology areas. The deliverables have centred around outlining state-of-the-art technology, and initiating experimental work involving HSE processes and preparing technical equipment. On the management side, the focus was on the Consortium Agreement and the governing structure.

Lowering the cost of electrifying the oil and gas production on the NCS is a pillar of LowEmission. In one case study, we look at a potential 10-15% cost reduction on implementation. In another, we look into a hybrid solution that combines different technologies, like offshore wind coupled with combined cycle gas turbines, or the use of alternative fuels like H2 and NH3 in combination with batteries.

Reducing energy consumption from oil drilling platforms is another goal. One example deals with reducing water injection in wells. Water injections makes up about 50% of total emissions from platforms today. We are looking at both topside and subsea projects.

Three important focus areas in moving forward have been identified:

Accelerating technology development
If the industry is to remain leading in the global low emission technology effort, technology development rate must increase. This is important, not only to secure technology export to other oil & gas producing countries, but also to decrease costs in the long run, ultimately making the technologies implementable globally.

Reducing costs
We strive to find new and efficient solutions to reduce development costs. This includes production equipment with less weight, less need for, and better use of materials. Automatization, digitalisation and smart utilization of concepts are key.

Communication in 2019 centred around implementation of energy efficient and renewable technology. The Centre had meetings and workshops with parties from the Norwegian O&G industry and was visible through TV, newspapers, national radio, magazines and social medias. The focus on communication will continue in the years to come. We thank our partners for an excellent first year and hope you are as excited as us about the continuation!

Marit Jagtøyen Mazzetti 

Dr. Marit Mazzetti is the Acting Director and Centre Manager. She is a Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF Energy Research since 2011 and has more than 25 years of experience from energy and environment research, development and innovation. During the last seven years she has managed large projects on reduction of offshore CO2 emissions. She is the author of eight patents and 136 publications.

LowEmission recently published its first annual report, which can be found here. In the report you can read stories form our first year of research. This article is part of the report.

Project Information

Project duration:

19/04/2019 - 30/04/2027

Contact person:

Jon Magne Johansen

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