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European consortium opens path to more high-performing and sustainable batteries

Photo: Shutterstock/petovarga
As electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy sources become more popular, the demand for high-performance batteries is skyrocketing. We need both more and better batteries to meet this demand.

The EU-funded HYDRA project, a collaboration between European industrial partners, research institutes, and universities, has made significant strides in battery technology, focusing on developing sustainable and high-performance batteries. 


Over the past four years, the HYDRA project has explored various aspects of electric car batteries, from advanced material composition to optimizing battery life and improving production processes. The goal? To create batteries that meet the increasing demands for performance, safety, and environmental friendliness.  


High-performance batteries extend EV driving range by increasing the amount of energy that a battery cell stores. There are two ways that battery designers can tweak materials to do that: raising the working potential of the cathode to increase the voltage of the cell or increase the amount of charge-carrying lithium ions that a material can contain. HYDRA does both,” says Senior Scientist Simon Clark at SINTEF. 

Senior Scientist Simon Clark at SINTEF Battery Lab. Photo: SINTEF


Sustainable materials for a greener future

The global battery industry relies heavily on critical materials like lithium, cobalt, and manganese. Most high-performance lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries today use cobalt, which is rare and toxic.  


HYDRA has designed a new generation of Li-ion batteries using more sustainable materials, pushing the limits of high-performance batteries. 


By focusing on high-voltage nickel-rich cathodes, HYDRA has created battery cells that are smaller and lighter while storing the same amount of energy. This innovation is a significant step towards solving sustainability challenges and reducing reliance on rare earth elements.  


“These characteristics are crucial for increasing the driving range of electric cars,” says Clark.

Facts about the Hydra project

The goal of HYDRA has been to develop more efficient, durable and recyclable batteries. The project has demonstrated how interdisciplinary collaboration and advanced research methods can promote innovation in battery technology. 


Key project results:  

  • Development of advanced materials for anodes and cathodes, improving energy density and battery life. 

  • Development of sustainable and low-cost manufacturing processes. 

  • Development of powerful, open-source battery design simulation software. 


Duration: 4 years 

Financing: EU


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation program under grant agreement number: 875527.


Harnessing silicon’s superpower

Most Li-ion batteries today use graphite as the anode material. Graphite stores lithium atoms between its carbon layers during charging. However, silicon can store much more lithium, potentially reducing battery cell weight significantly. The challenge? Silicon expands so much when storing lithium that it can break apart, limiting the battery’s lifespan. 


“Squeezing so much lithium into the silicon makes the material expand so much, it can pop like a piece of popcorn. This severely limits how many times the battery can be charged, says Clark” 


HYDRA has pioneered a method of blending silicon with graphite to create a hybrid electrode with high capacity and good cycling stability. By improving the material structure and using novel binders, HYDRA’s prototype cells store twice as much charge per mass compared to pure graphite electrodes. 


Fast-tracking development with digital tools

The HYDRA project uses a methodical approach to testing batteries, repeating processes multiple times. They also use BattMo, a modelling tool developed by SINTEF, to create detailed digital representations of battery structures and performance. This allows researchers to predict battery behaviour and optimize designs without building physical prototypes each time.  


“By using advanced digital tools, we can accelerate development and optimize battery technology much faster than traditional methods,” says Clark. 


From the lab to the road 

The results from the HYDRA project will now help accelerate the growth of the battery industry in Europe. Industrial partners will build on these results in their business plans, and a wealth of research data will be available to the scientific community to continue the momentum in other EU-funded projects. HYDRA partners have already launched related research initiatives, including SINTEF-led projects like IntelLiGent and DigiBatt. 


Partners and their contributions in the Hydra project


Coordinator, as well as involvement in testing, characterization and modeling of battery cells. 



Design and synthesis of materials and architectures for electrochemical energy storage and conversion. 


DLR (German Aerospace Center) 

Advanced Characterization and Experimental Investigation of Prototype Cells. 


ICSI (National Research & Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies) 

Production and testing of lithium-based batteries. Equipped to produce pouch cells at a technological maturity level (TRL) of 5/6. 



Specialized chemistry in ionic liquids, catalysis, surface treatment and energy storage. 


Polytechnic University of Turin 

Synthesis of High Voltage Cathodes and Involved in Testing. 


CEA (The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) 

Sustainability, eco-design, life cycle analysis of HYDRA technology, synthesis of LNMO with high energy and high-power density. 



Development of synthetic graphite products 


Uppsala University 

Electrolyte development. Investigation of new types of carbonate and non-carbonate-based electrolyte materials, evaluation of electrolyte compositions for stable interfaces and efficient ion transport. 


Corvus Energy 

Advanced testing of cells, model-based engineering to evaluate HYDRA cells in maritime environments, generation of large datasets, early adoption of HYDRA's battery modeling tool BattMo.

Learn more about HYDRA and next generation electric car batteries in this podcast episode:  

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