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Seeking participants for free training program on affordable, sustainable housing solutions

Illustration: Shutterstock
The European partnership SHAPE II is seeking 15 participants for a tailored and free training program aimed at promoting sustainable and affordable housing solutions across Europe.

SINTEF is a partner in the project which is open to cities, housing developers, and companies working on sustainable construction or renovation projects.

What is SHAPE?

SHAPE – Affordable Housing Initiative European Partnership is a European partnership co-financed by the EU’s Single Market Program, which funds activities that support a well-functioning and sustainable internal market.

The partnership originates from the European Commission’s Renovation Strategy and the Affordable Housing Initiative.

“The goal is to renovate 35 million buildings and create 160,000 new green jobs by 2030,” says Senior business developer Klodian Gradeci at SINTEF.

SHAPE aims to promote more inclusive, energy-efficient, sustainable, and affordable housing in Europe. The partnership is coordinated by Housing Europe, in collaboration with EBC, ECTP, Energy Cities, GNE Finance, and SINTEF.

In its first phase (SHAPE I 2022–2024), the initiative supported 22 districts and neighbourhoods in developing renovation plans.

Now, in its second phase (SHAPE II 2024–2026), a free training program is being offered to help participants tackle challenges in developing social and affordable housing.

Additionally, 35 "light house districts" will be established as concrete examples of innovative and affordable renovation projects.

Why should you apply?

“The training program offers a unique opportunity to improve project outcomes and avoid common pitfalls in the development of social and affordable housing,” says Gradeci.  

Participation also provides access to a large European network in sustainable housing development. With only 15 spots available, the program will be customized to meet each participant’s specific needs.

Practical information

The application deadline is February 28. The application takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Selection is based on an evaluation by a jury. Selected participants will be able to start the training in March 2025.

Useful links

Project website: Home - Affordable Housing Initiative European Partnership
Call for applications:
EUSurvey - Survey


Project Information

Project name:

Shape ll

Project duration:

01/02/2024 - 31/12/2026

Contact person:

Klodian Gradeci

Contact person