Factsheets SINTEF Ocean
Fact Sheets
- Autonomous and Unmanned Ships
- Calm water performances analysis
- Cavitation Tunnel
- Numerical and Wave Simulators
- Design and Verification of Offshore Wind Turbines
- Field Measurements
- Vessel Response Tool
- Logistics and Transport Solutions for Offshore Wind
- Marine Operations for Installation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines
- Marine Operations
- 3D Diffraction Code MULDIF
- Offshore Fishfarm
- Performance in a Seaway
- ShipX - Description
- ShipX - Manoeuvring
- ShipX - Ship Speed and Powering - Calm Water Resistance
- ShipX - Ship Speed and Powering - Speed Loss
- ShipX Station Keeping
- ShipX - Vessel Responses
- Vessel Simulator VeSim