Sustainable Energy Distribution Systems
PhD projects and thesis
Sustainable Energy Distribution Systems - Planning Methods and Models
Doctor (PhD) projects and thesis
- Arild Helseth:
Modelling Reliability of Supply and Infrastructural Dependency in Energy Distribution Systems
Doctoral thesis for the degree of philosophiae doctor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, March 2008 - Linda Pedersen:
Load Modelling of Buildings in Mixed Energy Distribution Systems (Abstract)
Doctoral thesis for the degree of philosophiae doctor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, February 2007, NTNU 2007:78 - Espen Løken:
Multi-Criteria Planning of Local Energy Systems with Multiple Energy Carriers (Abstract)
Doctoral thesis for the degree of philosophiae doctor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, April 2007, NTNU 2007:79
eTransport project
- Maria D Catrinu:
Decision Aid for Planning Local Energy Systems
Doctoral Thesis for the degree of doktor ingeniør, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, April 2006, NTNU 2006:62