Competitive constructions
FA 2.1 Robust and highly flowable concrete with controlled surface quality
• Reliable design and production to obtain stable, robust and economical highly flowable concrete for buildings
• To establish specifications and guidelines to obtain required surface qualities
FA 2.2 High tensile strength concrete
• The general objective is to do R&D work which stimulates and makes use of fibres possible in load carrying
concrete structures.
• Development and verification of ductile high tensile strength concrete with target tensile strength: 15MPa.
COIN aims to design a concrete without traditional reinforcement. Fibre amount, distribution and bonding to the matrix must be controlled to reach this goal. Efforts are also made into development of test methods for verification of fibre distribution and concrete performance
FA 2.3 High quality manufactured sand for concrete
Develop a technology platform for production, mix design and use of manufactured sand giving concrete properties equal or better than concrete with natural sand
Focus Area 2.1 Robust and Highly Flowable Concrete with Controlled Surface Quality
Project manager: Klaartje De Weerdt Tlf: +47 936 56 633
International advisor: Olafur Wallevik, ICI, Iceland
Disciplinary responsible: Professor Stefan Jacobsen
PhD: Ya Peng
The work performed within COIN FA 2.1 can be divided into two main activities:
1. Design and testing of stable and robust highly flowable concrete
2. Development of a concrete surface classification tool and contributing to a concrete surface specification (NB9).
There is a close cooperation with FA 2.3 (see below). The project is also member of Nordic SCCNet
Robust and Highly Flowable Concrete with Controlled Surface Quality
Self-compacting concrete is an important to achieve increased productivity. Controlled stability (i.e. resistance to segregation) and thus constant quality from delivery to delivery is, however, one obstacle to increased use of this material. Self-compacting concrete can be stabilized by aid of admixtures and/or fillers. COIN's Focus Area 2.1 investigates the influence of these two proportioning methods on the rheological properties and castability of concrete. Thixotropy is of special interest since it is believed to influence stability, form-filling ability, the migration and evacuation of entrapped air bubbles and thus the final surface quality.
Methods and systems for classification of concrete surfaces
Concrete is often considered in connection to grey and dull architecture by the public. Focus on architecture and design that utilizes the unique formability of concrete can however result in fantastic constructions. An important basis for good design and productivity is that concrete surfaces with predictable esthetical expression can be obtained. There are currently no Norwegian tools that describe concrete surfaces for use in design, production and assessment phase of a project. Norwegian standards do for instance not set demands for parameters such as evenness of colour/grey tone and distribution of pores. Lack of a specification tool can result in misunderstandings between architect and contractor as well as unrealistic expectations to the final result. COIN's Focus Area 2.1 is therefore working on a tool for Norwegian conditions.
FA 2.2 High tensile strength all-round concrete
Project manager and disciplinary responsible: Terje Kanstad
International advisor: Professor Steffen Grünewald, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
PhD: Giedrius Zirgulis and Elena Vidal Sarmiento
COIN aims to design a concrete without traditional reinforcement. Fibre amount, distribution and bonding to the matrix must be controlled to reach this goal. Efforts are also made into development of test methods for verification of fibre distribution and concrete performance.
Activities related to the project:
• Materials development, fiber type investigations and performance of structures to achieve the target concrete
• Guidelines for design and execution: Verification and follow up of the design methods
• Field and full scale laboratory testing
FA 2.3 High quality manufactured sand for concrete
Project manager: Børge J. Wigum
International advisor: Olafur Wallevik, ICI, Iceland
Disciplinary responsible: Professor Stefan Jacobsen
PhD: Ya Peng and Elena Vidal Sarmiento
2.5 Production of manufactured aggregates for concrete
The world's resources of natural aggregates are getting scarcer. The project aims therefore to produce aggregates with optimal properties for concrete. Focus points are:
•geological origin
•optimal grading curves – no waste materials
•characterization methods