PLUG: Power Generation During Loading and Unloading
- SNECMA's presentation of PLUG to Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd (SIGTTO) Click to download (pdf-file)
- Sigrun Kavli Mindeberg and Andrei Z. Morch "D15: Data Exchange Study and Market Demonstrator" Project Report. SINTEF Energiforskning AS, January 2008
- Damien Féger, Ian Harper, Michel Leduc, Fabien Wimmer, Patrick Louazel, Andrei Morch, “PLUG in for profit and environment” an innovative solution to exchange electric power
between LNG carriers and terminals. Conference: GASTECH 2008, Bangkok 10-13, March 2008 - Andrei Z. Morch, "Developing a PLUG (standardised interface for power exchange between cargo vessels and harbours)" Journal of Energy Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Issue 5 2008, ISSN 1939-7437
- Andrei Z. Morch, Damien Féger, Nicolai Feilberg, "Assessment of a Business Model for Power Exchange Between Vessels and Ashore Electricity Distribution Network" Conference: Nordic Distribution and Asset Management Conference NORDAC-2008, Bergen, 8-9 September 2008. (Click to download)
- Andrei Z. Morch and Nicolai Feilberg. "D17: Power Interface Combination with RES in Deregulated Power Markets Analysis Report" SINTEF Energiforskning AS, October 2008