CENBIO - Enabling sustainable and cost-efficient bioenergy in Norway
CenBio constitutes the national team for stationary bioenergy use, and coordinates and integrates expertise from diverse scientific fields.
The consortium consists of leading research groups and key bioenergy companies in Norway – both large and medium sized – as well as trade organisations for bioenergy. Together, these companies cover the whole breadth of the biomass value chains based on forest products or organic waste materials, from raw materials to the end-users of energy.
- NMBU - Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
- SINTEF Energi AS
- NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
- NIBIO - Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi
- SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
- Vattenfall Research and Development AB
- Akershus Energi AS
- Norges Skogeierforbund
- Hafslund Varme AS
- Statkraft Varme AS
- Oslo Kommune Energigjenvinningsetaten
- Vattenfall AB Nordic Heat
- Energos AS
- Cambi AS
- Jøtul AS
- Norsk Kleber AS
Institutions taking part in CenBio activities:
- Aalborg University (DK)
- Abo Akademi University (FI)
- Catalonian Institute for Energy Research - IREC (SP)
- Chalmers University of Technology (SE)
- European Forest Institute (FI)
- Finnish Forest Research Institute - METLA (FI)
- German Federal Forest Research Institute (D)
- Linnaeus University (SE)
- Stanford University (USA)
- Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (SE)
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - SLU (SE)
- Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg (DE)
- Technical University of Denmark
- University of Copenhagen (DK)
- University of Freiburg (DE)
- University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA)
- University of Lappenraanta (FI)
- University of Minnesota (USA)
- University of North Carolina (USA)
- US Forest Service (USA)
- Vienna University of Technology (AU)