CENBIO - Enabling sustainable and cost-efficient bioenergy in Norway
Chatpers in Book
- Best scenarios for the forest and energy sectors – implications for the biomass market; Best scenarios for the forest and energy sectors – implications for the biomass market; Maarit Kallio, Antti Lehtilä, Tiina Koljonen, Birger Solberg; (2015) Cleen Oy 978-952-5947-84-7
- Renewable Heating and Cooling platform - Biomass technology roadmap; Lara Mertens, Niall Goodwin, Øyvind Skreiberg et al., 2014
- StableWood brochure: Heating of buildings with low heating demand: Stable heat release and distribution from batch combustion of wood: Mette Bugge, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, 2014
- Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide. Bergseng, E., Eid, T. & Gobakken, T. 2014. Development and use of forest decision support systems in Norway. Pp 280-295 in: Borges, J.G., Nordstrøm, E.M, Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Hujula, T. and Trasobares, A. (Eds.). Report of Cost Action FP 0804 Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS). Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; ISBN:978-91-576-9236-8, 2014
STable OPerating conditions for biomass combustion plants; Øyvind Skreiberg, Roger Khalil, Astrid B. Lundquist, 2013
- Good practice guidelines for biomass production studies; Talbot Bruce; COST Action FP-0902 WG 2 Operations research and measurement methodologies, 2013
- A tetra transition away from fossil fuels; Horn, Svein Jarle; A Changing Environment for Human Security - Transformative Approaches to Research, Policy and Action; Routledge, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-84971-301-6
- Economic Sustainability of biomass feedstock supply; Talbot Bruce; IEA task 43 report, 2012
- Ecological Consequences of Increased Biomass Removal for Bioenergy from Boreal Forests (Chapter 9); Nicholas Clarke; Garcia, J.M. & Casero, J.J.D. (eds.): Sustainable forest management/Book 1; InTech 2012
- Principles of biorefining (Chapter 1); Cherubini F, Strømman AH; Biofuels: Alternative Feedstocks and Conversion Processes, A. Pandey et al. (eds.); Elsevier, Burlington: Academic Press 2011
- Mixtures of bottom wood ash and meat and bone meal as NPK fertilizer (Chapter 3); Haraldsen, T.K., Pedersen, P.A.& Grønlund, A.; H. Insam and B.A. Knapp (eds.), Recycling of Biomass Ashes; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011