CENBIO - Enabling sustainable and cost-efficient bioenergy in Norway
Conference Papers
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
- Ash fusion characteristics of spruce stem wood and blends with bark, forest residue and fermentation residues; Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Roger A. Khalil, Michael Becidan; 2nd International Bioenergy (Shanghai) Conference and Exhibition, 19.04-21.04.2017
- Biocarbon production and utilization; Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli; 2nd International Bioenergy (Shanghai) Conference and Exhibition, 19.04-21.04.2017
- Techno-economic assessment of integrated hydrochar and high-grade activated carbon production for electricity generation and storage; Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khan-Quang Tran; 11th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Algarve 18.-21.04.2017
- A kinetic study on simultaneously boosting the mass and fixed-carbon yield of charccoal production via atmospheric carbonization; Maria Zabalo Alonso, Quang Khanh Tran, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg; 11th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Algarve 18.-21.04.2017
- Biomass upgrading for improved combustion processes; Øyvind Skreiberg; CenBio Final Conference, Ås, 13.03-14.03.2017
- Performance Evaluation of a Modern Wood Stove Using Charcoal; Alexis Sevault, Roger A. Khalil, Bjørn Christian Enger, Øyvind Skreiberg, Franziska Goile, Liang Wang, Morten Seljeskog, Rajesh Kempegowda; 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm
- The ultimate wood stove; Øyvind Skreiberg; CenBio Final Conference, Ås, 13.03-14.03.2017
- Alkali release and ash transformation of during thermal conversion of bark fuels; Liang Wang, Antero Moilanen, Jere Lehtinen, Jukka Konttinen Berta Guell Matas; 8th International Conference of Applied Energy, 08-10 October, 2016, Beijing
- Characterization of wood ashes from Birch trees; Janka Dibdiakova, Liang Wang, Hailong Li; 8th International Conference of Applied Energy, 08-10 October, 2016, Beijing
- Experimental study of char gasification at elevated temperatures with a particle-sizing pyrometer; Tian Li, Terese Løvås; Joint meeting of the Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute
- Large eddy simulations of ash deposition in wall-bounded turbulence; Tian Li, Liaho Zhao, Terese Løvås; Joint meeting of the Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute
- Hydrochar slurry fuels and high-grade activated carbon for electricity production and Storage - Conceptual process design and analysis; Quang Khanh Tran, Terese Løvås, Øyvind Skreiberg, Rajesh Shivanahalli; The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET 2016)
- Effect of torrefaction on properties and thermal behaviors of stem wood, stump and bark, Pyro 2016; Barta-Rajnai, Eszter; Wang, Liang; Czégény, Zsuzsanna; Jakab, Emma; Várhegyi, Gábor; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Grønli, Morten; 21st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 9.-12 May, Nancy
- Effect of Temperature and Duration of Torrefaction on the Thermal Behavior of Stem Wood, Bark, and Stump of Spruce; Barta-Rajnai, Eszter; Wang, Liang; Sebestyén, Zoltán; Barta, Zsolt; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Grønli, Morten; Jakab, Emma; Czégény, Zsuzsanna; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Effect of torrefaction on the thermal behavior of stem wood, bark, and stump of Norway spruce (poster); Barta-Rajnai, Eszter; Wang, Liang; Sebestyén, Zoltán; Barta, Zsolt; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Grønli, Morten; Jakab, Emma; Czégény, Zsuzsanna.; The Sixth McDonnell Academy International Symposium, 22-25 Sept.2016, Brisbane
- Wood stove CFD simulations; Bugge, Mette; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Seljeskog, Morten; Skreiberg, Øyvind. ; Workshop CFD-simulering av kamineldning – möjligheter och utmaningar, nu och i framtiden, 10.May 2016, Borås
- CO2 Gasification of Charcoals in the Context of Metallurgical Application; Bui, Hau-Huu; Wang, Liang; Tran, Khanh-Quang; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Luengnaruemitchai, Apanee.; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- CO2 Gasification of Norwegian Charcoals Prepared at Different Pressures; Bui, Hau-Huu; Wang, Liang; Tran, Khanh-Quang; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Luengnaruemitchai, Apanee.; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- An experimental study on how a wood stove affects the indoor air quality when used as the main source of heating in two representative Norwegian dwellings, one modern and one old (poster); Cao, Guangyu; Georges, Laurent; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Seljeskog, Morten; Indoor Air 2016, 3.-7.July 2016, Ghent
- Towards the maximum theoretical yields of charcoal from biomass pyrolysis; Grønli, Morten; Wang, Liang; Skreiberg, Øyvind; 21st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 9.-12 May, Nancy
- Value chain analysis of biocarbon utilisation in Residential pellet stoves; Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli; Barta, Zsolt; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Wang, Liang; IConBM 2016, 19.-22.June 2016, Giardini Naxos-Taormina
- Biocarbonization process for high quality energy carriers: Techno-economics; Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Tran, Khanh-Quang.; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Techno-economic assessment of thermal co-pretreatment and co-digestion of food wastes and sewage sludge for heat, power and biochar production; Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Tran, Khanh-Quang; Selvam, P V Pannir; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Detailed Operational Mapping of a Grate Fired Biomass Combustion Plant for Improved Combustion Process Control; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Malik, Azhar; Ku, Xiaoke; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Fossum, Morten; Becidan, Michael; Løvås, Terese; IConBM 2016, 19.-22.June 2016, Giardini Naxos-Taormina
- Rate of climate change vs. long-term warming: Application of the revised climate change impact assessment method to a biogas power plant; Lausselet, Carine; Iordan, Cristina; Cherubini, Francesco; 22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium, 20.22.Sept.2016
- CFD simulation of devolatilization of biomass with shrinkage effect; Li, Tian; Ku, Xiaoke; Løvås, Terese; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Gasification of high heating-rate biomass-derived chars at elevated temperatures; Li, Tian; Niu, Yanqing; Wang, Liang; Løvås, Terese; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Experimental study of the airflow distribution inside and between two zones with temperature differences with an air curtain system; Polak, Joanna; Cao, Guangyu; Georges, Laurent; Skreiberg, Øyvind; CLIMA 2016, 22.-25.May 2016, Ålborg
- Recommended revisions of Norwegian emission factors for wood stoves; Seljeskog, Morten; Goile, Franziska; Skreiberg, Øyvind; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Variables affecting particulate emissions from residential wood combustion – simultaneous sampling on hot and ambient filter; Seljeskog, Morten; Sevault, Alexis; Rønning, Birger; Rishaug, Magnus; Østnor, Asbjørn; Skreiberg, Øyvind; 20th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, 13.-16.June 2016; Zurich
- Variables affecting emission measurements from domestic wood combustion; Seljeskog, Morten; Sevault, Alexis; Østnor, Asbjørn; Skreiberg, Øyvind; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Model development for wood logs; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Haberle, Inge; Workshop CFD-simulering av kamineldning – möjligheter och utmaningar, nu och i framtiden, 10.May 2016, Borås
- Simultaneously boosting the mass and fixed-carbon yields of charcoal from forest residue via atmospheric carbonization; Tran, Khanh-Quang; Alonso, Maria Zabalo; Wang, Liang; Skreiberg, Øyvind; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Fast hydrothermal liquefaction of native and torrefied wood; Tran, Khanh-Quang; Klemsdal, Aksel Junge; Zhang, Wennan; Sandquist, Judit; Wang, Liang; Skreiberg, Øyvind; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Hydrochar slurry fuels and high-grade activated carbon for electricity production and Storage - Conceptual process design and analysis; Tran, Quang Khanh; Løvås, Terese; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli; The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET 2016), 14.-16.Nov.2016, Hanoi
- Impact of torrefaction on fuel properties of woody biomass; Wang, Liang; Barta-Rajnai, Eszter; Czégény, Zsuzsanna; Jakab, Emma; Várhegyi, Gábor; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Grønli, Morten; Workshop on Aviation biofuels through biomass gasification, 25.May 2016, Trondheim
- Biomass Charcoal Properties Changes during Storage; Wang, Liang; Barta-Rajnai, Eszter; Hu, Kathryn; Higashi, Charissa; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Grønli, Morten; Czégény, Zsuzsanna; Jakab, Emma; Myrvågnes, Viktor; Várhegyi, Gabor; Antal, Michael Jerry; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-10 Oct.2016, Beijing
- Impact of Torrefaction on Woody Biomass Properties; Wang, Liang; Barta-Rajnai, Eszter; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Czégény, Zsuzsanna; Jakab, Emma; Barta, Zsolt; Grønli, Morten; The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, 8-11 Oct.2016, Beijing
- CO2 reactivity assessment of woody biomass biocarbons for metallurgical purposes; Wang, Liang; Hovd, Benedicte; Bui, Hau-Huu; Valderhaug, Aasgeir Mikael; Videm Buø, Therese; Birkeland, Rolf Gunnar; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Tran, Khanh-Quang; IConBM 2016, 19.-22.June 2016, Giardini Naxos-Taormina
- Composition and morphology of ash produced in a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant; Wang, Liang; Øye, Bjarte Arne; Becidan, Michael; Fossum, Morten; Skreiberg, Øyvind; IConBM 2016, 19.-22.June 2016, Giardini Naxos-Taormina
- Characterization of ash deposits in a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant; Wang, Liang; Øye, Bjarte Arne; Becidan, Michael; Stuen, Johnny; Skreiberg, Øyvind; IConBM 2016, 19.-22.June 2016, Giardini Naxos-Taormina
- Stochastic reactor modelling for biomass pyrolysis; Weber, Kathrin; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese; Seidel, Lars; Perlman, Cathleen; Mauss, Fabian; 21st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 9.-12 May, Nancy
- Short–term effects of whole–tree harvesting on understory plant species diversity and cover in two Norway spruce sites in southern Norway; Økland, Tonje; Nordbakken, Jørn-Frode; Lange, Holger; Røsberg, Ingvald; Clarke, Nicholas; Landscape management and design for food, bioenergy and the bioeconomy: methodology and governance aspects, 15-16 March 2016, Gothenburg
- CO2 reactivity assessment of biocarbons for metallurgical purposes (poster); Liang Wang, Hau-Huu Bui, Benedicte Hovd, Aasgeir Valderhaug, Therese Videm Buø, Rolf Gunnar Birkeland, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khanh-Quang Tran; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Bio-carbonization process integration for high quality energy carriers: charcoal, biomethane, biocrude, and biofertilizer; Rajesh S. Kempegowda,Øyvind Skreiberg,Khanh-Quang Tran,Pagandai V. Pannir Selvam; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Energy efficiency, environmental aspects and cost-efficiency of small-scale biocarbon conversion applications - value chain analysis (poster); Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Zsolt Barta, Øyvind Skreiberg, Liang Wang; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Computational Fluid Dynamics as an efficient design tool for wood stoves (poster); Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Inge Haberle, Laurent Georges; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Flue gas chemistry of NO and KCl during injection of ammonium sulphate – An experimental investigation in a biomass fired BFB boiler (poster); Håkan Kassman, Curt Skoglund, Christer Forsberg; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Long term corrosion measurements during injection of ammonium sulphate in a biomass fired BFB boiler (poster); Håkan Kassman, Åsa Astervik, Mattias Mattsson, Annika Stålenheim and Pamela Henderson; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Unraveling the knot between CO2 emissions from bioenergy and climate change (plenary session); Francesco Cherubini; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Short-term ecological consequences of removal of harvesting residues for bioenergy from forests; Nicholas Clarke, Hugh Cross, Toril D. Eldhuset, Kjersti Holt Hanssen, Ari Hietala, O. Janne Kjønaas, Holger Lange, Jørn-Frode Nordbakken, Tonje Økland, Ingvald Røsberg, Silje Skår; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Short-term effects of wood ash return to forest (poster); Nicholas Clarke, Kjersti Holt Hanssen, Jørn-Frode Nordbakken, Tonje Økland and Katarzyna Wasak; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Life cycle Assessment and costs of the Norwegian Waste-to-Energy sector: Current situation and future perspectives; Carine Lausselet, Francesco Cherubini, Gonzalo del Alamo Serrano, Michaël Becidan, Per Kristian Rørstad, Anders Hammer Strømman, Christina Maria Iordan; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Old Versus New Wood Stove Technology for Domestic Heating in Norway: Environmental Impacts and Costs (poster); Tuva Grytli, Geoffrey Guest, Carine Lausselet, Francesco Cherubini, Per Kristian Rørstad, Helmer Belbo, Rasmus Astrup, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Franziska Goile, Anders Hammer Strømman; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Life cycle Assessment and cost of a sewage sludge biogas plant in Norway (poster); Carine Lausselet, Francesco Cherubini, Christina Maria Iordan, Per Kristian Rørstad, Tormod Briseid, Anders Hammer Strømman; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Microbial population dynamics in AD reactors operating close to overloading (poster); Roar Linjordet, Lisa Paruch, Vivekanand Vivekanand, Svein Jarle Horn and Helge Holo; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Carbon yield predictions in biochar based on stochastic reactor modelling; Kathrin Weber, Tian Li, Terese Løvås; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Eulerian–Lagrangian simulation of thermochemical degradation of thermally thick biomass particles (poster); Tian Li, Terese Løvås; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- CFD simulation of industry sized biomass furnace; Tian Li, Xiaoke Ku, Terese Løvås; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Study of the composition and morphology of ash deposits and slag produced in a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant (poster); Liang Wang, Bjarte Øye, Michael Becidan, Morten Fossum,Egil Evensen, and Øyvind Skreiberg; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Characterization of ash deposits in a municipal Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant (poster); Liang Wang, Bjarte Øye, Michael Becidan, Johnny Stuen, and Øyvind Skreiberg; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Operational mapping of a grate fired biomass combustion plant for improved process control; Roger A. Khalil, Azhar Malik, Xiaoke Ku, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Fossum, Michael Becidan, Terese Løvås; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Analyses of MSWI ashes from domestic- and business waste plants (poster); B Øye, O Paulsen, C Engelsen; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Simultaneous thermal analysis as a method for prediction of biomass ash thermal and melting behavior (poster); Janka Dibdiakova, Liang Wang, Henning Horn; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- VEPAK - Innovative solutions ramping firewood packing productivity; Helmer Belbo, Simen Gjølsjø, Eirik Nordhagen; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- CenBio - enabling sustainable and cost-efficient bioenergy in Norway (poster); Marie Bysveen, Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen, Alexis Sevault, Line Rydså; 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam
- Short–term effects of whole–tree harvesting on understory plant species diversity and cover in two Norway spruce sites in southern Norway; Tonje Økland, Jørn-Frode Nordbakken, Holger Lange, Ingvald Røsberg, Nicholas Clarke; Landscape management and design for food, bioenergy and the bioeconomy: methodology and governance aspects, 15-16 March 2016, Gothenburg
- Energimeldingen innspill fra CenBio; Petter E. Røkke; Innspillsmøtet for Energimeldingen, OED, 9 December 2015, Oslo
- Biogenic carbon emissions and climate impact dynamics; Francesco Cherubini; Invited Speaker at "Environmental use of wood resources", Discussion Forum on Life Cycle Assessment, 4th December 2015, Zurich, Switzerland
- Ny studie av verdikjeden for ved; Per Kristian Rørstad, Tuva Grytli, Geoffrey Guest, Carine Lausselet, Francesco Cherubini, Ryan Bright, Helmer Belbo, Rasmus Astrup, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Franziska Goile, Anders Hammer Strømman; Bioenergidagene, 19.11.2015. Oral Presentation
- Soil quality indicators to assess forest management impacts; Inge Stupak, Karin Hansen, Eva Ring, Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen, Nicholas Clarke, Andis Lazdins, Iveta Varnagiryte-Kabasinskiene, Kestutis Armolaitis, Ingeborg Callesen; Managing Forests to Promote Environmental Services, 3-5 November 2015, Copenhagen
- Soil carbon sequestration in Nordic forestry: influences of changed land-use and management; Lars Vesterdal, Nicholas Clarke, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Helena M. Stefánsdóttir, O. Janne Kjønaas, Per Gundersen, Inge Stupak, Teresa G. Bárcena, Lars P. Kiær; Managing Forests to Promote Environmental Services, 3-5 November 2015, Copenhagen
- CAR-ES – Water the first 10 years; Lars Högbom, Leena Finér, Nicholas Clarke, Martyn Futter, Per Gundersen, Ari Laurén, Samuli Launiainen, Eva Ring; Managing Forests to Promote Environmental Services, 3-5 November 2015, Copenhagen
- SP6 Waste-to-Energy value chain: Summary of the results; Lausselet, C., del Alamo Serrano G., Becidan M., Cherubini F., Rørstad P.K, Strømman A.H.; CenBio Strategic Days 2015. Trondheim, 28-29 October 2015. Oral presentation
- Influence of different tree-harvesting intensities on forest soil carbon stocks in boreal and northern temperate forest ecosystems; Nicholas Clarke, Per Gundersen, Ulrika Jönsson-Belyazid, O. Janne Kjønaas, Tryggve Persson, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Inge Stupak, Lars Vesterdal; Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy, 21-23 October 2015, Barcelona, and Managing Forests to Promote Environmental Services, 3-5 November 2015, Copenhagen
- Sustainability and efficiency in bioenergy production; Lausselet, C.; CenBio Workshop-How to ensure bioenergy production in a sustainable and efficient manner in Norway? – From strategies to actions. 22 September 2015. Gardemoen. Oral presentation
- Acidity and forest harvesting in Norway; Nicholas Clarke; Forestry and acidity related issues in Finland, Norway and the UK, 10 September 2015, Uppsala
- Integrated economic and environmental assessment of heat production from wood stoves in Norway; Tuva Grytli, Geoffrey Guest, Carine Lausselet, Francesco Cherubini, Ryan Bright, Anders Hammer Strømman, Per Kristian Rørstad, Helmer Belbo, Rasmus Astrup, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Franziska Goile; Life-Cycle Management (LCM) Conference, Bordeaux (France) 30/8-2/9 2015. Poster presentation
- Integrating life cycle assessments in the Norwegian Waste-to-Energy sector; Lausselet C., del Alamo Serrano G., Becidan M., Guest G., Cherubini F., Grytli T., Rydså L., Strømman A.H.; Life-Cycle Management (LCM) Conference, Bordeaux (France) 30/8-2/9 2015. Poster presentation
- Disentangling the climate change contributions of CO2 emissions from global forest bioenergy; Francesco Cherubini; Our Common Future under Climate Change, Paris (France) 7-10 July 2015
- Aspects on the flue gas chemistry of KCl, NO and CO during injection of ammonium sulphate – An experimental approach; H. Kassman, L-E. Åmand; 22nd International Conference on Fluidized Bed Conversion, June 14-17, 2015 Turku, Finland
- Presentation for NVE: CenBio Foresight Process; Line Rydså; 5 June 2015
- A novel approach for estimating the hydrophobicity of solid biofuels based on contact angle measurements; Nevena Mišljenović, Quang-Vu Bach, Khanh-Quang Tran, Øyvind Skreiberg, Reidar Barfod Schüller, Carlos Salas-Bringas; 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Vienna, Austria.
- S-Cl-Na-K chemistry during MSW gasification:
a thermodynamic study; Michael Becidan; ICheaP12, 19-22 May 2015, Milan - Poster: Norwegian WtE in 2030; Micahel Becidan; ICheaP12, 19-22 May 2015, Milan
- Wood ash: An alternative fertiliser for agriculture; Eva Brod, Trond Knapp Haraldsen; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Sustainable forest-based bioenergy – present situation and future challenges; Berit H Lindstad; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Will Norwegian wood chips for district heating
meet the new world-wide ISO-standard?; Simen Gjølsjø; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell - Results from research on anaerobic digestion; Tormod Briseid; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Standardization work with woodstoves; Morten Seljeskog; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Norwegian Waste-to-Energy (WtE) in 2030 - Challenges and Opportunities; Michaël Becidan; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Impacts of forest bioenergy and policies on the forest sector in Europe – What do we know?; Birger Solberg, Lauri Hetemäki, A. Maarit I. Kallio, Alexander Moiseyev, Hanne K. Sjølie; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Standardisation linked to bioenergy in Norway and neighbouring countries; Hilde Aarefjord; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- From research to market; Vidar Andreassen; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Burnt-out innovations – A tortuous pathway from scientific results to marketable products; Trond Knapp Haraldsen; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- SP6 – Value chain assessments – Results and work in progress; Francesco Cherubini, Tuva Grytli, Carine Grossrieder, Gonzalo del Alamo Serrano, Line Rydså; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Bioenergy research in the rest of the world, seen by Claes Tullin; Claes Tullin; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Bioenergy research in the rest of the world, seen by Pat Howes; Pat Howes; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Bioenergy research in the rest of the world, seen by Marcel van Berlo; Marcel van Berlo; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Bioenergy research in the rest of the world, seen by Arto Timperi; Arto Timperi; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- Progress and status of the Centre, and opportunities for the future; Berta Matas Güell, Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; CenBio Days 2015, 17-19 March, Hell
- System analysis of Ten Supply Chains for Whole Tree Chips; Helmer Belbo; Formec-Fec Conference in Gerardmer, France, Sept 24-26 2014
- A Chip-Truck Trojan Chipper - a sound solution for wood-chip supply?; Helmer Belbo; OSCAR 2014 conference, Knivsta, Sweden
- Techno-economics of dry and wet-torrefaction process for improved bio-feedstocks for biorefinery applications; Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Roger A. Khalil, Øyvind Skreiberg; Proceedings of 22nd European BC&E, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany
- Optimization of biocrude production through co-processing torrefied biomass with low-grade wet biomass in dual entrained flow gasification and steam hydrogasification; Rajesh S. Kempegowda, Gonzalo del Alamo, Berta Matas Güell, Øyvind Skreiberg, Khanh-Quang Tran; Proceedings of 22nd European BC&E, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany
- Effects of wood ash in forest; Kjersti Holt Hanssen, Nicholas Clarke, Simen Gjølsjø, Janka Dibdiakova; CenBio ash miniseminar/workshop 27 May 2014, Værnes
- Alternatives to GWP in LCA: temperature metrics and explicit time profiles; Cherubini, Francesco; Levasseur, Annie, SETAC Conference; 11-15 May 2014, Vancouver, Canada
- Effects of CO2 on wet torrefaction of biomass; Quang-Vu Bach, Khanh-Quang Tran, Roger A. Khalil, Øyvind Skreiberg; ICAE2014 - Energy Procedia
- Wet torrefaction of forest residues; Quang-Vu Bach, Khanh-Quang Tran, Roger A. Khalil, Øyvind Skreiberg; ICAE2014 - Energy Procedia
- Energivirketynning - Venn eller fiende; Helmer Belbo; Grong
- Novel structures and functions of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases; Horn, Svein Jarle; Agger, Jane; Isaksen, Trine; Forsberg, Zarah; Ludwig, R.; Mackenzie, Alasdair; Vaaje-Kolstad, Gustav; Varnai, Aniko; Westereng, Bjørge; Eijsink, Vincent; 36th symposium on biotechnology for fuels and chemicals, 28 April to 1 May 2014
- GWPs and GTPs for forest bioenergy and products with global coverage at 0.5 x 0.5 spatial resolution; Cherubini, Francesco; Huijbregts, Mark A.J.; Kinderman, G; Bright, Ryan M.; Van Zelm, Rosalie; Van Der Welde, Marijn; Strømman, Anders Hammer; European Geoscience Union, 4 April-2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria
- Foresight process: Status and road ahead; Berta Matas Güell; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Scientific Advisors' comments and advice on CenBio vs. current bioenergy trends; Heikki Pajuja, Mikko Hupa, Michael J. Antal Jr.; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Status SP6 - Value chain assessment; Anders H. Strømman; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Environmental impacts of harvesting forest residues - Recents results; Toril D. Eldhuset; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- CFD study of NOx formation; Mette Bugge; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- What can be done to boost the bioenergy market?; Gunnar Olofsson; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- How to face crisis in the forest industry; Olav Veum; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Challenges in waste-to-energy industry; Pål Mikkelsen; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Challenges and experience from the finalization of Hafslund's pellet plant; Steffen Birkeland; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Finding opportunities for innovation in your research; Nils Spidsøe; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Current trends of the EU Commission regarding bioenergy research; Jonas Helseth; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Stationary bioenergy research, use and markets in the USA - Status and reflections; Michael J. Antal, Jr; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Large scale forest biomass supply for energy - Lessons learned from Finland and Sweden; Antti Asikainen; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Communicating on bioenergy R&D: how to deal with media, controversy and public perception?; Tomas Moe Skjølsvold; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Progress and status of the Centre; Berta Matas Güell, Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Ash related research activities in CenBio - Highlights and implications; Liang Wang; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Choosing and using equipment and concepts for efficient biomass supply; Helmer Belbo; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Wood ash as raw material for Portland cement; Bjarte Øye; Central European Biomass Conference, 15-18 January 2014, Graz (Austria)
- Skogsbränsleforskning i Sverige – historisk tillbakablick och dagens trender; Staffan Jacobson; Bioenergi fra skog i økologisk perspektiv, Oslo, 12 February 2014
- Grot i økologisk sammenheng med vekt på nye resultater fra Finland; Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari, L. Kaarakka, M. Kukkola, A.-J. Lindroos, A. Saarsalmi, A. Smolander, P. Tamminen; Bioenergi fra skog i økologisk perspektiv, Oslo, 12 February 2014
- Calibrating the soil carbon dynamics of Romul using Norwegian forest sites; Silje Skår; CAR-ES Network Meeting
- Bioenergi fra skog i økologisk perspektiv: Framtida for grot som biobrensel; Johannes Bergum; Bioenergi fra skog i økologisk perspektiv, Oslo, 12 February 2014
- Recent insights into the enzymatic conversion of lignocellulosic biomass; Eijsink, Vincent; Annual Plant Biotech Denmark Meeting, 29-30 January 2014
- Fundamentals of biocarbon production and utilization; Michael Jerry Antal, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Grønli; CenBio Days 2012
- Thermogravimetric studies of charcoal formation from cellulose under different pyrolysis conditions; Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli, Michael J. Antal, Jr.; AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta 2014
- Upgrading biomass fuel via torrefaction for more stable combustion; Quang-Vu Bach, Khanh-Quang Tran, Øyvind Skreiberg; (as part of the RCN R&D Symposium: How does strategic R&D programs work?). Fjernvarmedagene 2014, Fornebu
- Simulation of the Indoor Thermal Environment in Passive Houses heated using Wood Stoves; Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg ; BUILDSIM-NORDIC, Espoo-Finland
- Influences of wet torrefaction on pelletability and pellet properties of Norwegian forest residues; Quang-Vu Bach, Nevena Mišljenović, Khanh-Quang Tran, Carlos Salas-Bringas, Øyvind Skreiberg ; Nordic Rheology Conference 2014, Reykjavik
- Sintering of rye straw ash and effect of additives; Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael Becidan, Hailong Li; 6th International Conference on Applied Energy - ICAE2014
- Biofuels of the future, and modelling implications; Øyvind Skreiberg; (plenary presentation), The 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, Leipzig
- Numerical simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions; Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Ehsan Houshfar; CenBio Days 2014, 26-28 March 2014, Lillestrøm
- Technology Options, ongoing R&D and Results; Øyvind Skreiberg; (as part of the RCN R&D Symposium: How does strategic R&D programs work?, Fjernvarmedagene 2014, Fornebu
- Influences of wet torrefaction on pelletability and pellet properties of Norwegian forest residues; Quang-Vu Bach, Nevena Mišljenović, Khanh-Quang Tran, Carlos Salas-Bringas, Øyvind Skreiberg; Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society 22(1):61-68.
- Transient fuel models and modelling of the fuel decomposition and products composition as input to CFD gas phase calculations; Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg; 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion 2014
- Batch combustion of logs in wood stoves – Transient modelling for generation of input to CFD modelling of stoves and thermal comfort simulations; Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog ; 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion 2014
- CFD modelling of NOx emissions from wood stoves; Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg; 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion 2014
- Review of biomass based micro CHP for low energy buildings; Øyvind Skreiberg, Patrizio Massoli, Pedro Abelha, Anthony Paul Roskilly, Vida N. Sharifi, Laurent Georges; 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen
- Advancing Turbulent Combustion Modeling Using the Eddy Dissipation Concept with Detailed Chemistry; Lysenko, D.A., Ertesvåg, I.S., Rian, K.E.; OSCIC’13, Seventh Open Source CFD International Conference, 24-25 October, 2013, Hamburg, Germany
- Turbulent combustion modeling using the Eddy Dissipation Concept with detailed chemistry; Lysenko, D.A., Ertesvåg, I.S., Rian, K.E.; MCS’13, Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 9-13 September, 2013, Çe¸sme, Izmir, Turkey
- Bioraffinering – utfordringer og muligheter; Horn, Svein Jarle; Fremtidens skognæring, 16 October 2013
- Bioøkonomi og biokatalyse; Horn, Svein Jarle; Petcha Kutcha, Vitenparken, 16 October 2013
- Enzymatisk nedbrytning av biomasse; Horn, Svein Jarle; Det nye bioenergibildet, UMB; 10 October 2013
- Enzymer og mikroorganismer for prosessering av biomasse; Horn, Svein Jarle; Programstyret EnergiX, UMB, 12 September 2013
- Biogenic CO2 emissions, changes in surface albedo, and biodiversity impacts from establishment of miscanthus plantation; Jørgensen SV, Cherubini F, Michelsen O; 7th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, ISIE. Ulsan, South-Korea, 25 - 28 June 2013
- Stable heat release and distribution from batch combustion of wood; Kolbeinn Kristjansson, Erling Næss, Øyvind Skreiberg, Haugen, M.S ; 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Hydrothermal pretreatment of kelp biomass for energy applications – a high‐throughput screening; Miguel Valcuende Sillero, Quang‐Vu Bach, Khanh‐Quang Tran; 3rd International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, 16-19 June 2013
- Biogassforskning på Ås campus; Horn, Svein Jarle; Seminar - Biologisk behandling av avfall, Gardermoen, 24-25 September 2013
- Testing of zeolite and kaolin for preventing ash sintering and fouling during biomass combustion; Liang Wang, Michaël Becidan, Øyvind Skreiberg; 16th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 29 September - 2 October 2013, Rhodes, Greece
- Experimental Study of a Single Particle Reactor at Combustion and Pyrolysis Conditions; Houshfar, Ehsan; Wang, Liang; Vähä-Savo, NIklas; Brink, Anders; Løvås, Terese; 16th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 29 September - 2 October 2013, Rhodes, Greece
- Gjennombrudd i biogass- og bioraffineriforskningen; Eijsink, Vincent; Åpen avslutningsseminar: Det Nye Bioenergibildet, 10 October 2013
- A C4-oxidizing lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase cleaving cellulose and cello-oligosaccharides; Isaksen, Trine; Westereng, Bjørge; Aachmann, Finn Lillelund; Agger, Jane; Ludwig, Roland; Haltrich, Dietmar; Eijsink, Vincent; Horn, Svein Jarle; Enzymatic hydrolysis of soluble carbohydrates, Søminestationen, 31 August 2013
- Functional characterization of novel fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases; Isaksen, Trine; Westereng, Bjørge; Aachmann, Finn Lillelund; Agger, Jane; Ludwig, Roland; Haltrich, Dietmar; Eijsink, Vincent; Horn, Svein Jarle; at PolyRefNorth, 3rd annual meeting, Copenhagen, 31 August 2013
- Evaluation of the effect of different steam explosion conditions on methane potential and enzymatic saccharfication of birch (Betula pubescens); Vivekanand, Vivekanand; Olsen, Elisabeth Fjærvoll; Eijsink, Vincent; Horn, Svein Jarle; 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Santiago de Compostela, 25-28 June 2013
- Steam explosion of bagasse: Methane potential and enzymatic saccharification; Vivekanand, Vivekanand; Olsen, Elisabeth Fjærvoll; Eijsink, Vincent; Horn, Svein Jarle; 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Santiago de Compostela, 25-29 June 2013
- Recent insights into the function of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases; Horn, Svein Jarle; Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (RRB-9), Antwerpen, 6 June 2013
- Is Elevated Pressure Required to Achieve a High Fixed-Carbon Yield of Charcoal from Biomass?; Michael J. Antal, Jr., Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten G. Grønli; International Symposium held at Osaka University, Japan, 18 March 2013
- Environmental Services Provided by Forests - an Overview; Nicholas Clarke; Conference "Interdisciplinary Research for Higher Socioeconomic Value of Forests", Riga, Latvia, 10-12 June 2013
- Enzyme technology for the bio-economy: from basic science to the biorefinery; Eijsink, Vincent, Biostruct, open day,Tromsø, 8 May 2013
- Modelling the ecological consequences of whole tree thinning for bioenergy production; Silje Skår; Seminar "Management effects on environmental services of forest ecosystems: carbon, bioenergy, water and biodiversity", Hveragerdi, Iceland, May 2013
- Environmental impacts of harvesting biomass from the Nordic forests; Nicholas Clarke; Nordic Baltic Bioenergy 2013
- Modelling the ecological consequences of whole tree harvest for bioenergy production; Silje Skår; Annual meeting of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, April 2013
- Prosjektforslag "BioCarb+": Enabling the biocarbon value chain for energy; Øyvind Skreiberg; SINTEF Meeting
- Attainment of High Fixed-Carbon Yields from Biomass; L. Wang, Ø. Skreiberg, M. G. Grønli, M. J. Antall Jr.; Nordic Biochar Seminar, Helsinki, Finland, 14-15 February 2013
- Phosphorus case Norway: Focus on organic P-rich waste; Eva Brod, Anne Bøen; Wageningen, February 2013
- Enzymatic conversion of biomass - from discovery, via basic science to application; Eijsink, Vincent, Seminar, Universitetet i Oslo, 17 January 2013
- Produksjon av brensel; Simen Gjølsjø; SINTEF-seminar: Slik skal du fyre med ved, Oslo, Norway, 4 December 2012
- Status på utviklingen av vedovner; Morten Seljeskog; SINTEF-seminar: Slik skal du fyre med ved, Oslo, Norway, 4 December 2012
- Produksjon av flis til bioenergi - utstyr og metoder; Helmer Belbo; Agroteknikk 2012, Lillestrøm, Norway, 17 November 2012
- Processing of Macroalgae - fuels, feed and fertilizer; Horn, Svein Jarle, ALGAE WORKSHOP, 15 November 2012
- Tørking av flis og flisvirke; Helmer Belbo; Energivirkeseminar Mære Landbruksskole, Norway, 12 November 2012
- Oversiktsbilde bioenergiforskning Ås; Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; Bioenergidagene, Hamar, Norway, 6 November 2012
- FoU-utfordringer i Bioenergiens verdikjeder; Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; Bioenergidagene, Hamar, Norway, 6 November 2012
- Ny og lovende teknologi for akkumulering av varme fra vedovner; Morten Seljeskog; Bioenergidagene, Småskala bioenergiløsninger, Hamar, Norway, 6 November 2012
- Is Elevated Pressure Required to Achieve a High Fixed-Carbon Yield of Charcoal From Biomass?; Wang L., Skreiberg Ø., Grønli M. G., Antal Jr M. J.; AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, USA, PA from 28 October to 2 November 2012
- The Climate Impact Potential of Utilizing Forest Residues for Bioenergy—the case of Norwegian Spruce in Norway; Guest G., Cherubini F., Strømman A. H.; Technoport, Trondheim, Norway, 2012
- The marine biorefinery – production and processing of brown macroalgae; Horn, Svein Jarle, PlantBio 2012, 17 October 2012
- Vedfyring i Bergen; Morten Seljeskog; Riktig vedfyring i riktig ildsted, Klimafestivalen, Bergen, Norway, 17 October 2012
- Vedfyring i endring; Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; Vedfyring i et klima- og energipolitisk perspektiv, Oslo, Norway, 16 October 2012
- Avvirkning av lauvskog og kulturlandskap; Helmer Belbo; BIOSTIGEN sluttkonferanse, Ørsta, Norway, 4 October 2012
- Systemanalyse - forsyningskjeder for skogsbrensel; Helmer Belbo; BIOSTIGEN sluttkonferanse, Ørsta, Norway, 4 October 2012
- Selecting between wood supply chains on the basis of economic performance and robustness; Helmer Belbo; COST FP 0902 Forest Energy Action, Lisbon meeting, Portugal, 18 September 2012
- CenBio midtveis, Utvalgte resultater fra 2009-2012; Michael Becidan; AvfallNorge energiutnyttelsesseminar, Bergen, Norway, 12 September 2012
- Dual-fuel cycles to increase the efficiency of WtE installations; Becidan M., Anantharaman R.; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 15th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Praha, Czech Republic, 25-29 August 2012
- Bioenergi i framtidens energisystem; Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; Oppstartseminar fornybar-energi-studenter UMB, Ås, Norway, 14 August 2012
- Modelling staged combustion of biomass with a reduced chemical kinetics mechanism: Fuel rich condition; Houshfar E., Skreiberg Ø., Løvås T.; 34th Combustion Symposium work-in-progress poster, Warzaw, Poland, 29 July - 3 August 2012
- Biogas Research and Opportunities; Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; Cambi Biogas summer seminar, Ås, Norway, 11 June 2012
- Bioenergiforskning i vekst; Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; Orientering til LMD, Oslo, Norway, 11 June 2012
- Dual discounting in forest sector climate change mitigation; Sjølie H. K., Latta G., Solberg B.; Forest Sector modeling workshop, Nancy, France, May 31, 2012
- Modelling of biogenic CO2 fluxes in LCA and their integration with the global C cycle; Cherubini F., Bright R. M., Strømman A. H.; SETAC Europe Conference, Berlin, Germany, 21-24 May 2012
- Additives for reduced corrosion and fouling in BtE - An experimental study; Wang L., Becidan M., Skreiberg Ø.; 3rd International Conference on Biomass and Waste Combustion, London, UK, 24-25 April 2012
- Mekanisert hogst av skogsbrensel - Energivirketynning; Helmer Belbo; Natur og Næring, avslutningskonferanse, Oslo, Norway, 19 April 2012
- Modelling the consequences of increased use of forest harvest residues for bioenergy production; Silje Skår; Technoport 2012, 16-18 April, Trondheim, Norway
- Oxygen enhanced combustion of biomass; Khalil R. A., Becidan M., Skreiberg Ø.; Renewable Energy Research Conference 2012, Trondheim, Norway, 16-17 April 2012
- Thermal degradation properties of torrefied fuels; Tapasvi D., Khalil R. A., Skreiberg Ø., Tran K.-Q.; Renewable Energy Research Conference 2012, Trondheim, Norway, 16-17 April 2012
- GWPs of biogenic CO2 from bioenergy: contributions from timing of CO2 fluxes and albedo; Cherubini F., Bright R. M., Strømman A. H.; IEA Bioenergy Task 38 workshop on timing of emissions, Chicago, USA, 12-13 April 2012
- Halm som brensel, klippeaggregater, tørking av flis og fliskvalitet; Helmer Belbo; Innovasjon Norge Fagseminar Bioenergi, Verdal, Norway, 15 March 2012
- CREE + CenBio = Complete bioenergy value chain; Odd Jarle Skjelhaugen; Orientering til FME-CREE, Oslo, Norway, 7 March 2012
- Modeling the consequences of forest harvest residues for bioenergy production; Silje Skår, Holger Lange, Trine Sogn; World Sustainable Energy Days 2012, 28 February-2 March, Wels, Austria
- Preliminary results from the Gaupen field experiment - changes in soil water chemistry after harvesting with and without removal of residues; Nicholas Clarke; Workshop on impacts of increased use of bioenergy – modelling and guidelines, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-24 January 2012
- Quality requirements for wood ash as K component in recycled NPK fertilizers; Haraldsen T. K., Brod E. M., Krogstad T.; Ash Utilisation 2012; Stockholm, Sweden, January 2012
- Wood ash as raw material for Portland cement; Bjarte Øye; Ash Utilisation 2012; Stockholm, Sweden, January 2012
- CO2 emissions from bioenergy: climate impact and inclusion in LCA; Francesco Cherubini; Integrated assessment of Complex Systems Conference, Montpellier, France, 30 November – 2 December 2011
- Impacts on biodiversity from land use and land use changes – still no consensus in sight; Michelsen Ottar; Integrated assessment of Complex Systems Conference, Montpellier, France, 30 November - 2 December 2011
- Efficiency of organic NPK fertilizers combining N-rich organic wastes and bottom wood ash; Trond Knapp Haraldsen; Tore Krogstad; NJF Seminar 443; Falköping, Sweden, November 2011
- What is the contribution to Global Warming of time-distributed biogenic CO2 fluxes?; Cherubini F., Strømman A. H.; Workshop on Quantifying and Managing Land Use Effects of Bioenergy, Campinas, Brazil, 19 September 2011
- Short and long-term effects of whole-tree thinning on forest growth; Kjersti Holt Hanssen, Bjørn Tveite; Stjørdal, Norway, 8 September 2011
- R1 – efficiency formula for WtE; Michaël Becidan; Avfall Norge, Hamar, Norway, 7 September 2011
- Bioenergy Innovation Centre - CenBio: Presentasjon av resultater; Øyvind Skreiberg; Energiutnyttelse av avfall, Kristiansand, Norway, 1-2 September 2010
- Combustion properties of Norwegian biomass: Wood chips and forest residues; Houshfar E., Sandquist J., Musinguzi W., Khalil R. A., Becidan M., Skreiberg Ø., Goile F., Løvås T., Sørum L.; The 2011 International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (ICPEE 2011), Bangkok, Thailand, 29-31 July 2011
- Accounting for the climate impact of CO2 emissions from biomass combustion in LCA; Cherubini F., Strømman A. H., Hertwich E. G.; ELCAS 2011, Nisiros, Greece, 19-21 June 2011
- Aske – hovedgjødsla i svedjejordbruket og viktig ingrediens i resirkulert NPK-gjødsel; Trond Knapp Haraldsen; RCN (askeseminar), Oslo, Norway, 8 June 2011
- Impacts on biodiversity from land use and land use changes – did we forget the first fundamental question?; Ottar Michelsen; 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, ISIE, Berkeley, California, 7 – 10 June 2011
- What is the climate impact of CO2 emissions from bioenergy?; Cherubini F., Strømman A. H., Edgar G. Hertwich; 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 6-10 June 2011
- Sustainable Use of Forest Biomass for Energy: Possibilities and Problems; Nicholas Clarke; World Congress of Bioenergy, Dalian, China, 25-29 April 2011
- Using Network Analysis in configuring appropriate biomass supply systems; Talbot B., Suadicani K., Søvde N. E.; 4th Forest Engineering Conference: Innovation in Forest Engineering – Adapting to Structural Change, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 5-7 April 2011
- Varmeoverføring fra Granit Octo 50; Inge Saanum; CenBio internal, Norway, 2011
- Modelling of the long-term experiments; Skår S., Lange H., Sogn T.; Annual Meeting of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, Austria, 2011
- Analysis of the industrial wood use under A1 & B2 Energy scenarios with the EFI‐GTM model; Moiseyev A., Solberg B., Kallio M.; European Forest Sector Outlook ToS meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 March 2011
- Vedforbrenning og ildstedsprosjekter ved SINTEF Energi; Edvard Karlsvik, Øyvind Skreiberg; NORSK VARMEs første årsmøte, Gardermoen, Norway, 22 March 2011
- The importance of land use management in assessments of bioenergy; Michelsen O., Cherubini F., Strømman A. H.; SETAC Europe 17th LCA case study symposium – Sustainable lifestyles, Budapest, Hungary, 28 February – 1 March 2011
- Biomass fast pyrolysis; Michaël Becidan; KRAV project seminar, Vardar AS, Drammen, Norway, 2011
- Developing ash based products for green and grey areas; Trond Knapp Haraldsen; CenBio dagen, Trondheim, Norway, January 2011
- How can we estimate the climate impact of CO2 emissions from biomass combustion?; Francesco Cherubini; Cenbio Graduate School Meeting 2011, Norway, 17-18 January 2011
- Kraft-/varme -ny teknologi og småskala løsninger; Øyvind Skreiberg; Bioenergidagene 2010, Gardermoen, Norway, 8-9 November 2010
- Bioenergy research in Norway; Mette Bugge; Renewable Energy and Environment seminar, Bratislavia, Slovakia, 28 October 2010
- Global warming potential of Bioenergy; Francesco Cherubini; 7th Biennial Workshop on Advances on Energy Studies, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22 October 2010
- Energiutnyttelsesgrad for avfallsforbrenningsanlegg – beregningsmetoder i bruk og konsekvenser av disse; Øyvind Skreiberg, Michaël Becidan; Energiutnyttelse av avfall, Kristiansand, Norway, 1-2 September 2010
- Bioenergy Innovation Centre - CenBio. Information Exchange Event, JRC-Norway; Øyvind Skreiberg; CIENS, Oslo, Norway, 18 June 2010
- A review on torrefaction of biomass; Dhruv Tapasvi, Khan-Quang Tran; Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- Emission Control through Primary Measures in Biomass Combustion; Houhsfar E., Skreiberg Ø., Løvås T.; Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- From oil refinery to biorefinery - LCA of a biorefinery system based on Norwegian forest wood; Cherubini F., Michelsen O., Strømman A. H.; Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- LCA of bio-fuelled CHP Plants - Centralized versus Decentralized deployment strategies; Guest G., Bright R. M., Cherubini F., Michelsen O., Strømman A. H.; Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- Review of Additives Used for Abating Ash Related Problems in Biomass Combustion; Wang L., Hustad J. E., Skjevrak G., Skotland C. H.; Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- Status for standards on wood- and pellet stoves and needed improvements; Karlsvik E., Malvik B., Goile F.; Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- Using biomass for combined heat and power as a method for improving energy efficiency in Serbian industry; Trninic M., Grønli M. G., Skreiberg Ø., Jankes G., Stamenic M.; Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- Variations in Norwegian biomass, Literature study; Judit Sandquist; Renewable Energy Research Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 7-8 June 2010
- Effects of whole-tree thinning on long-term forest growth; Tveite B., Clarke N., Hanssen K. H.; IEA Task 43 – LTSP Workshop, Kamloops, Canada, 1-4 June 2010
- Application of LCA methodology to bioenergy systems – A review; Cherubini F., Michelsen O., Strømman A. H.; SETAC Europe 20th annual meeting - Science and technology for environmental; Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010
- Bioenergy Innovation Centre - CenBio: Presentasjon av resultater; Øyvind Skreiberg; Energiutnyttelse av avfall, 1-2 September 2010, Kristiansand
- Efficient use of biomass for greenhouse gas mitigation; Michelsen O., Cherubini F., Bright R. M., Guest G., Strømman A. H.; SETAC Europe 20th annual meeting - Science and technology for environmental protection; Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010
- LCA of biofuelled combined heat and power plants – centralized versus decentralized deployment strategies; Guest G., Bright R., Cherubini F., Michelsen O., Strømman A. H.; SETAC Europe 20th annual meeting - Science and technology for environmental protection; Seville, Spain, 23-27 May 2010
- LCA of biorefinery systems: environmental impacts, biogenic C flows, allocation issues and biodiversity implications of a Norwegian wood based concept; Cherubini F., Michelsen O., Strømman A. H.; European Biomass Conference, Lyon, France, 2-7 May 2010
- Challenges in life cycle assessment of forestry activities with a focus on land use impact; Michelsen O., Cherubini F., Strømman A. H.; LCANZ and NZLCM Centre conference “Life cycle assessment and footprinting – Bridging the gap between tools and practice”, Wellington, New Zealand, 24-25 March 2010
- Ecological effects of increased biomass removal for bioenergy: a summary of Norwegian research; Nicholas Clarke; Environmental Impacts of Increased Bioenergy Use, Riga, Latvia, 16-18 March 2010
- Orientering om aktiviteten i IEA Task 32, 33 og 36; Øyvind Skreiberg; IEA Bioenergy – informasjonsmøte, Norges Forskningsråd, Oslo, Norway, 9 March 2010
- Sustainability assessment of intensified forest biomass harvesting - nutrients and wood production; Raulund-Rasmussen K., Stupak I., Clarke N., Ingerslev M.; International Workshop “Forests Under Pressure?! Bioenergy – Forest Industry – The Public”, Wershofen, Germany, 5-8 October 2009
- Effects of biomass removal in harvest residues on two Norwegian forest ecosystems; Clarke N., Kjønaas O. J., Aas W., Andreassen K., Børja I., Eich-Greatorex S., Eldhuset T., Hanssen K. H., Helmisaari H.-S., Hohle E. E., Jacobson S., Holger; International Workshop “Forests Under Pressure?! Bioenergy – Forest Industry – The Public”, Wershofen, Germany, 5-8 October 2009
- CenBio - Nytt forskningsprogram på biomasse og avfall; Øyvind Skreiberg; Energiutnyttelse av avfall, Ålesund, Norway, 9-10 September 2009