CREATIV - Energy effeiciency in the industry
Case and Innovation processes
In addition to the generic research in CREATIV, it is of great importance to verify the generic models through industrial processes. This work on applied science is handled through research cases directly linked with the CREATIV industrial partners.
The cases are all together address challenges within a wide area of technology. Each case is measured both individually and collectively to visualize how they contribute within the scope - and towards the goals of CREATIV. The outcomes from the cases are split in generic and specific results. The results from the cases are presented in the Creativ homepage and in Journals.
The cases are all innovation driven; this implies a focus on the transformation of an idea into a new or improved product or process with an assumed market potential. The case structure is therefore supporting the interactive collaborative processes between research, industry and project management to ensure long-term basic research with an orientation towards applicability and opportunity for innovation and value creation.
The Creativ cases are organized in 3 groups:
- Energy effective industry clusters – Utilization of surplus heat at various temperatures
- Supermarkets – Total integrated energy systems and component development
- Food industry – Control and heat pump systems