NOWITECH - Research Network
International cooperation
The research partners of NOWITECH have a long history of international cooperation, e.g. through EU-projects, IEA Wind, IEC TC88 and EAWE. NOWITECH will enhance this, hereunder international capacities (professors / researchers) are expected to join the Scientific Committee of NOWITECH.
Agreements on cooperation are made with DTU Wind Energy (DK), NREL (USA), MIT (USA), Fraunhofer IWES (DE), University of Strathclyde (UK), TU Delft (NL) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore).
The cooperation includes:
- participation in the Scientific Committee
- mutual short or long term visits by scientific staff for giving lectures, advising PhD students and collaboration on research
- PhD students staying for short or long term periods at NOWITECH and vice versa