
NOWITECH - Research Network
Previous events
Previous events
- 22 - 23 August: NOWITECH Final Seminar, Radisson Blu Royal Garden hotel, Trondheim
30 June: Morten Dinhoff Pedersen, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, has submitted his thesis entitled: "Stabilization of Floating Wind Turbines" in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Engineering Cybernetics at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU. Main Building, Gløshaugen, 30 June from 13:15.
- Industry meets Science, 15 June 2017, 1300 - 1600 at SINTEF Energi AS, Lysbuen.
- Professor Henrik O. Madsen will deliver a guest lecture at NTNU on Tuesday March 29. at 1315-1400 in Auditorium EL6 at Gløshaugen, with the title "How can we support the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through research and innovation?"
- EERA DeepWind'2016 Conference, 20 - 22 January 2016, Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim<
- Invitation to the 2015 "Blind test 4" Workshop
Combined power output of two in-line turbines at different inflow conditions - MARINTEK invites to model testing of Floating Offshore Wind turbine. Research partners from NOWITECH and EU H2020 IRPWind WP6 are hereby invited to attend the model test. Time: Tuesday October 20, 10:00-12:00 Place: Marine Technology Centre
- Industry meets Science, Tuesday, 20 October at 12:30 - 16:00, SINTEF Energi AS, Trondheim
- Workshop: Reliability Data Collection and Maintenance Modelling Methods, Berlin, Wednesday 23 September 2015
- Defence of thesis - Amir Rasekhi Nejad, 27 August 2015, "Dynamic Analysis and Design of Gearboxes in Offshore Wind Turbines in a Structural Reliability Perspective"
- Defense of thesis - Mostafa Valavi, 21st of August, "Magnetic Forces and Vibration in Wind Power Generators"
- NORCOWE Summer School 2015 in cooperation with NOWITECH, August 17th - 21th, 2015 (Monday - Friday), Hardingasete, Norheimsund, Hardanger, Norway.
- Rene Alexander Barrera Cardenas has submitted his thesis entitled: "Meta-parametrised meta-modelling approach for optimal design of Power electronics confersion systems - Application to offshore wind energy conversion systems"
- NOWITECH Innovation Day, 18 June 2015, SINTEF Energi AS, Trondheim
- NOWITECH Innovation Award 2015, Nominations for the NOWITECH Innovation Award 2015 are invited.
- Industry meets Science, 4 June 2015, SINTEF Energi AS, Trondheim
- PhD Defence, Knut Nordanger, "Two-dimensional simulation methods for offshore wind turbines"
- PhD Defence, Zhaoqiang Zhang, "Ironless Permanent Magnet Generators for Direct-Driven Offshore Wind Turbines"
- Offshore vind – global storindustri og ny vekstnæring i Norge, Tidspunkt: 7. mai, Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Holbergsgate 30, Oslo
- International workshop on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Export - Global perspectives & Norwegian opportunities, Trondheim, Norway, March 24th 2015
- EERA DeepWind'2015, 12th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim 4-6 February, NORWAY - First Announcement and Call for Papers
- PhD Defence, 9 December 2014, Fahmi Mubarok
- Guest lecture, 19 November, Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Kühn, Topic: Wake effects in the German offshore test field »alpha ventus« measured with synchronised long-range lidar windscanners, November 19, 15:15-16:00, Marine Technology Centre
- Industry meets Science, Trondheim, 20. November
- PhD Defence, 20 November 2014, Marit Irene Kvittem, «Modelling and Response Analysis for Fatigue Design of a Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine»
- NOWITECH General Assembly 11 November 2014
- Marine renewable energy conference and B2B meeting in Oslo, 21 October.
- Windcluster Norway arrangerer i samarbeid med Innovasjon Norge og Enterprise Europe network frokostmøte om mulighetene i Horizon 2020 torsdag 21. august i Trondheim, Innovasjon Norge sine lokaler i Erling Skakkesgt 33
- Guest lecture by dr. Dominique Roddier, Managing Partner, MI&T, CTO, PrinciplePower, Thursday June 26. at 10:15-11:00, Marine Technology Centre, Tyholt. WindFloat, since 2006.
- The NOWITECH day 2014 in Trondheim Thursday 19th June from 10:00 – 15:30, NTNU, G-144 " Rådsrommet "
- FEDEM Windpower 2-day training for NOWITECH members, June 3-4, 2014 Nedre Bakklandet 58c, 4th floor
- International Reference Wind Turbine Workshop, NREL, 27-28 May, 2014
- Industry meets Science, NTNU, Trondheim 14 May 2014, Seminarrom 126, Varmeteknisk senter, Gløshaugen
- Invitasjon til frokostmøte 19. mars, Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig vil orientere om rettslige utfordringer i vindkraftprosjekter. Trond F. Mellingsæter, administrerende direktør i Sarepta Energi AS, vil informere om finansiering av vindkraftprosjekter, og de siste nyheter om selskapet.
- Guest lecture by Dr. Amy Robertson, NREL, Overview of Efforts to Validate FAST, an Offshore Wind Modeling Tool Developed by the National Renewable Energy Lab, Marine Technology Centre, Friday March 14.
- EWEA 2014 Annual Event, 10 – 13 March 2014 (Barcelona, Spain)
- Seminar on Wind Turbines, Friday 14.03, Marine Technology Centre
- PhD thesis defence: Erin Elizabeth Bachynski, 13 March «Design and Dynamic Analysis of Tension Leg Platform Wind Turbines»
- EERA DeepWind'2014 - 11th Deep Sea Offshore Wind Conference, Trondheim, 22 - 24 January 2014
- Roel May forteller om Innovative tiltak for å redusere fuglekollisjoner med vindturbiner, 12.12 kl.11.30-12.00, NINA-huset, Høgskoleringen 9
- 4th joint NOWITECH/NORCOWE wind and wake workshop, Bergen, 10-11th December 2013, Christian Michelsen Research AS, Fantoftvegen 38, Bergen
- Fedem Technology inviterer til frokostseminar vedr Offshore Vindkraft på Rica Bakklandet, 3. desember
- EWEA Technology Workshop: Wind Power Forecasting, 3-4 December 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Sverre Skalleberg Gjerde disputerer 22. November, "Why have large scale photovoltaic power stations become economically viable, and how can the inverters for such installations also contribute to support the power system?" "Analysis and Control of a Modular Series Connected Converter for a Transformerless Offshore Wind Turbine"
- EWEA Offshore 2013, 19 – 21 November 2013, Frankfurt, Germany
- NOWITECH Board Meeting, 13 November 2013
- NOWITECH General Assembly and Workshop, 12 November 2013
- EERA Workshop 5 - 6 November 2013 on Concepts for Deep Sea Offshore Wind Turbines
- Industry meets Science, NTNU, Trondheim, 30. oktober 2013
- For members of NOWITECH Free 2-day commercial CFD training using STAR-CCM, 21-22 October 2013, NTNU, Trondheim
- OFFWIND Global Expert meeting/Workshop 22 - 23 October 2013, Stavanger
- Guest lecture announcement Prof. Joaquim Martins - Towards Optimal Aeroelastic Tailoring of Wind Turbine Blades; Monday October 14th, Marine Technology Centre, Tyholt, Trondheim
- 9th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Visby, Gotland, Sweden; 18-20 September 2013
- The conf erence Offshore Wind Operations/Science Meets Industry 2013 takes place in Bergen on the 10th of September.
- Nærlingslivskonferanse i Trondheim 4. september 2013'
- Wind turbine seminar 2 - 6 September 2013, EU FR7 ITN MARE WINT project.
- 5th NOWITECH Reference Turbine Workshop, NTNU, Trondheim, 5 September 2013
- NORCOWE Summer school August 26th - 30th, 2013, Offshore wind – challenges, data analysis and interpretation.
- NOWITECH Excursion North-West Germany / Bremerhaven 24 - 27 June 2013
- NOWITECH Board Meeting, 12 June 2013. Trondheim, NTNU – Rådsrommet
- NOWITECH Day 2013, 11 June 2013, Trondheim, NTNU - G144 – Rådsrommet
- EERA SP Offshore Wind Energy Workshop 5-6 June 2013 at SINTEF, Trondheim
- Industry meets Science, 7 June 2013, NTNU Gløshaugen, Galleri 4
- Invitation to the one-day conference Offshore Wind Farms - Science meets Industry in Stavanger, April 17
- NOWITECH hosted IEA Wind task 26 meeting on cost of wind energy, 9-10 April 2013
- IEA Wind Task 33 - Reliability Data – Meeting in Trondheim, 6-7 March 2013
- Register Now for MARINET'S Second Free Training Course 'Experimental modeling of wind actions on offshore structures', 25th February - 1st March 2013 - Prato/Florence, Italy
- Industry meets Science, 14 February 2013. More info and registration
- Deepwind'2013,10th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim 24-25 January, Norway
- NOWITECH - NORCOWE meeting on research in offshore wind energy O&M, 23. February in Trondheim
- NOWITECH General Assembly (GA) and Workshop, Trondheim, NTNU, 14 November 2012
- NOWITECH Board Meeting, Trondheim, NTNU, Room G-144, 15 November 2012
- Wind Turbine Wake Blind Test #2 in Trondheim 4-5 October 2012
- Call for applications for free-of-charge marine renewable energy testing facilities (including offshore wind). Offshore windfarms - measurement and control
- Science meets industry, Conference in Bergen, September 19, 2012
- "Industry meets science" - seminar. 20 September 08.30 - 14.15, NTNU, Trondheim
- Smøla Vindpark 10 år - Stor jubileumskonferanse på Smøla 4. - 5. september 2012
- The NorRen first Norwegian joint summer school on renewable energy will take place this summer in August. 6 - 10 August 2012, Holmen Fjordhotel, Asker, Norway
- NOWITECH Board Meeting, Trondheim, NTNU, 13 June 2012
- Two posters were awarded during NOWITECH day 12 June. PhD student Marit Kvittem won the poster award for best presentation with her poster titled: Effects of mooring line modeling for semi‐submersible wind turbine. PhD student Morten D. Pedersen won the poster award for scientific content with his poster titled: Passivity based analysis and control of floating wind turbines.
- The NOWITECH day 2012 will take place in Trondheim Tuesday 12 June, EL-6, NTNU, Trondheim
- Invitation: Seminar on IEA Wind's research and activities, May 21, in Trondheim
- OFFSHORE WIND OPERATIONS 2012 – CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS, Date : May 15th, 2012 Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway
- NOWITECH Meetings (Internal):
- Software strategy workshop, Tuesday 24 April
- WP1+6 industry reference group meeting (IRG), Wednesday 25 April
- WP3 industry reference group meeting, Thursday 26 April
- MARINET (Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network), MARINET'S First Free Training Course 'Experimental Testing in Wave Tanks and Flumes' 23rd-27th April 2012 - Cork, Ireland
- 9th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Seminar, 19-20 January 2012, Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim, NORWAY
- Course in offshore wind turbine technology - last call, 3 - 4 January 2012, Trondheim, Norway
- Hjertelig velkommen til Vindkraft Leverandørseminar 13. desember i Trondheim. Windcluster Mid-Norway har invitert flere av de største utbyggerne av vindkraft i Midt-Norge og i Jämtland og til å blant annet å fortelle m sine prosjektplaner samt dele sine erfaringer og refleksjoner omkring leverandørsamarbeid. Vestas, verdens største turbinprodusent, kommer og reflekterer omkring leverandørindustri og samarbeid i de regionene Vestas arbeider i.
- Offshore wind substructures - Results from in-kind contribution Kvaerner Verdal, Part 2. Internal seminar 7 December 2011
Agenda: Nordsee Ost Project:
1. Project Status (Åge Tårnes / Torstein Alm - Kvaerner)
2. Decooplet simulation in practice.
3. Re-scaling of wind turbine control system from 5 to 6 MN
4 Capacity Asessment of grouted connection - 2nd workshop on "Operation and maintenance of offshore wind parks" December 1, 2011 in Amsterdam in conjunction with the Offshore 2011.
- 3rd PhD Summer School organized by EAWE and WAUDIT: 25th and 26th October 2011, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
- 7th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in EuropeEAWE PhD Seminar: 27th and 28th October 2011, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
- Joint NOWITECH-NORCOWE workshop in Bergen 20-21 October on wind turbine modeling and blind test.
- Technoport Talks Renewable Energy respecting Nature 10 oktober i Trondheim. Arrangementet er et samarbeid mellom Technoport og CEDREN.
- Internal seminar, Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 September in L1-320 (in Lerkendalsbygget)
- Test lectures for position within Offshore Wind Turbine Technology (OWTT) at department for Civil and Transport Engineering. The two qualified applicants will give their test lectures, they are both given the same topic: Given a site for offshore wind production with a water depth of 50 m, an annual average wind speed of 11 m/s, and where the size of the wind turbine should be about 5 MW. Explain the principal steps / design procedure towards a final design. Michael Muskulus will lecture Monday 19 and Jan van der Tempel on Tuesday 20 September
- NORCOWE 2nd Summer SchoolLocation: Fjordslottet at Osterøy close to Bergen, 14th-19th of August 2011. This year summer school will focus on three main areas:
1 Dynamic response of floating wind turbines to wind, waves and current loads
2 Physical processes in the atmospheric boundary layer inside offshore wind parks
3 Wind turbine design, small scale flow phenomena and blade response - Offshore wind substructures - Results from in-kind contribution Kvaerner Verdal, Internal seminar 14 September 2011
- Invitasjon til fagseminar: Drift og vedlikehold av offshore vindturbiner – nye muligheter gjennom instrumentering, 2. september i Trondheim.
- NORTH SEA OFFSHORE WIND MISSION at Stiklestad, Norway 23-25 August 2011
- EERA workshop on 'Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines', June 30 and July 1 at Aalborg University, Denmark
- Internal seminar: NOWITECH Days 2011 - for NOWITECH Research Parties only, 9 - 10 June 2011, Gamle Elektro, Gløshaugen, NTNU, Trondheim
- Offshore Wind Operations 2011, Bergen, Norway, 15 – 16 June 2011
- North Sea Offshore Networks; Enabling Offshore Wind and Balancing Power: UK-Norway Forum and Roadmapping Workshop, to be held Monday 6 June and Wednesday, 8 June 2011 at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, London
- OMADEM 2011 (Stavanger, 30 May - 1 June 2011), The 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management. NOWITECH and NORCOWE arranged a special session on Offshore Wind Power in the conference.
- Forretnings-og teknologiutvikling av vindkraft, seminar 25 Mai, 2011, Kolsnes
- Fatigue & Defects Symposium, NTNU, Trondheim, 23-25 May 2011
- Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Seminar, 20. - 21. January 2011, Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim, NORWAY. Jointly organised by NOWITECH and NORCOWE
- NOWITECH General Assembly (GA) and Workshop, Britannia Hotel, Trondheim, 16. November 2010
- Joint NOWITECH - NORCOWE workshop on Wind and Wake Modelling, NTNU, Trondheim, 26-27. oktober 2010
- Tribology Seminar (Trondheim), The seminar was held at Britannia Hotel the 4th and 5th of October and was sponsored by NOWITECH and NOV. The lectures were carried out by both the industry and university thus creating a good balance of engineering experiences and research.
- EAWE 6th PhD seminar, 30th September and 1st October 2010, Trondheim, Norway
- IEA Topical Expert Meeting, 21. - 22. September 2010, Trondheim, Norway
- Seminar: Generatoren - hva kan vi ta med oss fra den store vannkraftperioden over til vindkraftperioden? Tirsdag 15. juni 2010, Elektrobygget NTNU, Gløshaugen, Trondheim
- Generator "What can we learn from the great hydro power period and bring into the wind energy period?" Tuesday, 15. June 2010, kl 1000 - 1600, NTNU, Gløshaugen, Trondheim
- French-Norwegian seminar on Marine Renewable Energy (Oslo), This seminar, organized by the French Embassy together with the Research Council of Norway the French-Norwegian Foundation (FFN-FNS) and the Pôle Mer Bretagne, Oslo from the 14th to the 16th of June 2010.
- Renewable Energy Research Conference - Renewable energy beyond 2020, Trondheim, Norway, June 7th - 8th 2010
- Vindkraftforum 2010 at Måløy 2 March 2010 - Wind power and possibilities for new industry
- R&D seminar on offshore wind power 21-22 January 2010 at Royal Garden Hotell, Kjøpmannsgata 73, Trondheim
- EAWE 5th Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe, 30 September - 1 October 2009, United Kingdom
- 14. Kasseler Symposium Energy Systems Technology, 24-25 September 2009, Kassel, Germany
- European Offshore Wind 2009, 14-16 September 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
- Kick-off at Stiklestad 24-25 June 2009 - pdf programme
- Workshop with industry partners 25 March 2009.
- Invitasjon til deltagelse i nordisk vindnettverk samt info om seminar for drift&vedlikehold av vindkraftanlegg.