NOWITECH - Research Network
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Markedet fikser ikke havvind av seg selv
Det offentlige burde legge ut lokaliteter til bygging av demoparker for havvind, med en garantert betaling for kraftproduksjonen.
Meninger 17.02.2016 | Av John Olav Giæver Tande, seniorforsker og leder av NOWITECH og Bård Wathne Tveiten, forsknings+sjef for Nye havindustrier ved MARINTEK
Please see below this offer from EAWE
to publish in the new open-access, scientific EAWE journal Wind Energy Science started, the first articles are on the discussion website
Please register and comment on the contributions – join the community!
To be informed when a new article is published, please subscribe to the free alert service. You can choose your field of interest to be informed about articles matching your topic selection.
More articles are in preparation, still we would be glad to receive lots of articles from all EAWE members to fasten the process of getting the EAWE journal into the Citation index. Please keep in mind that the first 30 - 40 papers will be published for free!
Energy Procedia - Volume 80
12th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference,
EERA DeepWind'2015
The papers published for the EERA DeepWind'2015 conference are now available online
SERAM coatings vinner ny pris
Seram Coatings - en knoppskytingsbedrift basert på arbeidet til NOWITECH PhD stipendiat Fahmi Mubarok og hans veileder, professor Nuria Espallargas har vunnet ny pris!
Fredag 20. November vant Seram Coatings (fra NTNU) en europeisk pitchekonkurranse i Barcelona, Spania. De to oppfinnerne Fahmi Mubarok (Indonesia) og Nuria Espallargas (Barcelona, Spania) har siden 2010 utviklet et slitasjebelegg av slisiumkarbid som klarer å motstå slitasje og rust mer enn andre slitasjebelegg (coatings). Seram Coatings er nå på terskelen til kommersialisering – teller 5 ansatte – og har produksjon på Sluppen i Trondheim.
Les mer her: http://www.sciencebusiness.net/news/77326/Seram-Coatings-scoops-ACES-spin-out-prize
Vellykkede hybridtester i havbassenget.
Nylig ble det gjennomført en modelltest av en flytende vindturbin på en måte ingen andre har gjort tidligere. Forskerne tilførte modellen fysiske bølger og simulerte vinden – alt i sanntid. Les mer om testen i denne artikkelen i GEMINI
EU vil satse stort på havvind. Hva vil Norge?
John Olav Giæver Tande, seniorforsker SINTEF Energi og leder NOWITECH skriver i TU 18/11-2015 :
EU legger opp til en forsterket satsning på havvind. Samtidig diskuterer Stortinget norsk etablering av demopark for flytende vindkraft . Et ja til demopark ville være flott å ta med til klimatoppmøtet i Paris, COP21. Et nei kan gi store tapte muligheter for Norge.
Industry meets Science - Seminar om bruk av havrommet
20 oktober fikk deltakerne på seminaret Industry meets Science et fascinerende innblikk i planene for Ocean Space Centre fra Marintek, Fugro Oceanors Seawatch system og korrosjonskontroll av Deepwater Norway. Det ble også gitt innsikt i EU H2020 planlagte calls innen Energi, Drift og vedlikeholdssatsning og EERA status.
Alle presentasjoner kan lastes ned fra Industry meets Science nettside
Neste seminar er planlagt på forsommeren 2016
Glimt fra minglepausen på seminaret
Demopark for havvind i Norge er et viktig klimabidrag og kan skape ny grønn industri
Windenergieanlagen - Nanopartikel schützen Rotorblätter vor Erosion
Deutschlandfunk, 20 Oktober 2015
Vindkraft er et godt klimatiltak, kronikk i Adresseavisa 1. oktober 2015
Presentations from Industry meets Science
Seminar hos SINTEF Energi, Trondheim, 20. oktober
Det norske havrommet er mer enn olje, fisk og båter. Det gir også enorme muligheter for fornybar energi i form av flytende vindkraft og teknologiutvikling.
MARINTEK invites to model testing of Floating Offshore Wind turbine
One of the major milestones in the ongoing NOWITECH research project (www.nowitech.no) is to carry out a scaled model test of an optimized floating offshore wind turbine. The tests will be carried out at MARINTEK's Ocean Basin in Trondheim using a Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) model test technique. The HIL method eliminates the need to include physical wind in the test by simulating the aerodynamic loads on the wind turbine in real time and applying these loads on the model of the floating windtubrine. In this way, we combine real-time simulations with model tests. The concept that will be tested is a braceless semi-submersible.
Research partners from NOWITECH and EU H2020 IRPWind WP6 are hereby invited to attend the model test.
Time: Tuesday October 20, 10:00-12:00
Place: Marine Technology Centre, Otto Nielsens veg 10, 7052 Trondheim, Norway
Response required by end of day October 16 to
Stor interesse for Japan - Norge samarbeid
En delegasjon fra forskning og industri i Japan besøkte SINTEF Energi 14. september for gjensidig orientering om prosjekt på HVDC og offshore vind.
Bilder fra SINTEF Energy Lab og møterom
I fjor installerte Fred. Olsen Windcarrier 155 havvindmøller på tysk sokkel ved hjelp av de to installasjonsskipene Bold Tern og Brave Tern, som ble levert i 2013. Åtte servicebåter leies ut til å frakte driftspersonell til og fra havvindturbiner langt ute til havs.
I 2013 hadde selskapet en markedsandel på 9 prosent. I fjor vokste denne til 22 prosent av markedet for installasjon av havvindmøller, ifølge selskapet.
– Vi kom først i ordentlig i gang i midten av 2013. Fjoråret var vårt første år med våre to installasjonsskip i full drift. De legger grunnlaget for mye av omsetningen vår, sier daglig leder Rolf. M. Normann i Fred. Olsen Ocean.
TU, 9 September 2015
Spår 10-dobling for havvind i 2025
Både vindanalytikere og Statoil ser et 10-doblingspotensiale for offshore-vindkraft de neste 10-15 årene.
World's Largest Floating Turbine Sails Out
"Fukushima Shimpuu", the largest floating offshore wind turbine in the world, left Onahama port on July 28th and arrived at the testing area the next morning. "Fukushima Shimpuu" has a 7MW output capacity, which is 3.5 times the capacity of the 2MW "Fukushima Mirai", which started operation in the first phase. The height from the sea surface to the rotor center is 105 meters. The wind turbine reaches 188.5 meter at the highest.
Read in OffshoreWind.biz for more details
Invitation to the 2015 "Blind test 4" Workshop
Combined power output of two in-line turbines at different inflow conditions . As a follow up of the successful Blind Test Workshops 1, 2 and 3 (*) on wind turbine predictions held previously in Bergen and Trondheim, a 4th workshop will be arranged in Trondheim in October this year.
This year the focus will be on: "Combined power output of two in-line turbines at different inflow conditions"
The exact date for the workshop will be announced later.
Defence of Thesis - Mostafa Valavi, 21 August 2015
Mostafa Valavi has submitted his thesis entitled:
"Magnetic Forces and Vibration in Wind Power Generators"
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. (Electric Power Engineering) at the Departmenet of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU.
The trial lecture will take place in room G144, Electro Building (Rådsrommet), Gløshaugen, Friday 21 August 2015 from 10:15 on the given topic:
"An in-depth Comparison of all Aspects of Concentrated Fractional Pitch Windings versus Distributed Windings in Wind Power Generators".
The defence will take place in room G144 (Rådsrommet), Electro Building, Gløshaugen, Friday 21 August 2015 from 13:15.
The trial lecture and defence are public and anyone interested is invited to attend.
Mostafa Valavi has carried out his PhD work at the Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU. His main supervisor has been Professor Arne Nysveen.
Defence of thesis - Amir Rasekhi Nejad, 27 August 2015
Amir Rasekhi Nejad has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at NTNU, Department of Marine Technology, entitled: "Dynamic Analysis and Design of Gearboxes in Offshore Wind Turbines in a Structural Reliability Perspective".
The trial lecture will take place on August 27 2015 at 10:15 in Auditorium T1, Marine Technological Centre, Tyholt, on the following prescribed subject: "Direct drive offshore wind turbines; Design considerations and modelling, pros and cons".
The public defence of the thesis takes place on August 27 2015 at 13:15 in Auditorium T1, Marine Technological Centre, Tyholt
NOWITECH Innovation Day was successfully completed
The NOWITECH Innovation Day set focus on innovations in offshore wind technology presenting for the first time the NOWITECH Innovation Award. The purpose is to stimulate and reward knowledge-based innovation and / or entrepreneurship within the field of offshore wind energy, and help identify ideas with commercial potential. NOWITECH has innovations for reducing cost of energy from offshore wind as a key target, and had by end of 2014 a total of 36 innovations at various stages of development in terms of Technology Readiness Level. These are all presented in the NOWITECH 2014 annual report
Read more at #SINTEFenergy
Picture: NOWITECH Innovation Award winners Sverre Gjerde (Statkraft) and Pål Keim Olsen (NTNU/SmartMotor) with NOWITECH director John Olav Tande (SINTEF Energi) and chair of the Award Committee Oddbjørn Malmo (Kongsberg Maritime).
Rene Alexander Barrera Cardenas has submitted his thesis entitled:
"Meta-parametrised meta-modelling approach for optimal design of Power electronics confersion systems - Application to offshore wind energy conversion systems" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Electric Power Engineering at the Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU.
The trial lecture will take place in Rådsrommet, Electro Building, Gløshaugen, NTNU, 18 June from 10:15 on the following given topic:
"Wide Band Gap devices for the next generation of electric transportation: a disruptive technology?.
The defence will take place in Rådsrommet, Electro Building, Gløshaugen, NTNU, 18 June from 13:15. The trial lecture and defence are public and anyone interested is invited to attend.
Rene Alexander Barrera Cardenas carried out his PhD work at the Department of Electric Power Engineering.
His main supervisor has been Professor Marta Molinas.
NOWITECH was presented in many ways at the Japan Norway Energy Science week in Tokyo 27th and 28th May 2015. There was a big interest in the Norwegian activities regarding offshore wind research and several initiatives are made to further the cooperation with Japanese research groups. The Japan Norway Energy Science Week was arranged by the Research Council together with Innovation Norway and the Norwegian Embassy and Norwegian Research Institutes and Universities were participating in the planning and execution of the seminars and sessions at the event.
See http://injapan.no/energy2015/
PhD defence Knut Nordanger
Knut Nordanger has submitted his thesis entitled "Two-dimensional simulation methods for offshore wind turbines" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Mathematical Sciences at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU.
The trial lecture will take place in Totalrommet, Main Building at Gløshaugen, NTNU, Friday 29 May 2015 from 10:15
The defence will take place from 13:15
Zhaoqiang Zhang has submitted his thesis entitled: "Ironless permanent magnet generators for direct-driven offshore wind turbines".
The trial lecture will take place in Rådssalen, Main Building, Gløshaugen, NTNU, 26.May from 10:15 on the following given topic: "Recent developments and new applications of electrical machine technologies and topologies"
The defence will take place in Rådssalen, Main Building, Gløshaugen, NTNU, 26. May from 13:15. The trial lecture and defence are public and anyone interested is invited to attend. The full information can be read at NTNUs pages
Slik kan Norge bli en industriell vind-stormakt:
Hvordan sikre at norsk industri får leveranser til det globale vekstmarkedet "offshore vindkraft"? – En testarena på norsk sokkel må til, mente mange av deltakerne på SINTEF-seminar om temaet (7 mai 2015)
NORCOWE Summer School 2015 in cooperation with NOWITECH
When: August 17th - 21th, 2015 (Monday - Friday)
Venue: Hardingasete, Norheimsund, Hardanger, Norway.
Harvesting wind energy in a harsh environment.
Social goal: Get acquainted with other researchers in the field of offshore wind.
Key topics to be covered:
• Environmental conditions relevant to offshore wind.
• Harvesting the wind energy.
• The design challenges.
• Installation, operation and maintenance
• The economics of wind power
For more info see NORCOWE website, programme and link for registration
Offshore vind – global storindustri og ny vekstnæring i Norge
Interessen for offshore vindkraft er stigende. Statkraft og Statoil er allerede aktive som utbyggere i UK, og norsk industri bidrar med leveranser av teknologi og kunnskap internasjonalt.
Totalt har over 150 norske selskap interesse innenfor feltet. Tidspunktet er ideelt for at oljekompetanse kan flyttes over til et nytt og framtidsrettet satsingsområde. Men er det vilje og guts nok hos politikere og industri til å satse stort og langsiktig nok?
Se foredrag og påmelding i vedlegget, eller på vår nettside.
Tidspunkt: 7. mai, kl. 13.30 - 15.30
Sted: Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Holbergsgate 30, Oslo
Møterom: Scandinavia Scene
PhD defence Daniel Zwick
Daniel Zwick will defend his thesis on "Simulation and optimization in offshore wind turbine structural analysis" this Wednesday 22.04.2015. Daniel has been affiliated with NOWITECH WP3 on support structures. Please see the attached PDF for more information.
During their stay at NTNU, the two opponents will each give an invited lecture: Associate Professor Henrik Bredmose (DTU Wind Energy) will talk about "An experimental study of the DTU 10MW Reference Wind Turbine on a Tension Leg Floater in Wind and Waves" on Tuesday 21.04.2015 at 16.00. Professor Po Wen Cheng will talk about "Lidar application for wind turbine control" on Thursday 23.04.2015 at 0930. Both talks will be given in the "Geotechnical Laboratory" (room 1.101) at the Department of Civil and Transport Engineering.
PhD defence Kai Wang 14 april 2015
NOWITECH stipendiat Kai Wang has submitted the following academic thesis as a part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Marine Technology: «Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of a Semi-Submersible Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine»
The trial lecture will take place on April 14th 2015 at 10:15 in Auditorium T11, Tyholt on the following prescribed subject: "Technological solutions for harvesting marine renewable energy: Past, present and future"
The public defence of the thesis takes place on April 14th 2015 at 13:15 in Auditorium T11, Tyholt. See NTNUs webpage for full text
Successful EERA Deepwind 2015, Trondheim, 4 - 6 February
The EERA DeepWind'2015 Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference was a success with a mix of plenary presentations with broad appeal and presentations in parallel sessions and posters on specific science and technology themes.
The conference is established as an important venue on deep sea offshore wind R&D organized in association with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy. The aim is to present the latest and best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms.
In total 65 oral and 50 poster were presented addressing new turbine and generator technology, grid connection and power system integration, met-ocean conditions, operation & maintenance, installation and sub-structures, wind farm optimization, and experimental testing and validation. The conference was fully booked with 200 delegates from all over Europe, and also from USA and Japan. In addition to the exciting main event there were side events including a workshop on EERA IRPwind access to open data and an IEA Offshore Wind Code Comparison (OC5) meeting.
The presentation from the conferenca is available at the conference website EERA DeepWind'2015 whereas selected papers are now in peer-review for publication in the open access journal Energy Procedia (Elsevier).
Mark your calendars: The next EERA DeepWind conference will take place in Trondheim, 20 - 22 January 2016
Susanna Galloni from the European Commission opened the conference with the talk "Progress of offshore wind through R&D in FP7 and H2020".
Lisa Ziegler, NTNU / Siemens Nederland N.V. won the best poster award for Scientific Content for her work entitled "Sensitivity of Wave Fatigue Loads on Offshore Wind Turbines under varying Site Conditions".
Rebecca Martin, EDF Energy R&D UK Centre Ltd, won best poster award for Communication for her work entitled "Reference cases for benchmarking operation and maintenance models for offshore wind farm".
Guest researcher
Dr Hans-Gerd Busmann from Fraunhofer IWES has been guest researcher at NOWITECH and SINTEF Energy Research for 3 months from January to April 2015. His topic of research has related to O&M at wind farms "Roadmap for O&M Management System Selectio" and the NOWITECH contact has been Resarcher Thomas Welte.
Hans-Gerd is Division Manager at the Test- and Application Center at Fraunhofer IWES, Bremerhaven. This research visit has been financed by the 7FP programme IRP Wind mobility Program.
Her finner du vårt nyhetsbrev !
NOWITECH Newsletter, December 2014
Dr Fahmi Mubarok
Fahmi Mubarok har forsvart for graden ph.d. ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for produktutvikling og materialer, sin avhandling med tittel:
«Thermally Sprayed Silicon Carbide Coating»
NOWITECH gratulerer !
Offshore vindkraft er en gylden mulighet for utvikling av nye kunnskapsbaserte arbeidsplasser i Norge
Vindkraft i medvind (Gemini, 4. desember)
Årets julekryssord
Vi slår til igjen med litt julehjernekos. Og med det ønsker vi også alle i
NOWITECH og alle samarbeidspartnere en fredelig jul!
Og hvis du finner anledning kan du løse julekryssordet for ekstra hygge. Sender du i tillegg inn løsningsordene / setningen er du med i trekningen om konfektesker til 3 vinnere.
Dr. Marit Kvittem
NOWITECH stipendiat Marit Irene Kvittem har forsvart for graden PhD ved NTNU, Institutt for marin teknikk, avhandlingen med tittel:
«Modelling and Response Analysis for Fatigue Design of a Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine»Prøveforelesningen var over tema «Recent Development on Design Standards for Offshore Bottom-fixed and Floating Wind Turbines».NOWITECH gratulerer Marit og ønsker lykke til i ny jobb i DNV-GL!
Vellykket Industry meets Science
Den 20 november ble det arrangert Industry Meets Science seminar hos SINTEF Energi. Seminaret hadde en rød tråd rundt realisering av FLEXWT/HiPRWind og det var spennende innlegg rundt europeisk forskningsagenda, DNV-GL om Industriens utfordringer samt av Kongsberg Maritime om kontroll og monitorering av offshore vindparker.
Bilder fra Industry Meets Science 20 November 2014
Presentasjonene er tilgjengelige på Industry meets Science sin web-portal: 26.11.2014
Forskere advarer om at Norge holder på å kaste bort sjansen til å bli ledende innenfor ny fornybar kraftindustri. – Det er et betydelig gap mellom støtteordningene som legger til rette for å utvikle ny teknologi for fornybar energi, og de støtteordningene som er designet for å ta dem i bruk, sier Gard Hopsdal Hansen, tidligere forsker på Censes ved NTNU, nå seksjonsleder i Miljødirektoratet Også John Olav Tande, forskningsleder i Sintef, mener tiden er knapp. – Vi må gå inn nå mens vi ennå har sjansen. Men det haster veldig nå. Den internasjonale konkurransen er tøff, sier Tande. Han mener at offshore vind, altså vindmøller til havs, kan bli en like stor næring for Norge som fiskeriet. Forskeren mener staten bør gi støtte til å bygge offshore demoparker. Han viser til at andre land som har lyktes med å bygge opp en levedyktig vindindustri, som Danmark, har støttet markedet i en tidlig fase for å hjelpe egen industri. (NRK, 17.11.2014)
Vi trenger en norsk havvindpark
Norske leverandørbedrifter mener det er nødvendig for å nå opp i konkurransen om å levere til det europeiske havvindmarkedet. (TU 30.10.2014)
Har fortsatt trua
Forskningsleder John Olav Tande, SINTEF Energi AS, Ukeavisen Ledelse (31.10.2014)
Død vindvisjon
- Ukeavisen Ledelse (31.10.2014)
Verdens første fullskala flytende vindturbin for FoU planlegges utenfor Valsneset i Bjugn
(Oktober 2014)
Den nye WWF-rapporten
Som tar for seg miljøvirkningene av vindkraftproduksjon i Nordsjøen, viser at det er mulig å etablere og drive vindkraftverk til havs uten vesentlige miljøkonsekvenser. Rapporten går gjennom erfaringer fra vindkraftprosjekter i de ulike Nordsjølandene, og viser hvilke dokumenterte virkninger man har sett for bunnlevende dyr, fisk, havpattedyr og fugl. Les mer. (Oktober 2014)
Marine renewable energy conference and B2B meeting in Oslo
With NOWITECH as an associate organizer, the project partners of the Blue Energy Production in Ports (BEPPo) project are pleased invite you to a conference and B2B (business-to-business) meeting on marine renewable energy in Oslo 21 October.
The event will focus on business and funding opportunities for marine renewable energy (offshore wind, wave and tidal energy). Its main objectives is to help the participants learn more about the policy and market situation and to share experiences and network with other related parties and companies: technology developers, project developers, sub-suppliers, service suppliers, ports, research communities, possible investors, trade and networking organisations, etc. More information and the agenda for the event can be found in the invitation.
Oljekrise kan gi flere grønne jobber
(September 2014)
The peer-reviewed papers from the EERA DeepWind'2014 Conference
are now published online in Energy Procedia (September 2014)
PhD Disputas ved NTNU, Institutt for produktutvikling og materialer torsdag 14. august 2014 - Kevin Bain Cox
PhD kandidat Kevin Bain Cox har innlevert sin doktoravhandling med tittelen:
"Lift Control of Adaptive Wind Turbine Blades with Bend-Twist Coupling".
Hovedveileder har vært professor Andreas Echtermeyer.
Prøveforelesning og disputas er torsdag 14. august 2014:
Sted: Rådssalen, Hovedbygningen, Gløshaugen
Prøveforelesning: kl 1015
Disputas: kl 1315
Emne for prøveforelesning:
"Comparison of failure mechanisms during impact for metals and composites"
IRPwind Mobility Program call is openYou can now apply for the IRPWind Mobility Programme. Deadline is August 31 and this call is for IRPWind partners only. Call for mobility grants opens in Q2 The goal of the Mobility Programme for Researchers in IRPWind is contributing to overcoming fragmentation of research activities, programmes and policies across Europe, thus overcoming one of the barriers to reach an effective and successful European Research Area (ERA). The WP is designed towards that goal and has four main objectives and expected results: |
Organized by the research parties in NOWITECH in cooperation with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy and NORCOWE, this international event aims at presenting the best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms, both bottom fixed and floating. Be part of it and issue your abstract now for oral or poster presentation. |
A well accomplished NOWITECH Day 2014 Three awards were submitted during the event. Two awards for best poster and one award for sustained excellent academic achievements.
Ny rapport: Etablering av vindkraft i Norge Les om etableringen av vindkraftmarkedet i Norge i perioden 1999 - 2013, og hvordan ulike aktører utnyttet lokale fortrinn. Enova satser sterkt på introduksjon av ny energi- og klimateknologi i markedet, ikke minst ny vindkraftteknologi. I denne rapporten kan du lese Adm. direktør Nils Kristian Nakstad og Programdirektør Øyvind Leistad sine tanker om dette. Les også Lars Løken Granlund fra NORWEA og John O. Tande fra Sintef Energi sine kommentarer og vurderinger av norsk vindkraft og vindkraftteknologi. |
26th June: Fabio Pierella will defend his thesis "Experimental Investigation of Wind Turbine Wakes and Their Interaction" The trial lecture will take place on 26.06.14 at 10:15 in Rådsalen, Gløshaugen on the following rescribed subject:"Flow Control Methods for Wind Turbines". The public defence of the thesis takes place on 26.06.14 at 13:15 in Rådsalen, Gløshaugen.Professor Lars Sætran, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, has been the candidate's mainsupervisor. Professor Per-Åge Krogstad, Department of Energy and Process Engineering has been thecandidate's co-supervisor.
The NOWITECH day 2014 will take place in Trondheim Thursday 19th June from 10:00 – 15:30 |
NORCOWE and NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) are hosting a workshop on FAST on the 11th and 12th of September. FAST is a wind turbine computer-aided engineering software tool developed by NREL. The one-and-a-half-day workshop will be offered in English, at Rica Hotel Bergen. Lecturer is Ph.D. Jason Jonkman, Senior Engineer at NREL. The time is September 11: 0900-1700 |
International Reference Wind Turbine Workshop, NREL, 27-28 May, 2014 Reference designs provide the basis for evaluating new technologies. The NREL 5 MW reference wind turbine has been the standard in the wind energy research community. Other designs, like the DTU and NTNU 10 MW turbines, are recently released or in development. There is a need for a family of reference turbines that covers the range of design criteria of relevance to modern utility-scale wind turbines. There is also a need to extend the reference wind turbines into reference wind farms. During the design process, an estimate of the cost-of-energy is required in order to judge the merit of a given design. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss recent, ongoing, and planned reference wind turbine projects, and what opportunities exist for international collaboration. A rough agenda is attached, containing details on the content of the workshop. Guidelines for travel to NREL are also attached. For those who cannot make it to the workshop on 27 May, it is possible to participate by teleconference. An additional teleconference session is planned for the morning of 28 May, where the key points from the previous day will be summarized and discussed.
Contact at NREL: |
(Mai 2014) | |
Dr. Tania BracchiTania Bracchi successfully defended her PhD Thesis on the 8th May, and NOWITECH sends its congratulations. The thesis title is " Downwind rotor: studies on yaw stability and design of a suitable thin airfoil", and supervisor has been Prof Per-Åge Krogstad. From the abstract of the thesis: The advantages of the downwind rotor for a wind turbine are explored as design solution for large wind turbines offshore. One of the key solutions of decreasing the cost of offshore wind energy is increasing rotor size. Large conventional rotors could cause structural problems to the blades themselves and the other turbine components. A downwind turbine configuration could allow the use of more slender and hence lighter blades.
Industry meets Science, 1230 - 1600, NTNU, Trondheim 14 May 2014 Seminarrom 126, Varmeteknisk senter, Gløshaugen PÅMELDING Påmeldingsfrist: 12. mai. Arrangementet er gratis |
As part of the class Experts in Teams for the MSc study at NTNU teams of 5 students took the challenge of designing and building small scale wind turbines. They prepared all from scratch, from blades to generator, and achieved excellent learning and a well performing wind turbine. (April 2014) | ![]() Figure: Picture of wind turbine being tested in NTNU wind tunnel. The student team built a 1 m diameter turbine that generated 94 W at 10 m/s wind speed, corresponding to an efficiency of 20 %. |
The Remote Presence concept is developed further towards industrial application The NOWITECH PhD student Øyvind Netland has contributed to the development of the Remote Presence concept for unmanned inspection of offshore wind turbines. This activity is now taken further by the Norwegian SME Norsk Automatisering AS as partner in the EU project LeanWind. Further details are given in Norwegian. (April 2014) |
Utsirahøyden: - Staten bør betale for offshore strømnett og vindmøller Vi må bygge vindmølleparker til havs og sørge for at vi bygger et offshore strømnett, og Utsirahøyden er et ideelt sted å starte, mener Sintef-forsker. Men da må myndighetene ta makten fra oljeselskapene og selv ta grep. Stavanger Aftenblad, 4. april 2014 |
Øyvind Netland has earned his PhDNOWITECH scholarship holder Øyvind Netland submitted his thesis entitled: His main supervisor has been Associate Professor Amund Skavhaug. NOWITECH congratulates ! Ny kranteknologi som kan reparere offshore vindmøller i storm er utviklet av MACGREGOR I Kristiansand (3. april 2014)er utviklet av MACGREGOR I Kristiansand (3. april 2014) |
Suksess i EU: Gjennom å jobbe systematisk i mange år har Sintef Energi og FME Nowitech kommet inn i foraene der europeisk forskningspolitikk på havvind utformes. Norge har fått en sterk posisjon i mange EU-prosjekterpå havvind. www.forskningsradet.no 22 mai 2014. | |
![]() Temaet i år er grensesprengende forskning. Vi har veldige gode foredragsholdere på programmet, i tillegg er jo dette en viktig møteplass for alle som er interessert i energiforskning.Se invitasjonen
PhD defence, March 31st, Øyvind Netland, NTNU/NOWITECH: "Remote Inspection of Offshore Wind Turbines. THe defence is divided into two parts:
Dr Olimpo Anaya-Lara, University of Strathclyde, gave an invited keynote during EWEA'2014 presenting NOWITECH cooperation and works on HVDC offshore grids (13/3-2014) |
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Her er verdens største offshore-anlegg for høyspent likestrøm. Samme teknologi som skal brukes på Utsirahøyden, men kan være opptil 15 milliarder billigere. TU.no, (10. mars 2014) |
Blir ikke gode uten å bruke kunnskapen Kasper Sandal, siv.ing.-student ved NTNU skriver masteroppgave om offshore vindturbiner for NOWITECH. Han peker på at Norge har store muligheter og kompetanse innen offshore vindkraft, men etterlyser en satsning på dette som gir jobber i Norge. Les innlegg fra 14. februar 2014 |
Silisiumkarbid - Det er nærast som alkymi Ingen har klart å finne ut korleis ein kan termisk sprøyte silisiumkarbid som belegg på maskindelar. Ikkje før forskarar ved NTNU endeleg knekte koden. TU Forskning (4. mars 2014) |
Slik bruker dei eit av verdas hardaste stoff Eit av verdas hardaste stoff kan snart påførast som belegg på maskindelar ved hjelp av ein billig metode. Forskarar ved NTNU knekte koden. (Gemini.no, 4. mars 2014) |
GE's New DC Technology cuts costs of offshore wind electricity by 15 Pct (5 March 2014) |
Grønn Fases energipris Finn en løsning for fremtiden – vinn 50 000 kr! Går du og bærer på spennende idéer til miljøvennlige energiløsninger? For å nå en bærekraftig utvikling er verdenssamfunnet i dag avhengig av å finne nye løsninger for energipriduksjon og –forbruk. Samtidig som klimautslippene må reduseres, må det gis rom for energiutbygging, et dilemma som krever nye og innovative løsninger. For tredje gang deler nå Grønn Fase ut 50 000 kr til beste idé eller konsept som fremmer miljøvennlig energi, og utfordringen går til studenter og stipendiater ved høyskoler og universiteter i Norge. |
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Ta i bruk kunnskap og kreativitet, og få idéene ned på papiret!Hvem kan delta? Alle studenter og stipendiater ved norske høyskoler og universiteter kan sende inn forslag. Idéen kan godt være knyttet til eget master- eller doktorgradsarbeid, men det er ikke en forutsetning.Hva kan idéen være? Idéen kan være alt fra en revolusjonerende, teknisk løsning for hvordan man kan produsere mer miljøvennlig energi, til en idé om hvordan man kan endre folks holdninger til fornybar energi eller energisparing. Konseptet bør være nyskapende, og det må være gjennomførbart.Eierskap til idé Alle innsendte søknader behandles konfidensielt. Vinner-idéen vil bli presentert i generelle trekk under prisutdelingen. Alle søkere beholder eierskap til sin egen idé.Hvordan deltar man? Søknad sendes til innen 1. april 2014. Søknaden skal inneholde en kort beskrivelse av idéen (<100 ord), samt maksimalt en side med tekst for å utdype konseptet, og eventuelt en tegning/illustrasjon. Søknaden må også inneholde navn, arbeids-/studiested samt kontaktinformasjon. Juryen kan kontakte søkere for ytterligere informasjon. Juryen består av representanter fra akademia, forskning og næringsliv:
Vegard Laukhammer har skrevet en interessant artikkel om elektrifisering av sokkelen ved bruk av vindkraft i Dagens Næringsliv. Les artikkelen "Bruk Vindkraft". | |
Two posters at EERA DeepWind 2014, 22-24 January in Trondheim were awarded based on quality, relevance and presentation. The winners were:
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