NOWITECH - Research Network
Excellent research work directed towards industry needs is carried out. A total of 40 industry relevant results and innovations are in progress. This includes new software tools, processes and technology. The results of NOWITECH are migrating to commercial use, license agreements, and business developments.
NOWITECH Publications retrieved from CRIStin - Current Research Information System in Norway
The research is carried out in three work packages:
WPA: The objective is to enhance development of novel substructures for offshore wind through development, validation and use of numerical tools and experimental campaigns
WPB:The objective to contribute to the reduction of cost of energy of offshore wind power through development of new and cost-effective O&M concepts and strategies, through efficient and optimized use of material and coatings, and through development of new coatings and improved models for structures and materials
WPC: The objective is to develop technical solutions and methods for cost effective electromagnetic and electrical designs, controls, grid connection and power system integration of offshore wind farms.
The WPs are closely interlinked with a joint aim to provide new knowledge, tools and technologies as basis for industrial development and cost-effective offshore wind farms at deep sea. The research will mainly be of pre-competitive nature including a strong PhD and post doc programme.
See the annual reports and publications on results from the research work in the Work Packages.