Offshore Power Electronics
Competence building (KMB) projects funding by the Research Council of Norway includes education of researchers
This project has financed two scholarships for research education:
- PhD study on fault mechanisms and design measures to increase reliability and ruggedness of converters at the Technical University Chemnitz. The PhD-position was performed by Tilo Poller, and he defended his thesis in September 2014. The thesis will be made publically available in December 2014. Tilo is presently employed by Infineon in Germany.
- Post doc work within topologies and control strategies for medium voltage, high power converters at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The post.doc was completed by Salvatore D'Arco in 2012, with prof. Tore Undeland as main supervisor. Salvatore is presently a research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research.
Project and Master Students
The project has cooperated together with students from both NTNU and TU Chemnitz. The following students have been involved in the project:
- Xiao Di, NTNU Department of Electric Power Engineering
Project work autumn 2009 and Master work spring 2010
Subject: Reliable Power Electronics Converters for Offshore Wind Turbines and Subsea Oil Development
Supervisor: Prof. Tore Undeland - Andy Rudolph, Technical University Chemnitz
Internship from September 2009 to January 2010
Task: FPGA programming - Alexander Rössler, Technical University Chemnitz
Internship from September 2010 to January 2010
Task: Design and building HV test cell - Philipp Moritz, Technical University Chemnitz
Internship from September 2010 to January 2010
Task: Design and building HV test cell - Sveinung Floten and Tor Stian Haug, both NTNU
Project work 2009 and Master work 2010
Subject: Control system of three level NPC-converters
Supervisor: Prof Tore Undeland - Øyvind Bjerke Frank, NTNU
Project work in 2013 and master work in 2014
Subject: Developing the single chip tester and power cycle testing of single chip press-pack chips
Supervisor: Prof. Tore Undeland - Lukas Tinschert, Technical University of Chemnitz
BSc work 2012/2013 and master work 2013/2014
Subject: FE-analysis of press pack IGBTs and clamping system
Supervisor: Prof. Josef Lutz