Offshore Power Electronics
International Cooperation
Technical University Chemnitz has been engaged in the project as a sub-contractor
The project has engaged Prof. Josef Lutz (Head of Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Compatibility) and his scientific staff within the field:
Fault mechanisms and design measures to increase reliability and ruggedness of medium voltage, high power converters for offshore applications
The chair of prof. Lutz is highly recognized in the field of power electronics reliability. Among other things, he is the first author of the book Semiconductor Power Devices – Physics, reliability and design.
The TU Chemnitz main contributions to the project has been:
- Designing, building and commissioning of the 2000 A Power Cycling tester.
- PhD by Tilo Poller on combined thermal, mechanical and electrical simulations of semiconductors
- Various internships and exchanges from Chemnitz MSc-students to Trondheim.
SINTEF, NTNU and TU Chemnitz are also planning follow-up research activities within the field of power electronics reliability.