Offshore Power Electronics
Efficient converters
The objective of this task has been to examine how converter efficiency above 95 % can be achieved regarding topology related losses, switching frequency considerations, filter considerations, additional high frequency losses etc.
- Provide basis for calculating costs for achieving specific converter efficiencies.
- Analysis based on different options for optimizing plant efficiency and transmission system efficiency by utilizing advanced converter control options.
- Mainly by numerical analysis of case scenarios.
- Task has been closely coordinated with the control system activity
Summary of achievements
Tool for accurate simulation of operating dependent converter losses, except for magnetic core losses
- Including thermal impedance network for IGBTs, temperature dependency of switching characteristics etc.
- Converter loss/ efficiency related to topology, switching frequency, operating point etc.
- Support for the cost/efficiency calculations, even if specific demo analysis has not been carried out
- Further support for plant efficiency studies although specific demo analysis has not been carried out
Provided HV test cell for characterizing HV IGBT switching characteristics
- Control of DC-link voltage, switching current, chip temperature
Provided special equipment for IGBT conduction losses measurements
- Schuster Forward Voltage Measuring Device DM 659
Demo simulations (case studies) of IGBT converter losses/efficiency
- Applying measured data from HV test cell
- Applying thermal dynamic impedance network for accounting for chip hotspot temperature
Converter losses