Offshore Power Electronics
High voltage test cell
This laboratory facility was developed in the project based on the following needs and motivation:
- Loss characterisation of semiconductor devices
- Build infrastructure and develop methodology
- Use switching loss calculations as input for thermal cycling + reliability simulations
The cell can characterize switching dynamics of power transistors with the following ratings:
- 0-3.2 kV DC-link voltage (prepared for increase to 6,4 kV)
- Max pulse current: 2~2.5 kA -> IGBT limited
The test cell includes the following features and components:
- High voltage supply and control
- Interlocks and safety features
- Remote control for energisation /de-energisation
- External heater, can control the test object temperature from 0-140 ̊C
- Temperature sensor measuring inlet temperature of heating/cooling liquid
- Currently equipped with Westcode phase-leg (4500V 1800A) with IGBT gate drivers
- Testing inductor (50uH)